After chatting with the two women for a few words, Su Han used his divine power to move the palace of the two women to the center of the Heavenly Palace. Then the two were sent away.

Sitting on the throne of the Heavenly Palace, Su Han's eyes flickered. After scanning the changes in the divine world, he was relieved, and then focused on himself.

And after looking around, he discovered something very interesting

"The true condensation of my godhead was successful."Su Han stared at the divine grid in his soul's divine sea. This divine grid has more than three thousand facets, and these facets are large and small. This symbolizes the more than three thousand avenues that Su Han currently understands.

The larger the area of ​​the facets, the stronger the law.

The two top facets symbolize the two laws of the sun and the lunar yin.

The lunar sun and the sun, alone, can be called the most advanced in the world. The most terrifying thing is that these two methods can complement each other, which increases their power geometrically.

"No, what does this feel like?"Suddenly realizing something, Su Han's expression became subtle.

Because he suddenly realized that the Godhead seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the entire God Realm... No, it should be said that the Godhead itself is the vast God Realm.

"hiss!"Su Han took a breath of cold air, his eyes shone with an inexplicable luster, and combined with a lot of information in history, he understood something instantly,"I see... No wonder the godhead is condensed sooner, the more beneficial it will be. It turns out that the condensation of the divine personality symbolizes the absolute fit between God and the divine world!

In fact, in the ancient times, the most barbaric era, after the gods under the gods fought, the winner would directly use his own divine domain to completely devour the opponent's divine domain and turn it into a part of his own foundation... The divine domain is the foundation of God. , was destroyed as a result, which was equivalent to the death of a god... Su Han was very surprised at the time, why was he restricted to those under the gods?

But now after condensing the divine personality, Su Han understood... At the stage of gods, the connection between gods and the divine world has become truly close.

In this case, even if there are gods fighting...the victor cannot plunder the opponent's god realm, but can only kill and destroy the opposite god and his god realm together.

Of course, it might happen in ancient times that gods under the gods would kill in order to plunder the divine domain, so there is no need to think about it now. This is an absolute capital crime...

No matter how strong you are, you cannot resist the power of this powerful country composed of gods.

Strength, peace, security, prosperity, development...this is the ancient Eastern country now

"God, everything is really different."Su Han was filled with emotion. He thought of the second war between the East and the West that year... No wonder the gods are the mainstay. Not only because of their strength... but also because if the middle gods and upper gods are allowed to go to the battlefield, the enemy will kill them. They can usurp the divine realm, which is beneficial to them. The more they fight, the stronger they become. But fighting against beings above the gods is an absolute loss.

If you win, you will gain nothing, and you may be seriously injured. In the divine realm Broken! After losing the battle, needless to say, the divine world died together with the gods, and there was nothing left.

Shaking his head, Su Han thought, he returned to the world of gods again, and gathered himself and now spread to the entire thatch. The divine projection of the house.

Then, he opened the door of the thatched house and walked out.

The old principal frowned. He kept pacing at the door repeatedly with a little worry on his face. When he saw Su Han coming out , he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized something, surprise appeared in his eyes, and he said in a trembling voice,"It's done? Still not done? It doesn't matter if you don't succeed, you are still young. The old principal did not say victory, but spoke defeat first, comforting him in a calm voice,"Actually, even if you are twenty... no, Newton broke the record back then and became a god at the age of forty." Einstein was even more outrageous. He became a god three years after Newton, but he became a god two years earlier than Newton. Thirty-eight took him twelve years to break through to godhood."

Yu" But how old are you? In fact, I have always felt that your breakthrough now is a bit! Hui

Su Han smiled and released his divine aura..In an instant, three thousand divine radiances lingered around his body, making him look like a divine king walking in the human world...

Yes, even though he had just made a breakthrough, there was still a vague sense of that kind of power in his movements. The aura of the God King reigns over the vast world, controlling everything!

The old principal took a breath. He froze on the spot, staring closely at Su Han, his lips trembling,"You... your mother, are you really done?!" The old principal used more foul language today than he had used in a year. There are many.

Although Su Han asked him to break through the gods before, he was a little excited, but after walking around outside twice, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. How could it be so easy to break through the gods?!

So he was already prepared for Su Han's failure... He had already thought of the words of comfort, and he immediately attacked Su Han as soon as he came out... How could he have thought that it would really happen?!

And it’s not the kind of forced breakthrough!

This kind of person has the image of a god-king when he first becomes a god. Were Einstein and Newton so awesome back then? The old principal has never heard of it

"Okay, great."After stammering for a long time, the old principal only said this. In fact, he didn't know what else he could say now.

"Yes, that’s right!"Suddenly thinking of something, the old principal hurriedly patted his cheek. He didn't even take out his spiritual phone, but directly used his spiritual power to prepare to send news to the outside world. However, he paused again and turned to look at Su Han."Student Su, are you going to hide the news about your breakthrough?"

"So what if you conceal it? So what if you don’t hide it?"Su Han raised his eyebrows, a little curious.

"Hiding it, you can take this opportunity to hibernate and grow for a while. By the time you truly become the King of Gods, the situation will be complete! Even if there are really Western lunatics who are hostile to me in the East, it would be difficult to kill you in advance and attack you with the consciousness of dying together..."

The old principal took out a breath and said seriously,"As for not hiding it! Officials will definitely publicize this matter... to boost public sentiment."

"After all, now is an important moment for the East to catch up with the West. A young prodigy who has surpassed the West can itself serve as an important symbol of the current era... Not to mention, you are not an ordinary transcendent."

Yes, Su Han is not at all superior to many wizards in the West of his generation. He has trampled under his feet those most respected figures in the West, unparalleled figures in history, and crushed them repeatedly... This has done almost no harm to the self-esteem of the West. It is destructive.

In fact, when Su Han broke through to the upper realm at the age of eighteen, he had already crushed the self-esteem of the West... But now, after all, some time has passed, and the West controls fishing boats...

Now the company in the East - The gods, who have obtained the power of faith from the Western fathers, have begun to wash their hands and express their opinions on the god website. It is nothing to talk about higher gods. Only when you talk about the gods can you say that you have grown up. And even if you reach the gods, it is possible. It's just picking on people's wits, and can't come up with any brilliant theories, and it can't change the fate of the country. This era is completely different from that era, etc...

To be honest, the old principal was very angry when he saw this, and he wished he could kill all these national thieves. Drag them out and beat them to death with your own divine power...

But the ancient Eastern country has now relaxed the environment of speech... He can only be out of sight and out of mind.

But now... in the same year, he is still eighteen years old! God!

This news is revealed... Even if there are posters in the West who want to paste it, they can't do it at all...

Numb, anyone with a brain can see that Su Han is obviously beyond the great talents in Western history. At least one level of genius god……

"Well, let’s reveal it."Su Han smiled slightly. Conceal it? Conceal it with a hammer! He was ready to show off the technology of making heroic spirits, but he also concealed it. A rabbit can hide in the grass, but can an elephant hide it? It's better to stand up openly. Face everything.

Besides, he is still planning to continue to stay in Jinling Academy for a while... Anyway, there is a chat group, and he has no shortage of resources. Who can come here to kill him? Someone is really bold enough to do this, not to mention the old man in front of him Principal, the ancient Eastern countries are going crazy!

Seeing the old principal sending the message with surprise on his face, Su Han thought for a while and added,"That……"


"What? What's the matter with you? Say it directly!"The old principal frantically used his divine power to send messages. Generally speaking, with the power of gods, it is completely possible to transmit messages and communicate across hundreds of millions of miles... In this case, why do you need a divine mobile phone?

The reason is simple, because Using divine power to contact requires the power of faith and effort. Laziness is the driving force for the progress of gods... Aren't artifacts just to bring convenience to gods?

But it can also be seen that the old principal doesn't even take his mobile phone now and directly sends messages , how excited he felt. While informing the official, he frantically used his divine power to contact the principals of top schools in places as far away as Kyoto and Shanghai, and then harassed them like crazy!

Hahaha, aren’t your schools ranked among Are you above me?

Numb, I have an eighteen-year-old god here! He is eighteen years old... and he has the image of a god-king as soon as he breaks through! Do you have it? I know you don't, I don't want you to answer, I am I came here to show off to you on purpose! I can do this for three hundred years.

Feeling the feedback from the other big guys and feeling their words, I was shocked and disbelieving at the beginning, and slowly turned sour... Then he gradually went crazy after being constantly harassed by him, and then became furious and scolded him as an old man and an unworthy man... The old principal's grin became wider and wider. The more these guys scolded him, the more refreshed he became.!

"Can you prepare a lecturer meeting for me? I'm ready to explain my theory! A very important theory."

Su Han stared at the old principal and said softly,"The importance of this theory may not be as important as modern physics, but I believe that its purely academic value will not be worse than the theory of relativity! And... not only in academic terms, it also has great significance in reality. It can be promoted immediately and effectively affect every god in the ancient Eastern countries, making them stronger."

The old principal's movements paused... Even the angry words of other principals in his mind could no longer attract him.

He turned his head stiffly, stared at Su Han, and first picked out his ears,"You... …Did you just say something? I must have heard it wrong... right?"

Su Han didn't answer, just stared at the old principal quietly. Gradually, the old principal seemed to confirm something, and his expression became horrified and disbelieving._Fei

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