After a long time, the old principal finally calmed down again. He stared at Su Han with an inexplicable expression for a long, long time.

"Well," the old principal nodded slightly,"your Dao Law is perfect, there is really no problem...Then, the next key thing is the believers and luck."

"Believers can only collect them by themselves. If they are lucky, Jinling Academy can reluctantly collect some.……"

"I'm ready!" Su Han interrupted the old principal,"The number of my followers, combined with the luck I have prepared, should be able to fully tap my potential."

"I came to you... because I heard that there is a special breakthrough place in Jinling Divine Academy, which can effectively increase the success rate of breaking through to the gods."

The old principal took a deep look at Su Han. Although Su Han's words were gentle and indifferent, the amount of information revealed in them was extremely huge. The lunar sun is comparable to the immortal Buddhism and the laws of heaven in the ancient White Elephant Kingdom......Well, the law of life is also no worse than the law of heaven and the law of lunar sun...

For ordinary people, as long as there is one, it is the perfect embryo of the god king. There is even hope of touching the main god... But the young god in front of him, that Needless to say, there are thousands of other ways. Five of them can even be ranked among the top laws in the world... Has such a weirdo really appeared in history? The old principal looked dazed for a moment. He wasn't sure... or rather, he had never heard of it.

More importantly, the student Su in front of him now vowed that he could tap out all the potential of these laws.……

"It's really scary... I'm afraid you have more opportunities than I imagined! Seeing that Su Han wanted to speak, the old principal shook his head,"No need to say more, the opportunity belongs to you." And it’s crucial! You just need to know it yourself...don't tell anyone else, not even me."

It's still the same sentence. The world of gods is too big and too old.

Even some gods got lucky and bumped into a world with billions of lives on the road......have all happened.

Now I can only say that the chance of such a thing happening is pitifully small, 647 smaller than winning a lottery worth hundreds of millions in the previous life... But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to happen.……

"As for... the place you mentioned that can assist in breakthrough, there is indeed... but how to say it?"The old principal looked a little confused.

"What's wrong?"Su Han was a little confused.

After thinking about it for a long time, the old principal finally let out a long sigh and no longer tried to hide it. He pointed downwards with a look of resignation,"Actually, this is where we are now."

"Um?!"Su Han was startled, and then he reacted and looked at the collapsed thatched house in stunned silence.

Isn't it? It can't be as he imagined?!

"Ahem," the old principal coughed awkwardly,"but even though it collapsed, it can still be used after being repaired. In fact, it’s not a treasure place, it’s just that I’m relatively strong. This place has a little bit of my good fortune, so it’s a little helpful for people like you who want to make a breakthrough."

Su Han's eyelids twitched a few times, and there were some waves in his heart.

Is this the real strong man at the top of the world of gods?!

Su Han had to admit that the rather cynical old man in front of him might be him. Since coming to this world... the strongest person he has seen!

However, Su Han's emotion only lasted for a moment. Soon, he looked at the old man with a dull expression, and took a hammer from nowhere, and a pile of Nails, a lot of rope... knocking and patching everywhere, and tying them constantly. It took him about ten minutes to patch up the collapsed room.

"Just break through here."The old principal nodded seriously. He turned around and walked out of the room.

After Su Han was silent for a moment, he didn't know what kind of expression he should show. In the end, he could only sigh.

Then, Su Han looked serious and began to check. The situation in this room.

Although he did trust the old principal, he had to be cautious in life! Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing the heart... If you are careless, who knows when you will really fall into trouble?!

Su Han confirmed several times and finally He breathed a sigh of relief. The old principal really had abnormal thoughts, so he definitely didn't attack him directly... Otherwise, he would have seen some clues before and wouldn't have acted so freely. So the only possibility of the abnormal thoughts was monitoring.

And monitoring , even if there is a huge difference in strength between him and the old principal, he can still find it... In the final analysis, looking for surveillance is actually a matter of carefulness... Buqi, this thatched house was already in tatters, and it became even worse after all the efforts before. There are only so many places where you can hide the traces of control... Fu Suhan opened the divine realm and enveloped the entire thatched house. In this way, if someone from the outside world wants to use his spiritual mind to peek and touch his divine realm, he will definitely discovered by him

"The advance preparation has been completed."Su Han sat cross-legged on the old principal's bed, and he lowered his eyes,"Then, it's now."

Putting his palms together, a golden dragon of luck naturally appeared in Su Han's body, and then wrapped around Su Han's body.

He let out a high-pitched dragon roar!

Three thousand purple energy burst out, this is the sky The aura of luck lingered around Su Han's body at this moment, making him look like an unparalleled divine king.

Su Han's spirit was infinitely sublimated at this moment, and he seemed to hear the voice of his more than 1.534 million followers. Prayers... From the world that covers the sky with one hand, to the world of the bright moon of the Qin Dynasty, from the world of Chen Long's Adventures, to the world of the Three-Body Problem...

Su Han's thoughts enveloped all worlds, and he even felt that... now he could concentrate on hundreds of millions. Use it to listen to the prayers of hundreds of millions of believers at the same time...

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that only a moment has passed.

Su Han slowly opened his eyes, and the golden dragon of luck and three thousand purple energy dissipated.

He made a breakthrough!

There was no earth-shattering! There was no harmony between heaven and earth!

Just like drinking a glass of water or eating a meal, everything happened naturally. After all, this is a star of gods, and there are too many gods here... Step out This step was really not a big deal.

Immediately, Su Han stood up.

He stepped out and instantly entered his own divine domain.

No! This is no longer the divine domain. This is a truly vast world!

It is moving in an extremely powerful way. The terrifying speed devoured the energy in the endless void, and then crazily expanded the edge of the world...

Su Han had heard a theory in his previous life. That is, the universe is actually expanding at a speed exceeding the speed of light, so even if If you fly at the speed of light, you will probably never reach the edge of the universe...

And the same is true for the world of God's Domain at this moment... Its edges are spreading at the speed of light.

The area of ​​Su Han's God's Domain is expanding every moment....Of course, this is just an expansion of the pure area. If the Divine Realm is swallowing void energy, with good luck, it can swallow a large amount of matter...

These substances will naturally be absorbed by the Divine Realm, and then be absorbed in the newly created void. forming stars……

"It is said that the longer the gods live, the larger the world of gods will be! The stronger the strength. I used to wonder what was going turned out to be like this." Su Han sighed with emotion.

But then, Su Han smiled hoarsely. Compared with ordinary gods, the divine realm before his breakthrough was too big... Not to mention, he allowed the divine realm to possess it in advance because of the law of lunar sun. Sun and Moon...

As a result, Su Han's Divine Realm has been transformed into the Divine Realm. Its area is equivalent to those of the old gods who have accumulated in this realm for hundreds of years...

Moreover, the resources within Su Han's Divine Realm are not those of the old gods at all. What the gods can match...

At this moment, with Su Han's breakthrough, the Divine Realm is frantically absorbing void energy... The energy is so surge that it is almost condensed into substance and then sweeps into every corner of the Divine Realm world...

All living creatures in the Divine Realm... From the most common alien beasts to the highest-level sacred beasts, the holy beasts, they all knelt down on the ground at this moment and prayed devoutly...

They felt as if they were soaked in fairy liquid at this moment......The cultivation level is increasing almost uncontrollably.

The divine realm has turned into the world, and Su Han's will has turned into the heavenly way of this world! The laws he has understood have truly become a part of this world!

It's like the beginning of heaven and earth. , the most abundant spiritual energy, the easiest to understand the rules, the easiest to be single, like an innate god or demon...

Su Han's breakthrough is also a great blessing for the internal members.……

"Um? This is!"Randomly scanning the situation inside the God's Domain, Su Han suddenly noticed something, and surprise appeared on his face.

Because he suddenly discovered that there were thousands of ninth-grade spiritual beasts in this area.Breaking through and becoming a holy beast... Of course, the most important thing is that Medusa and Xun'er also successfully broke through that bottleneck at this moment and reached the level of being on par with the upper gods...

As for Zhao Ling'er, she is also sublimating and progressing... At least from the stage of the upper god approaching the middle stage, he jumped directly to the middle to late stage... his combat power is directly catching up with the water monster god.

As for the water monster god? This guy just accumulated a little more wealth! It's also normal.

If the desolate beast goes one step further, if it is so easy... then I guess the God King, the main god, must have a desolate beast, or even a great beast...

After thinking for a while, Su Han stepped forward and appeared directly in the central heavenly palace. middle.

He flicked his sleeves, the void twisted, and Medusa and Xun'er appeared in an instant with surprised expressions on their faces.

Medusa was stunned for a moment, obviously remembering yesterday's experience, and her cheeks instantly turned red. But Xun'er reacted instantly.

After a brief silence, she took a deep breath, leaned down and knelt on the ground,"Thank you... and I'm very sorry!"

"My original intention was to practice hard... and then break that bottleneck. Be that person who can help you...but alas, I let you down! In the end, I even needed your divine grace to help me take this step."Xun'er's voice was choked with sobs. She really felt sad.

After a brief silence, the redness on Medusa's face turned pale, and she knelt on the ground.

"You guys!"Su Han couldn't laugh or cry. He could blame himself for this, which he never expected.

After thinking about it, Su Han slowly moved forward, then stretched out his palm and gently rubbed the hair of the two women. He said softly,"I have never been disappointed in you."

After a short pause, Su Han's expression became serious. He spoke every word, and his words were like the collision of gold and stone, full of sonorous sounds,"Then, you are willing, from today on... to upgrade from my Holy Spirit to my God.!"

"Are you willing to stand beside my throne, fight for me, be with me, be immortal with me, and be eternal with me?"

Even though he already knew the answer, Su Han still asked the two of them very seriously.

The essence of the matter of upgrading to god... is to conclude a contract! And this kind of contract, converted to the previous life, is even more expensive than marriage - The marriage must be more noble and stronger...

After all, this is the true sharing of glory! Living and dying together!

"We do."The two women looked at each other and said in unison.

The corners of Su Han's lips raised slightly, and he spoke softly. Although it seemed that he did not use any force, it clearly rang in the ears of every creature in the God Realm. His words, It is firmly imprinted into the very foundation of this divine world and becomes part of the order.

"Xun'er, starting from today, you belong to God for me! Name given: Yan! Its name is, God of Fire!"

"Medusa, from today onwards, you belong to God for me! Given number: Heavenly Snake! His name is Snake God!"

After a short period of silence, the expressions of all the beings in the God Realm changed dramatically.

They kowtowed again and spoke almost at the same time, their voices vibrating the God Realm,"Congratulations to the God of Fire! Congratulations to the Serpent God! Achieve a divine body! Be with God, be immortal with God!"_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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