Su Han raised his eyebrows, clicked download, and started watching.

Naturally, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult uploaded it when he escorted Zhao Ling'er... Although Su Han knew this part, he went to class later, so he was not clear about the details of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult to worship him.

As he watched, Su Han's expression became very subtle. And when he finished reading, he didn't know what kind of expression he should show. He could only say with emotion,"Bai Yue is indeed the villain!"

Glancing at the chat group, he found that it was also very lively at the moment.

Ye Hei:"It's so terrifying! You are the only one who can show God's grace and show mercy to the human world. You are the same as the big devil who burned, killed, looted, and forced girls into prostitution... (Heartfelt admiration.jpg-)

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island :"Yes, although I know that he sacrifices to the gods for the good of the world... but no matter how I look at it, I think he is the villain! And Li Shimin."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Obviously, the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty realized something was wrong after just chatting with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

The prince of the Zhu family:"Mr. Leader!" As expected of you."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Pfft haha... Well, Mr. Moon Worshiping! I'm not laughing at you, I just thought of something funny."

Leader of Moon Worshiping:"Damn you. All turn into the sun, moon and stars! Open the way to heaven for mortals! You actually completely ignore these things and only focus on me. Am I a villain? You are going too far." The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Ahem... I have something to say. Indeed."

Ye Hei:"? I remember, there was a saying that was only said a few times in the group, right? Miss Huang Rong actually became a party member so quickly!"

Liu Peiqiang:"After all, this kind of meme can be used in a certain It has been widely circulated in the times... They are all full of some kind of magic power."

Liu Peiqiang:"Don't digress the topic... Well, God is really powerful and terrifying. With every move, he created many demon gods and demon saints.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Those existences just stay in the void, as if they want to break the world. They even opened up their own world! To carry themselves for a short time."

Liu Peiqiang:"Let's not discuss the gods, just talk about these demon gods. Demon saints...they are existences that I can't even imagine."

Ye Hei:"+1."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Add a hammer! Can't you beat those monsters?"

Ye Hei:"Ordinary monsters, You can give it a try...but those who are a little higher are definitely better than me! As for the water monster and Nuwa...don't laugh when I talk about it. I watched them through the video and felt my calves shaking a little."

The Strongest Man Deputy:"Hey! I'm actually afraid of you?!"

Marco was shocked. At first, he thought that those demon saints and demon gods were very strong... that's all. Anyway, there are a lot of people in the chat group who are better than him!

However, it was different when Ye Hei said this.

Although Ye Hei only sacrificed once, his world was so special... It could almost be regarded as the highest level world among all the members of the chat group except God.

Because of this, God bestowed upon him immeasurable divine grace... the power that was enough to destroy the moon, making him the top powerhouse in the chat group. You. Chen Xiaoyu:"It's normal! Destroying a planet is the purest destructive force... As we all know, it is easy to destroy something, but it is difficult to create something.".Xiaoyu:"And that Nuwa, she actually transformed the whole world into the most suitable period for cultivation in ancient times. This reminds me of Zhu Gaochi's divine treasure... Although the two are not the same, they still have similarities."

Gu Da Zi:"Isn't the most terrifying thing about such a being with the power of creation! Isn't it created by the God who took pity on him as a sacrifice and gave him immeasurable divine grace?"

The Undead Evil King:"……"

The Crown Prince of the Zhu family:"Thinking about it like this is terrifying."

Immortal Miaomu Mountain:"Shangshen: Do you think I have to do it myself to create a divine treasure? No, I can create a large-scale divine treasure with my bare hands. People!"

Liu Peiqiang:"What scale? It is obviously changing the whole world! (I was so scared that my melons dropped.jpg)"

Yao Lao:"Am I the only one who thinks that the six realms of that world are miserable? In the future, there will only be the human world. People from the six realms go to fight in the six realms and grow! But even if the other six realms are bullied miserably, they have no way to fight back to the human world."

Ye Hei:"Yeah, it's just like fighting a dungeon."

Ye Hei:"Ahem....No kidding. To be serious, the battles are all outside the homeland! No matter how you fight, the infrastructure that is damaged is other people's, and the experience is yours. If you fail, just withdraw, because the enemy can't get through anyway. , then I can recover from my injuries and then continue to beat him."

The strongest man's deputy:"The more I talk about it, the more miserable I feel."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Huh! In ancient times, gods and demons regarded humans as livestock and ants. , it was humanity that was miserable at that time."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Now they feel miserable? Later, all the debts they owed must be paid back one by one!"

Ye Hei:"……I didn't expect you to love humans so much."

Yue Worshiping Cult Leader:"Yes... I didn't realize until now that love still exists in this world. It turns out that I still love human beings... This is all due to the grace of God. Only then did I realize! Don't let me go down the road of no return."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"I am currently chatting with Dugu Sword Master, um, the leader of the Shushan Sect who appeared in the previous video... I am chatting with him."

Ye Hei:"I know this... There was a psychological description in your previous video. He has a close relationship with the descendants of the previous generation of Nuwa.……"

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Yes, I know now...his first love was the descendant of Nuwa who was killed by me...Lin Qing'er."

Prince Zhu Family:"?"

Asking for flowers∪Chen


Gudazi:"You killed someone's first love? Wucao!"

Ye Hei:"Isn't the most cruel killed someone's mother and then dedicated your daughter to God? Oh my god. , the villain's sense of sight is getting stronger and stronger in you... No, this is not a problem of the sense of sight at all, you are 100% a villain."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"This is not important!"

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"……I feel like you still haven’t understood true love! This is important, okay?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked calm, and he expressed his own thoughts.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"He told me my original fate. In the future, there will be the next generation of Shushan leaders who will rise from humble beginnings and then come to my side and destroy all my plans... In the end, I will know love because of my father Shi Gonghu. But by then everything was already late, he would die, and so would I! Even the descendants of Nuwa will die"..............,

Liu Peiqiang:"?"

Ye Hei:"Wait... let me figure it out! What the hell? That Dugu Sword Master knew the future of your world? He knew it so clearly, as if he had read the script in advance? Wu Cao, and killed him Are you the next head of the Shushan Sect? Are you clearly arranged?!"

Ye Hei:"No, according to that, Shushan knows that you have committed a heinous crime! But they haven't taken action immediately to capture you. ? This famous and upright family may not necessarily be famous."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"No, no, he should have thought about solving this problem. For example, if he is talking to me now, if I don't appear, he will The descendants of Nuwa are trapped in the Demon Locking Tower. Although he said that there is a high probability of failure in the end!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Destiny cannot be violated! Haha, if I hadn't joined this chat group, if it hadn't been for the mercy of God, I would have ended up Just a fish in a fishing net!"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Because of this, I hate the so-called fate like never before! I also know about the ancient times, after the chaos of gods and demons, and I hate that era from the bottom of my heart."

Peach Blossom The young master of the island:"Okay... God gave you a Tianhu gambit against the gods and demons of the six realms, and then you just aroused hatred for the gods and demons of the six realms... I think the future of the six realms will really be It is possible that the gods and demons will perish."

Ye Hei:"Gods and demons and so on... I think it may be suitable as a sacrifice to the gods? (Rub hands.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"But I still think it is outrageous! My first love was How could the matter of killing be given up so easily? Is this the head of the Shushan Sect who has seen through the way of heaven? It is really funny!" The

Immortal Evil King said:"Severing the love thread with a sword, understand it! This is a state of mind."

As soon as Shi Zhixuan finished speaking, two crisp prompts suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Wallfacer has successfully joined the chat group of all realms"

"Ding! Wutian Buddha has successfully joined the chat group of all realms."_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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