The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang City.

In an inn, Shi Zhixuan sat here quietly, sipping tea and scanning the scene of people coming and going on the street.

At this moment, this floor of the inn is empty... This is a stronghold of the Demon Sect, and was ordered by Shi Zhixuan not to accept guests today.

Suddenly, a chubby figure silently came up from downstairs. He arrived in front of Shi Zhixuan in a few steps, with a naive smile on his face.

"Brother Shi... no, it should be the leader! Leader, our plan was very successful... Taking the news of your return to the world as an introduction, and coupled with my rather thin side, now, many masters of the Demon Sect have been summoned."

"I got the news... Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan, Tianjun Xiying, Pichen Rongfengxiang, Ziwu Sword Zuoyouxian... and that retrograde Shi Youniaojuan! They are all here, and many of them bring the power of their own sects.……"

"However, Demon Commander Zhao Deyan has now fled outside the pass and defected to the Turks, so he may not be able to catch up with this grand occasion."

This honest fat man is none other than Fat Jia Anlong, one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect!

"If he can't catch up, he will suffer!"Shi Zhixuan lowered his eyes, his voice did not waver at all.

"Yes! An Long nodded repeatedly, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes,"The God of Creation is real... Let them come over and give them the qualification to believe in the God of Creation!" It's their honor"

"If you don’t want to believe in it, it must be because you don’t like the God of Creation in your heart! This is blasphemy and should be killed!"As Anlong spoke, the enthusiasm on his face became more and more intense.

Shi Zhixuan:"……"

Shi Zhixuan's spirit has returned to normal at this moment, and in addition to the fact that he has been exaggerating a lot in the chat group during this period... He is no longer the evil king before, and he can also focus on civilians...

After all, in the future, History has fully proved the power of the common people... and those who believe in God must live a much better life than before, so that they can get more favor from God... This is what he heard Huang Rong say.

Looking at the issue from the perspective of civilians, the senses are naturally different. So Shi Zhixuan felt sincerely at this moment, no wonder Cihang Jingzhai and Buddhism are more comfortable in this world than the demon sect... Do n't mention whether they are hypocritical, you are always shouting and killing... Common people face Buddhism and Cihang Jingzhai , it is definitely easier than facing the Demon Sect.

"change! The Demon Sect needs a major overhaul." Shi Zhixuan said to himself in his heart. After all, if the Demon Sect cannot let people get close to it, how can it make a huge number of people willingly believe in God? Suddenly

, a sinister voice suddenly sounded, vague and uncertain,"I I was the dead fat guy who followed your orders and set up a dead end! But I really didn’t expect that you would actually come... Shi Zhixuan, Shi Zhixuan, you are seeking your own death."

"Queen Yin, I didn’t expect you to be the first one to come?"Shi Zhixuan raised his eyebrows.

"Shi Zhixuan you……"Zhu Yuyan was very angry at Shi Zhixuan's calm attitude.

"Queen Yin, although you are now known as the greatest master of the Demon Sect! But you and I both know who the real number one master is?"Another cold voice sounded, this was You Niaojuan's voice,"How about we kill Shi Zhixuan together?"

"How can you kill Shi Zhixuan?"Zhu Yuyan's uncertain voice was laced with a touch of sarcasm.

"However, it’s not you and me who are coming this time! Instead, all the masters from the Demon Sect gathered together……"

"I have noticed the auras of many elders of the Yinkui Sect. You must be here to teach, right? Taking into account the power behind me and the power of all the comrades present...after all, it is just Shi Zhixuan."

Shi Zhixuan's expression was cold, and he counted gently,"One, two, three...five! Well, except for the one outside the pass, all eight masters of the Demon Sect are indeed here."

Shi Zhixuan and Fat Jia Anlong are also one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect.

"In this case, it's time for me to tell you my plan," Shi Zhixuan stood up with a gentle smile on his face,"Everyone, do you want to... unite the magic gates under my hands? And what about believing in a supreme god?"

"What I believe in is the God of Creation." Shi Zhixuan clasped his hands together with a pious look on his face,"He is the God who created the world! Possessing immeasurable divine power! At the same time, He regards Shizuo as His son, generous and loving!"

Shackles. When you have a glimpse of the road ahead in the future... When you have an eternal appearance and a long life!" The scene fell into a brief silence. Then, Ziwu Sword Zuo Youxian's sarcastic voice suddenly sounded,"Hahahaha...Shi Zhixuan, Shi Zhixuan! I have heard a long time ago that you were tricked by those bald donkeys in Buddhism, which caused your mental state to be very bad. With great cultivation Retreat! I was inevitably a little surprised before, but now it seems that you are even worse than what outsiders guessed."

"The head of your evil king...I want it!"

"Why bother?"Shi Zhixuan sighed quietly. He raised his palm abruptly, and the terrifying internal power suddenly broke out. An indescribable suction force swept around him.


"This feeling... the magic field? Impossible, how could Shi Zhixuan imagine this move to such a level?!"


"This is a trap! Run quickly."

A sharp or frightening voice suddenly sounded. The five masters of the Demon Sect were sucked in by him. Then, Shi Zhixuan's palm pressed down lightly.

The five masters crashed to the ground, directly penetrating the floor. , fell from the second floor to the first floor.

The first floor is now full of tea guests...but these are all disguised by the masters of the magic sect. As soon as the leaders of each sect give the order, they will rush forward to surround and kill the evil king! The change that occurred at this moment shocked everyone at the scene.

"master?!"Wanwan looked at one of the women whose veil was stained red by the blood spit from her mouth, with panic and horror on her face.

"!"Zhu Yuyan almost squeezed out a few words from between her teeth.

"Come all come! What are you running for?"Shi Zhixuan smiled dumbly. He suddenly opened his hands, and the terrifying and surging internal power swept in all directions. There were hundreds of people present, and each one of them was a top master of the Demon Sect. Even if you look at the world, they are definitely not weak.

However, here For a moment, they faced Shi Zhixuan, who exploded with terrifying internal power. They felt as if they were carrying a heavy mountain on their backs at this moment... It was difficult to move.

What kind of cultivation is this? It can be said to be incredible.

Shi Zhixuan His face was calm. If he wasn't so strong, how could he gather all the people to fight in one battle? As early as the first sacrifice, he had already made up for his shortcomings and returned to the realm of a great master. After that, he sacrificed day and night, and his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds...

The most important thing is that he participated in the activities of God before, chanting for twelve hours, five times the divine grace... In addition, he contacted Fat Jia Anlong and ordered the disciples of several sects he could control, as well as his own power The villages that can be affected... let them collectively sacrifice to the gods.

In the end, he ranked second from the bottom... It's a shame, but the gods gave him a hundred years of immortal power. It's not the inner strength of martial arts, but the immortal power!

This Let him directly break the bottleneck of the Grand Master realm!

Now he even has a feeling that as long as he wants, he can break the void... Of course, generally speaking, breaking the void is mandatory. Even Shi Zhixuan almost rose to the level at the beginning He ascended to heaven...

But then he realized that after reciting the sacrificial method again, he immediately stabilized his breath... Then, the world no longer felt like it was forcing him to ascend!

Without hesitation, Shi Zhixuan was determined to stop. Staying in the human world. Although it is said that the broken void is the ultimate pursuit of martial arts... But who knows what the other world will be like if it is really broken?

What if there is no one in that world! How can he spread the belief of God?!

Especially Bird Juan's face was filled with panic and fear. He knelt on the ground and screamed,"Evil King, spare my life! I am willing that from today onwards, only your horse’s head will be the saddle!"

You Niaojian was really scared. He was the apprentice of the Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian. Although he was very unsatisfactory, he had also seen the terrifying majesty of his master Lei Lei when he was angry. At this moment, Shi Zhixuan, who was smiling, The sense of oppression brought to him is no less than that of Xiang Yutian.

But his master is a first-level figure in Shattered Void... Shi Zhixuan, isn't it said that he has a schizophrenia and his strength has greatly diminished? Why can he suddenly show such an almost... Shattered Void level one mythical power

"Evil King, I advise you not to make mistakes! Bian Fuhua's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He trembled and said,"There are many heroes from the Demon Sect present!" If you are braveTo do this to equivalent to making the entire Demon Sect an enemy! Even if you are Shi Zhixuan……"

"……Shut up!"Zhu Yuyan's eyes were splitting. She knew that Bian Fulai was not a smart person, but she really didn't expect that Bian Fulai would be so stupid as to be so stupid......0 over 0

What kind of place is the Demon Gate? This is a place where the weak eat the strong!

Many masters of the Demon Sect gathered at the scene... Shi Zhixuan didn't even take action. He relied on the release of his inner power to simulate something similar to the Heavenly Magic Field, and suppressed them... Then, Shi Zhixuan really used his best skill of immortality. Seal method. And how terrifying would it be to attack with all your strength?

By that time, I'm afraid it won't be a problem to destroy the Demon Sect alone. In this situation, you actually threatened him?

However, Zhu Yuyan finally spoke. Shi Zhixuan flicked his fingers with a smile on his face, and a burst of internal force suddenly penetrated Bian Fuhua's head. He fell to the ground with a bang, and died cleanly.

"Who else is dissatisfied now?"Shi Zhixuan glanced at the crowd with a smile, but no one said anything... They were either forced by Shi Zhixuan's strength, or they were afraid that Shi Zhixuan would kill them all with a single disagreement... At this moment, they all bowed their heads. Got it

"That's good," Shi Zhixuan said with a smile,"I'll say my purpose again... Here, it's actually to unify the Demon Sect and then believe in the God of Creation... huh? It seems that there are still people at the scene who are dissatisfied? But it doesn't matter, you will beg me to unify later."

Zhu Yuyan's face was cold. Please? Impossible. If you Shi Zhixuan threatens and induces her, then there is still a chance that she will bow her head considering the future of Wanwan and the Yinkui sect.……

"But before that, I hope you will recite an offering with me! Shi

Zhixuan scanned the crowd and said gently,"If you don't read it, you will die.""

"Moreover, you must recite it very devoutly and devote all your body and mind to it... Otherwise, your death will be worse than if you don't recite it."

Everyone's pupils at the scene were dilated and they were covered in sweat. They felt that the aura pressing on their bodies was getting stronger...

You Niaojian was going crazy. Damn it, it turns out that the one before was not your limit. ? How strong are you? You can't be stronger than Xiang Yutian, right?

The next moment, the sense of oppression they felt disappeared.

Shi Zhixuan sat casually on a chair, closed his eyes and recited the sacrificial text. And the fat Jia Anlong next to him also knelt on the ground with a face full of enthusiasm, chanting along...

No one at the scene wanted to escape, and no one showed hostility...

They were respectful or lying on the ground. , or stood blankly, forcing a pious expression on their faces, and then chanted... They knew very well that with the power shown by the evil king just now, even if they were allowed to escape for ten minutes, they would not be able to escape. Can't escape the evil king's pursuit...death..._

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