A thousand-word long article, everyone finished reciting it quickly. And at the next moment, their bodies began to tremble violently.

Their spirits seemed to have fallen into chaos at this moment, staring at a majestic and incomprehensible existence.

He stood quietly in the boundless chaos, his eyes were the sun and the moon, and his breath transformed the world.

He didn't move, but standing there seemed to hold up the entire chaos...

Finally, everyone woke up. Their expressions were dull, still in silence in the previous scene, unable to extricate themselves.

"No, this is not true."You Niao Juan said in a gloomy tone. He raised his head and stared at Shi Zhixuan, and said incoherently,"How could there be a real god... That is, that is an illusion! Yes, there is a spiritual method in the Heavenly Demon Strategy... Shi Zhixuan, I didn't expect that your cultivation level has reached such a state! you……"

You Niaojuan's words suddenly stopped, and his expression was dull. Because at this moment, he suddenly noticed a warm current surging through his body, strengthening his internal strength.

The other side.

Zhu Yuyan's eyes suddenly widened, and she suddenly realized that her cultivation level, which was stuck in a bottleneck, had improved at this moment. The bottleneck that firmly blocked her and even made her despair... was like paper. The general was easily exposed.

The Eighteenth Level of Heavenly Demon Great Law is completed!

"Congratulations!"Shi Zhixuan looked around at the people present who were showing signs of improvement, applauded, and said with a smile,"Everyone, congratulations!

Immediately, Shi Zhixuan clasped his palms together, and a piety appeared on his face,"You have seen it before!" He is the supreme God of Creation... He created the world and derived and created all things. And as long as we believe in Him and chant His name, He will bestow immeasurable divine grace."

Taking a deep breath, Shi Zhixuan glanced at the other people present,"I want to unify the Demon Sect and turn it into the God of Creation! Take the world into the palm of your hand and let millions of people believe in God! Offer your faith! Saying His name... who agrees? Who objects?"

The scene was completely silent. Although Shi Zhixuan had a smile on his face, everyone was aware of the murderous intention that could almost be said to be solidified. Considering Shi Zhixuan's title of Evil King... Needless to say, whoever dares to object will probably immediately Will die here... not to mention, they actually have no reason to object……

"I am willing to lead the Demon Sect Yinkui Sect and join the Creation God Sect! Eternal sacrifice to the God of Creation. Zhu Yuyan spoke coldly,"But, Shi Zhixuan, don't think that we will listen to you!" What I, or perhaps we, fear and revere is only the supremely majestic God."

"I can understand!"Shi Zhixuan nodded slightly, his expression was very calm,"It doesn't matter if you hate me, or you want to kill me! None of this matters... I just want the faith in God to spread! The best thing is to spread it to the whole world and let everyone chant the name of God."

"However, although I don't care... you can have murderous intentions, but it's best not to attack me... It's not that I'm afraid of anything," Shi Zhixuan smiled hoarsely,"It's that the god does not allow believers to kill each other! Therefore, taking into account divine punishment, if everyone has hatred towards each other, it is better to exercise some restraint."

"Is it like this?"Zhu Yuyan took a deep breath, her eyes sparkling with an inexplicable luster.

"By the way," Shi Zhixuan suddenly clapped his head and said a little embarrassedly,"Next, I need to trouble you with something."

"The best sacrifice I want to offer to you... is the daughter of destiny, or the daughter of great luck... that is, the kind of woman who is as beautiful as heaven and earth."

Ran." Don't think about it. Zhixuan glanced at Zhu Yuyan calmly,"To worship the gods, we need pure women... I like your apprentice Wanwan! How about it?""

"……"Zhu Yuyan's expression turned cold again. However, there was struggle in her eyes. She regarded Wanwan as her daughter, her inheritance, and the future master of the Yinkui Sect...

If under other circumstances, Shi Zhixuan dared to take Wanwan's idea, then she would definitely lose to her death. Whether you can beat him or not is another matter.

However, it happened at this time when the existence of God was confirmed... Moreover, there were many other masters of the Demon Sect at the scene...

It was precisely because she knew the Demon Sect so well that Zhu Yuyan had no doubts. As long as Shi Zhixuan gives an order, these temporary allies of hers will swarm up, kill them, and then send Wanwan intact to the gods.

"Don't look like that! This is a good thing."

Shi Zhixuan said gently,"The so-called sacrifice does not mean killing...it means letting the goddess ascend to the sky to serve the gods. In this way, the goddess can not only obtain eternity with God, but also directly enter the divine realm... This is very enviable, if it weren't for the fact that my conditions are not suitable! Maybe I'll give myself."

Zhu Yuyan was stunned for a moment, her expression changing.

Shi Zhixuan didn't care either. He looked at Wanwan, who kept her head lowered, and said softly,"By the way, the ideal of the Yinkui sect is to overpower Cihang Jingzhai, right? One more thing, the other living sacrifice in my heart is Shi Feixuan... You should understand what I mean."

Master Zhu Yuyan and his apprentice were greatly shocked.

"Master, let me go!"Wanwan gritted her teeth and spoke seriously. On the one hand, although she hated Shi Zhixuan extremely, she also vaguely knew in her heart that Shi Zhixuan had no reason to deceive them this time...

After all, Shi Zhixuan was too strong. Under absolute force, he could not do anything at all. There is no need to deliberately come up with such a reason to comfort them.

On the other hand, if what Shi Zhixuan said is true, then if she can't go to heaven. Doesn't it mean that Shi Fei Xuan ascended to heaven and became a divine attendant......will she always be one step ahead of her?

Will Cihang Jingzhai always be one step ahead of the Yinkui faction?!

This is something Wanwan can never accept.

Zhu Yuyan opened her mouth. She wanted to refuse, but she stared at Wanwan firmly. eyes...His lips wriggled and he let out a long sigh, with a look of decadence on his face. Being always overwhelmed by Cihang Jingzhai is also something she cannot accept.

The magic sect masters who had vaguely surrounded them before instantly dispersed their energy.

Tianjun Xiying looked at Wanwan with a flattering look on his face and said respectfully,"Miss Wanwan has risen to the sky, please say a few kind words for my Demon Sect... no, please say a few kind words for my Creation God Sect."

"No need for good words, God never treats his devout followers badly."Shi Zhixuan said coldly. He frowned and looked at the group of people in front of him... If you just talk about strength, this group of people is passable, but if you talk about their character... these are a group of scum.

"He is really incompatible with the God who stands in the camp of order!"Shi Zhixuan sighed deeply in his heart. But there is no way? Who told him to be a member of the Demon Sect? He can only use the Demon Sect as his basic base.

However, at this time, Shi Zhixuan has also made up his mind to adjust it well afterwards. -Teach the demons so that they can be pious and believe in God and less likely to have evil thoughts……

""Well, by the way," Shi Zhixuan suddenly thought of something and glanced at everyone in the Demon Sect,"Next, I have some things that you need to do!""

Many people knelt down in an instant. But there were also people like the Yinkui faction who couldn't deal with Shi Zhixuan, who stood firm... Shi Zhixuan didn't care.

He stretched out a few fingers and said,"First thing! I want you to destroy Cihang Jingzhai and capture Master Concubine Xuan. Moreover, I want her to believe in God devoutly! Only the daughter of destiny, with a pure body and devout faith, is qualified to ascend to heaven!"

"……Leave this to us."Zhu Yuyan spoke. She glanced at Shi Zhixuan coldly. In fact, she had already made up her mind that she would be more devout in her faith in the God of Creation in the future.

In fact, Zhu Yuyan had already faintly seen that Shi Zhixuan only wanted this. World 3.0 believes in Ming. As for whether this powerful force that believes in gods is in his hands... he doesn't care at all! He is such a person to begin with, a free and easy and aloof evil king! If he really wants to unify How could it be that Zhu Yuyan could become the leader of the Demon Sect?

In this case, if she is really extremely pious... is it possible to run for the leader of the Creation Sect in the future...

Although it is far away, Zhu Yuyan personally feels that this is still very promising... After all, Wanwan is the goddess of her Yinkui sect. If she ascends to the sky and becomes a goddess, this in itself is a big bonus...

No It’s a bonus point for the gods, but a bonus point for the Creation God Cult in the future. If she captures another goddess now, her achievements will be even greater!

From the current point of view, there are countless true gods who exist God of creation, will definitely become the most important force in the Central Plains in the future, dominating the world and even the imperial court...

If she can become the leader of this sect, it will be regarded as fulfilling the wishes and ambitions of the previous leaders of the Demon Sect Yinkui Sect! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!

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