"How good!"Wanwan's eyes sparkled.

Zhu Yuyan was stunned for a moment, and then her expression changed slightly. She suddenly realized that if she could capture Shi Feixuan, wouldn't it mean that she was going to break Cihang Jingzhai?!

Zhu Yuyan licked her lips, and her pupils were flashing with excitement. She was very excited to destroy her enemy.

Of course, considering the birth of the Creation God Religion, she was not prepared to destroy Cihang Jingzhai. Kill all the women, or humiliate them... She plans to include them in the Creation Cult and become part of the Cult. It is best to incorporate them into the Yin Kui faction...

Again, Master Concubine Xuan Xuan ascends to the sky. On the one hand, this kind of face still has to be given, and it can make it easier for Shi Fei Xuan to become pious... On the other hand, it is still because Shi Fei Xuan... Shi Fei Xuan has ascended to the sky, so With the same status as Wanwan...

If Cihang Jingzhai is digested by the Yinkui faction of the Creation God Religion, who can compete with her for the position of leader if Shi Zhixuan does not compete?

Of course, if Shi Zhixuan competes, then that is Another thing... But now Zhu Yuyan feels that she is quite hopeful, and of course she must try her best to develop in this direction.……

"That’s up to you!"Shi Zhixuan nodded to them. Zhu Yuyan, who has already broken through the eighteenth level, is definitely a strong master at the Grand Master level. Coupled with the strengthened Yin Kui Sect, Cihang Jingzhai is absolutely unstoppable. Think about it. Thinking about it, he added,"Of course, to prevent those four bald donkeys from Buddhism from doing bad things... let a few of the eight masters from the Demon Sect join you!" Make sure nothing goes wrong."

Zhu Yuyan didn't speak, just nodded.

"Well, the rest is much simpler," Shi Zhixuan shrugged noncommittally,"I said, before I also needed a daughter of great luck...a daughter of Zhong Tiandi's graceful beauty! For example, Shang Xiufang, Shang Xiuxun, Shi Qingxuan... except Shi Qingxuan, I want you to find the others."

Shi Zhixuan has already talked with his daughter. Although it took a lot of effort and even almost had a falling out in the middle, he finally convinced his daughter... and he also reached a reconciliation with his daughter... This made He was very pleased.

As for how to reach a settlement? Needless to say, he asked others in the group for advice. Finally, he made a careful plan and put all the blame for Bi Xiuxin's death on Cihang Jingzhai. Up...

As for whether Cihang Jingzhai will continue to affect Shi Qingxuan in the future... Haha, Cihang Jingzhai is about to be destroyed, and Shi Qingxuan is about to ascend to the sky... This also affects a hammer. Thoughts are flowing in my mind, Shi Zhixuan's posture remained the same as before,"I hope you can convince them to be willing to be excited about God and serve God in heaven."……"

Shi Zhixuan glanced at everyone present with sharp eyes,"Yes, convince them, try to get them to agree as much as possible... don't offend them! This way, if they go to heaven, we won't be too embarrassed." After a brief silence, , everyone responded loudly.

Then, spread out

"Leader, what’s next for us?"Anlong asked

"Go to Chang'an! Shi Zhixuanwei said,"Meet the current Holy Lord, that faint king... and persuade him to fully support the Creation God Religion!"".We serve the true God...but that foolish and arrogant man! So audacious! What if he blasphemes God?" An Long was very worried.

"No, no, no, I know him better than you do! He won't, he will only believe in the gods more devoutly than anyone else...or rather, I will let him do this. Shi

Zhixuan smiled slightly, with a bit of contempt in his expression,"Besides, the world is about to fall...Give him a straw, if he doesn't hold on to it, he will be overthrown by the rebels, and then he will die."."

Shi Zhixuan's cultivation is unparalleled in the world, and Anlong has also reached the top master level after receiving divine grace... The speed of the two is naturally terrifying.

In addition, Luoyang is not far from Chang'an, so it only took half a day. They rushed to the imperial capital

"Leader, next... we are going to find Wei Lianxiang from the Yinkui Sect?"Anlong said softly.

"Why? Shi Zhixuan raised his eyebrows,"Can't we just go in directly?""

"Um?!"Anlong was stunned. But after thinking about the terrifying cultivation level Shi Zhixuan now possessed, he nodded again, as if this was indeed the easiest way. So

, Yang Guang, who was drinking in the palace at the moment, soon heard News arrived that someone had broken into the palace.

"What do you do for food?"Yang Guang's face was ferocious and he was furious. He loudly rebuked Yu Wenji who was kneeling in front of him,"I want you to lead the imperial guards in the palace to capture the traitor immediately.……"

"That traitor's martial arts skills are terrifying! Moreover, he seems to be……"

Yu Wenhua was only halfway through what he said when Yang Guang interrupted,"I don't care who he is! This is your responsibility."

"Hahaha."Laughter suddenly sounded from outside the door.

Yang Guang's pupils suddenly dilated. He looked out instantly, and then he saw a gentle man. Yang Guang's eyelids jumped, and he recognized this man.

After a brief silence Then, Yang Guang said,"Pei Ju... I didn't expect it was you."

After exhaling a long breath, Yang Guang sat on his throne again. He no longer cared about Yu Wenhuaji, whose body was tense and always ready to take action. He looked at his minister coldly.

"I never knew that you had such a terrifying cultivation level"

"Your Majesty, I had to hide it from you. Shi Zhixuan said with a smile. He walked calmly in the hall as if he were walking in his own home,"But you never asked!""

"Well, it's not too late to introduce myself... People in the world call me the Evil King, but you can also call me Shi Zhixuan! Of course, I also have a nickname, the Great Virtuous Monk...but that's all in the past tense now. After adjusting his clothes, Shi Zhixuan said with a serious face,"Now I am the leader of the Creation God Religion!" The purpose of my coming here is to preach to the world for my Lord."

Yang Guang was shocked. Even he who had lived in the deep palace for a long time had heard the name of the Evil King of the Demon Sect... But he really didn't expect that the Evil King of the Demon Sect and Pei Ju, as well as the famous virtuous holy monk in Chang'an City, , actually the same person……

"Rebels shall die."Yu Wenhua 330 suddenly took action. Although he didn't know how Shi Zhixuan came to this palace silently... but he believed that as long as there was any noise of fighting, the guards outside would be alerted! By then the army would Surrounded, even the Evil King has only one way to die...

As for Shi Zhixuan killing Yang Guang because of this? That's no problem!

The Yuwen family has rebellious intentions! It's just that now is not the most suitable time... The Evil King If killed, although the situation would be a little more troublesome, it would also allow them to get rid of the chains that bound them...

In response, Shi Zhixuan just glanced at Yu Wenhuaji calmly. Immediately, Yu Wenhuaji's body was shocked, and his mood was directly broken.. He spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a clang, his body twitching.

"……"Yang Guang's eyelids jumped crazily. There's no reason for this... Although the evil king is a top player in the world, Yu Wenhuaji is also a top-notch player, right?!

Although he also knew that Yu Wenhuaji could never be the opponent of the evil king, he was not so exaggerated. He didn't even move his hands... he solved it with one glance.

"Pei Aiqing really gave me a big surprise. Yang Guang took a deep breath and then managed to keep a calm posture,"Has your current cultivation level reached the level of the so-called Grand Master?""

"I never thought that the Grand Master realm could be so powerful!"

"No, no, no," Shi Zhixuan said with a smile,"I kill the great master like a chicken!"

Shi Zhixuan lightly punched the void in front of him... With a crackling sound, the void in front of him was shattered._

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