"……Shatter the void? How can this be?!"The depressed Yu Wenhuaji's body froze. He stared closely at Shi Zhixuan and the broken scene in front of him. He understood something and growled in disbelief. His world view was shaken at this moment.

Let's not mention Shi Zhixuan. How did he become the Shattered Void... Why can he still stay in the human world after clearly becoming the Shattered Void?!

Shouldn't this kind of monster disappear completely from the human world?!

"This level of cultivation is not what I have achieved through cultivation! But it’s what I received from God’s grace!"Shi Zhixuan smiled hoarsely, but did not elaborate on this aspect. Instead, he stared at Yang Guang and said,"Your Majesty, join our Creation God Cult!"

"I want to hold a sacrificial ceremony in the palace hall early tomorrow morning! Sacrifice to the gods with the ritual of national sacrifice. Receive divine grace!"

"……If I don't agree, what should you do?"Yang Guang asked suddenly. He didn't believe what Shi Zhixuan said about believing in gods. Thinking about it now, he just felt that Shi Zhixuan was intimidating him and wanted to take away the emperor's rights from his hands through this method. Shi

Zhixuan didn't say anything, he just gently palmed his hand. He brushed his face, and then his face became like that of Yang Guang.

He spoke, and his voice was exactly the same as Yang Guang's,"Then I have no choice... I can only use a rougher method!"

"For example, using you as a blood sacrifice! Then, I will temporarily serve as the Sui Emperor for a period of time... Through my other two identities, you should know that I am quite accomplished in acting."

In the end, Yang Guang gave in.

In fact, it would be impossible not to give in.

The power of the Shattered Void level is really like a land god. It is absolutely unstoppable for the human dynasty!

In addition, the evil king has an evil personality. If you don't agree, he pretends to be you, and then he agrees for you. Instead of doing that, it's better to obey him, see what he wants to do, and wait for opportunities to make a comeback. Next, whether Shi Zhixuan asks him for something The right of national sacrifice, or asking him to order the palace guards to build an altar in the palace... He agreed to all of them.

Time passed bit by bit.

Soon, it was the next day.

This day , Shi Qingxuan was summoned by Shi Zhixuan and came to Chang'an.

On this day, the demon sect who broke into Cihang Jingzhai last night and forcibly captured Shi Feixuan... also outside Chang'an City and the four Buddhist monks who came to attack They fought and won. Then they escorted Shi Fei Xuan into Chang'an.

Of course, there were other members of the Demon Sect who also used their own methods.

Needless to say, Shang Xiufang, although she was unparalleled in splendor and was a member of a generation, Respected by thousands of people... But after all, he was just an actor, so he could be easily captured...

Shang Xiuxun was in trouble. He used half-coercion, half-enticement in the Demon Sect to make him recite sacrificial texts... What she really saw Once she reaches the power of the God of Creation, that's it.

Of course, Shang is willing to go to heaven, and be with God from now on, and gain life. However, she can't let go of her Pegasus Ranch...

The people of the Demon Sect even made a promise, and she will be promoted to the heaven. In the sky, Pegasus Ranch is under the name of the Chuangshi God Cult and is managed by the Chuangshi God Cult! The ownership still belongs to Shang Xiuxun, and she can take it away at any time when she returns to the world. However, Shang Xiuxun still Disagree. She has an obsession in this regard.

As a last resort, everyone in the Demon Sect used flying pigeons to send messages. In the end, they got a response from the Evil King... asking Shang Xiuxun to sacrifice with the horses in her racecourse.! Rising to the sky together.

Shi Zhixuan specifically searched for the content of the sacrificial ceremony, and then transformed this sacrifice into a double altar. The main altar was placed in the palace hall of Chang'an, and the auxiliary altar was cast at Pegasus Ranch.

To At that time, the official sacrifices were held. The Daughter of Destiny and the Daughter of Luck ascended to heaven at the palace, and nearly ten thousand horses from Pegasus Ranch ascended to heaven.

After solving the problem in this regard, Shang Xiuxun worked hard and killed one on the road. Ma... then reluctantly arrived at the scheduled time...

At noon, deep in the Chang'an Imperial Palace.

Shi Zhixuan was dressed in a Confucian robe, staring at the women in front of him with a smile. Master Fei Xuan, Wanwan, Shang Xiufang, Shang Xiuxun, Shi Qingxuan!

"Qingxuan, if you ascend to heaven in the future and your father is not around, you must take good care of yourself! God is a good and kind God, and he is magnanimous. No one I know does not recognize God! Those who do not obey God’s ~! At this moment, Shi Zhixuan seemed to be a father who saw his daughter traveling far away, chattering and feeling a little worried.

Suddenly, he was silent for a moment, his lips moved, and he hesitated and said,"If you really don't want to... you can still regret it now.""

"It was you who worked so hard to convince me! Why are you regretting it now?"Shi Qingxuan stared at Shi Zhixuan dumbfounded. She thought for a while and showed a strange smile,"However, I really want to take a look at the land you mentioned with towering ancient trees and magical medicines. World... you will definitely be very happy living there!"

"……So you are willing to go there because of the scene in the God Realm I described?"The corner of Shi Zhixuan's mouth twitched. But then relief appeared on his face.

Shaking his head, Shi Zhixuan looked at the other people present, his expression regained his composure,"So, ladies of the heavens, are you ready? ?"

"Able to go to heaven and serve the gods! it's my honour."Shi Feixuan spoke softly. A daze flashed in her eyes, and she remembered the figure of the supreme god that she saw yesterday when she was reciting the sacrificial text.

What a noble existence is that? The world was born because of Him and died because of Him.

And beside Him, there were actually three thousand Buddhas who were worshiping and chanting Buddha sacrificial texts for Him... The God who created the world was simply the co-owner of Buddha!

Don't think about it at that time. Even her master Fan Qinghui was strongly shaken by the fact that it was her... He no longer resisted turning her into a sacrificial object, and even secretly began to work on her thoughts...

Wanwan vomited. Jiaohan said,"Uncle Master, let's start!" I can't wait to see God's shop"

"……You."Shi Zhixuan glanced at Wanwan expressionlessly, knowing clearly that regardless of the joyful screams in Wanwan's mouth, he knew what evil thoughts he was thinking... But, he didn't care anymore.

God's blessing (Nono is good) ), it is difficult for the goddesses to reappear in the human world. This can be seen from the worlds in the chat group... The only exception is Yaolao's world, but he has always been suspicious of Xun'er's reappearance in that world. It was because Xun'er's father was here...

He felt that it was because God had kind thoughts for father and daughter to meet each other, so he pushed back calmly.

Wanwan, who might trick him, wouldn't do anything to God. It's impossible to really let her come down to earth to trick him, right?!

Sighing again, Shi Zhixuan stared deeply at Shi Qingxuan, and sighed in his heart, maybe the next time they meet is when he dies and ascends to the gods. country, right?

According to what God once said, he will be able to fight for a place as a heroic spirit by then... If he is lucky, he will become a Holy Spirit directly!

He shook his head and dismissed the messy thoughts, Shi Zhixuan's His expression became serious again, and he asked the women to stand in the middle of the altar. He stood at the main altar and recited the high-grade sacrificial method loudly!_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - Collection , recommend, share!

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