Su Han naturally didn't know what was happening at this moment, so he returned to his home very casually.

Suddenly remembering something, he took out his mobile phone,"Let me guess... Although it is late at night, my popularity must have topped the list again." Don't look at ten o'clock. Night owls in the age of gods are more popular than before. One life is more... After all, one good thing about gods is that even if they stay awake for a long time, they will only accumulate fatigue, but they will not die of exhaustion!

There is no risk of death, so staying up late is naturally crazier than in the previous life.

But to Su Han's! Calm on the Internet

"Doesn't make sense?!"Su Han was dumbfounded. Why didn't you play according to the routine? Su Han even discovered that he was eager to become a god, but he hasn't gone down yet... There are three topics related to him in the top 5 list...

Danny Ma, there is no heroic spirit theory

"Am I overestimating this theory? But looking at the old professors and principals just now, they don’t look like them."Su Han was quite discouraged.

If this time is not as significant as he imagined...then it would be really embarrassing for Xue Minggui to invite those big shots.

Before he went in, he heard that Xue Minggui and others The exchanges between several people... Although the time with the old principal was very short... he still respected this old man who was kind and took great care of him.

"Forget it," Su Han patted his face and regained his composure,"If it doesn't work, then focus on studying the lunar sun and the root of it...come up with a few theories! Although it cannot be said to be revolutionary, at least it has strengthened its momentum and will not make it too difficult for the old principal."

Shaking his head, Su Han then entered the God Realm. It was already getting dark at this moment, and Su Han was originally going to sleep directly. But who would have thought that in the middle of the night, Wanwan came to visit, and it only took a few minutes. , Shi Feixuan also came over.

Then, of course, needless to say.

Su Han faced the darkness and began to analyze and understand their situation... What Shi Feixuan gained was the secret of the righteous way, and what Wanwan gained was the devil's way. Mysteries... To be honest, Su Han found it interesting that even this kind of righteous and demonic path could be condensed into a concept.

Moreover, he had a vague inference that if these two mysteries were sublimated into laws, there would be earth-shaking changes...

The righteous path The magic ways, corresponding to each other, may allow him to compare the laws of the lunar sun and the sun and gain inspiration...

Although due to the realm, there will not be much inspiration, but it is better than nothing...

In the process of understanding, Su Han spent time with the two women It was a very wrong night. Unfortunately, after meeting the two in the middle of the night, they ran over again……


Early in the morning, Su Han came to the world yawning and started to make breakfast,"Although it's possible... But if you don't sleep, you will feel sleepy for no reason. Isn't there some god who has developed a way to alleviate this sleepiness?.?

Su Han thought for a moment, then checked the, and found out... There really is such a ridiculous thing for relieving fatigue. The price is not expensive, one has the power of 100 faith, and one can relieve the fatigue of a day. I mean... Su Han casually placed an order for a hundred.

Just as he was about to enter the chat, his phone suddenly vibrated violently, and several messages bounced from it.

"Um? This is?!"Su Han's expression changed instantly. This is the morning newspaper that popped up from Shenming Daily... and the title of the morning newspaper is——

《He created real miracles》

"Is it what I think?"Su Han hesitated for a moment, clicked to enter, and then saw the short and powerful words below.

"Su Han, our country's genius theorist of gods, proposed the theory of creating heroic spirits at seven o'clock yesterday! The importance of this theory is comparable to that proposed by the Western Holy Spirit theory five hundred years ago! of epoch-making significance"

"The head of the Demon City Academy spoke highly of this! Call Su Han a genius in his biography. Undoubtedly surpassing the Einstein he had ever seen!"

"He is a true miracle! If the young god is strong, the country will be strong... Let us give him thunderous applause."

Su Han swallowed. After a brief silence, he smiled and said,"It's not bad... I didn't embarrass that old guy."

I casually glanced at the comments below. In addition to those who were shocked and couldn't believe it, there were also a few people who suspected that their accounts had been stolen... Anyway, it was a quarrel, which was very exciting.

Su Han only glanced at it twice and then Withdrew. But then, a series of beeps sounded.

《The theory of heroic spirits has been announced to the public, and Western academic gods have spoken highly of it!》

《Einstein, who has not spoken publicly for nearly fifty years, publicly announced at 3 a.m. this morning that he would visit the East in the near future! It is most likely related to the heroic spirit theory》

《At the age of eighteen, he broke through to the level of God! At the age of eighteen, he broke through to the gods! And now, at the age of eighteen, he has proposed the theory of heroic spirits! Created a new world of world academic history! Let us congratulate him!》

《The three major divine network platforms of the Western pantheon have been swept away by the theory of heroic spirits!"

Su Han's eyelids twitched several times. Damn it, it was calm yesterday, is this suppressed and completely exploded this morning?!

Su Han checked the Shenbo hot list and found that it had been blocked. Hmm... doesn't it look like it's just a foreign country?

Rubbing his brows, Su Han took another look at Zhishenhu and found a question that landed at the top of the hot list.——《Can anyone explain to me what the heroic spirit theory is?!"civil.

Su Han clicked into it with some curiosity, and then found a row of words

"Heroic Spirit Theory! It can also be called the theory of making heroic spirits! This is an important theory proposed by Mr. Su Han, my country's well-known academic god and scientific research god, at the Jinling Conference at seven o'clock yesterday evening!"

"His academic significance is to make up for the shortcoming that the Holy Spirit cannot spread to every god since the theory of the Holy Spirit! The combination of the Holy Spirit and the Heroic Spirit theory will greatly promote the growth and strength of gods in the world of gods."

"And its practical significance is that maybe in the near future... each god will be able to have a weakened version of the Holy Spirit or even several spirits... This is a grand event that can affect the world."

"Currently, what we know is actually extremely limited. Because the publicity is very limited! It is limited to verifying that this theory is correct... As for how to implement this theory specifically? Sorry, don't know at all"

"Major well-known universities in the West have sent out official invitations to meet you! Invite Mr. Su Han to visit the West! At present, Mr. Su Han has not responded... However, many giant academic gods who have been silent for a long time have been exposed by this news, and the most famous one is probably Einstein. He publicly issued an invitation to visit the ancient Eastern countries... At present, the ancient Eastern countries have not responded to this"

"Everyone, even if you are not in academia! But looking at the attitudes of these academic leaders and the fierce reaction from the Western pantheon... you should have a taste of it."

"That's right! This time, we shocked the world! We propose new theories that lead the world's academic trends!"

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