Su Han naturally did not pay attention to the interaction between Medusa and Zhao Ling'er. At this moment, he focused on the water monster god, with a very weird look on his face.

"This thing...can't be said to be useless? His existence allows the aura of the divine realm to condense into new lakes faster, allowing the strange beasts in the lakes to evolve faster……"

"Moreover, his fighting power is very strong! His basic combat power is much weaker than mine, but he is immortal."

Although he is weaker than Su Han, what kind of existence is Su Han? The extraordinary existence of a god! He can challenge the gods alone...

With the water monster god and his immortal body, it will definitely not be a problem to hold down a god in the future... In addition, he gave Su Han the complete law of the Five Elements Water System...

No matter which angle you evaluate it from, the evaluation of this water monster god's wild beast is without any moisture.

"……But compared with Zhao Ling'er, the difference is too far."Su Han is in pain. He hasn't been fighting recently, and developing the divine realm is the most important thing...

When it comes to farming, the law of life is much stronger than the law of water.

"That's all," Su Han shook his head, then thoughtfully,"But having said that, the water monster seems to be one of the ancient five element monsters in the world of Immortal Sword?"

"Well, a kind of monster represents an attribute... If Baiyue can collect the remaining four in the future."

Su Han's eyes flickered. There are four wild beasts again, and maybe the five of them together will produce a chain reaction? So that the divine realm will undergo another major transformation?!

Patting his cheek, Su Han put the chaos into chaos Putting aside his thoughts and regaining his energy, he said,"Let it go! It's better to have it, and it doesn't matter if you don't have it."

At this stage, Su Han is very Buddhist about the 227 sacrifices. Well, the main thing is that he has been in the stage of digesting the harvest. The harvest of this sacrifice has not been fully digested, and it came again... Although Su Han also knows, If he lets out what he says... In the ancient Eastern Kingdom, which has become involutionary in order to compete for limited cultivation resources, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of gods can be gathered to attack him. The

Ancient Eastern Kingdom is so miserable! In other words, the Eastern Three God Kingdoms , all miserable!

There is no way, most of the world's planes, sacrifices, believers and other resources are in the hands of the Western Gods...

In addition, the gods of the three eastern kingdoms are densely populated, and they are limited without involution and competition with each other. Resources have been provided for his growth, what else can he do?

Shaking his head, Su Han cast his gaze on the chat group.

Great Qin Zulong:"Even if you are an emperor, you may not be able to do whatever you want and do everything you want to do.."

The strongest man's deputy:"?"

The deputy of the most powerful man:"The emperor can't do whatever he wants!"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"No, I believe what other emperors say... But Your Majesty, you are the only emperor of all time! Just say something, and there is still Someone refuted it? You shouldn't have directly ordered others to drag the refuting person out and then slap him in the vegetable market."

Great Qin Zulong:"……I never kill innocent people indiscriminately. Ye Hei:"

Well, although Ying Zheng is called a tyrant, he really didn't kill many people. At least the princes and nobles left over from the Six Kingdoms didn't kill many people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many troubles in the future." Ye

Hei:"More importantly, he is a rare emperor who did not kill his heroes on the basis of his great talents... Well, the other one is Li Shimin!" So what, Miss Huang Rong, it seems that you are still affected by the books about Qin Shihuang, the demon in your world.".Ye Hei:"But having said that, from what I know, I think Ying Zheng can do anything in his own country. Who is so bold to obstruct you?"

Great Qin Zulong: Everyone recommends him to death. It is said that the Xia uses force to break the ban and really promotes cultivation among the people. In less than twenty years, the world of Qin will be in chaos."

Liu Peiqiang:"I personally feel... I can't say this wrong."

Liu Peiqiang fell into thinking. The ban on weapons still makes sense... just like the later generations of Yan and Huang also banned private ownership of weapons. If it weren't for this ban, I guess the Yanhuang Society would be similar to the free countries on the other side of the ocean...

Gunfights every day, happy every day! The dream of 300 million people to eat chicken!

Da Qin Zulong:"Huh, what they say makes sense, but they also have their own little thoughts. Don't you just want your family to control the cultivation method forever and then become human beings?"

Great Qin Zulong:"Cultivation will definitely be the fastest way to get ahead in our era in the future. juxtaposed with learning cultural knowledge……"

Great Qin Zulong:"But having said that, people who can practice must also have cultural knowledge! Otherwise, they won't even understand the techniques."

Ye Hei:"Yes, Liu Peiqiang... This is different from the situation over there.. Their cultivation of immortality is equivalent to the simplest and most direct way to let the class flow!"

Ye Hei:"If the people are completely locked up... it will only lead to the solidification of the class. Wait a few decades. Afterwards... the scene was simply desperate! The people who were extremely oppressed were powerless to resist, because the cultivators were too strong!"

Ye Hei:"I think His Majesty Ying Zheng must have finally solved this problem, right?"

Great Qin Zulong:"Well, as the Emperor of Great Qin, it is difficult for me to refute! But what if I am the Pope of the Creation God Sect?"

Great Qin Zulong:"The God of Creation is here, and I wish everyone to become a dragon and cultivate immortality! God! The order is above, and I must carry it out... Whoever dares to stop me, I can kill them with reasonable reasons."

Liu Peiqiang:"Hey! This is too outrageous."

Prince Zhu:"Indeed... some emperors didn't It is something that cannot be done, but it can be done with the status of the Pope. Damn it, when I think that the old man is acting as the acting pope in the country, and the real pope is wandering in the ocean alone. (Crying.jpg)", the prince of the Zhu family:"Wait... , Gu suddenly understood why the old man was so excited when he heard that I was leaving, and even kept volunteering to help me solve all the problems that blocked me... It turned out to be like this."

Zhu Gaochi gradually understood everything.

Liu Peiqiang:"Jiang is still the hot one! Zhu Di has been the emperor for so many years, and his balancing skills are still better than yours after all."

The prince of the Zhu family:"Crying with my head in my arms.jpg"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"My God is merciful! Oh my goodness! Shine on the earth."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"From today on, I am no longer the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult... but the leader of the Creation God Cult! Allow me to change my name.……"

Yao Lao:"?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Hey, hey, you should just do it like this. There are a lot of leaders and popes in this chat group, and if you change it, it will easily make others have opinions about you... Well, I am quite unhappy. In In addition, everyone is used to your name as the leader of the Moon Worshipers."

Liu Peiqiang:"Real.jpg"

Liu Peiqiang:"Huh? Wait, what are you... doing? Why do you suddenly do these things?"

Bye ? Leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect:"Of course it is because of me that the sacrifice was successful! I received the favor of God."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect:"Now, my Moon Worshiping Sect has merged with the Shushan Sect, the number one sect in heaven! Created a new The Creation God Cult... Moreover, Li Shimin also promised me to establish this Creation God Cult as the state religion! I will do my best to promote it in the Tang Dynasty. (Beautiful.jpg)" The deputy of the strongest man:"? Fuck, you actually really Sacrifice to God? You actually have devout faith in God?!"

Marco was completely shocked.

After the sacrifice was successful, he no longer doubted the faith of the leader of the Moon Worship Church.

After all, God has spoken personally and set the tone. If you have a heart of faith, even if your heart of faith is mixed with a heart that is shedding wool, God will turn a blind eye.

But if you go to sacrifice purely for the sake of harvesting wool and benefiting from it... Needless to say, I will release the God of Destruction on the spot to give you a good idea of ​​the punishment for lying to God and concealing it from God.

Moon Worshiping Leader:"What are you talking about? Our God is mighty, merciful to all living beings, magnanimous, and loving to the world... I can say five hundred idioms to describe His advantages! Who wouldn't love Him? Who would not respect God?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"What you said makes sense! Everyone loves the God of Creation, and everyone respects the God of Creation! Everyone believes in the God of Creation."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Huh, just five hundred! I can say five thousand!"

The Immortal Evil King:"?"

Gudazi:"Surprised! This is so powerful, I never expected it."

Ye Hei:"As we all know, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult removed himself from the sacrifice... after seeing other people offering sacrifices to the gods. , will keep urging people to upload videos. (Crazy hint.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"Brother, this is not a hint at all... You have made it clear, okay?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Of course I have already Ready. Please take a good look at God's immeasurable grace! God's immeasurable mercy! God's immeasurable courage!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, who was in a very happy mood, uploaded the video with a backhand. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - hiding, recommending and sharing!

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