Su Han glanced at the comments below and found that the pot was exploding


"I'm fooled! I have heard the theory of the Holy Spirit since I was a child...and I am basically certain that it is unlikely that I will receive the Holy Spirit in the future! After all, not everyone has the Holy Spirit or even the Gods... But now, a heroic spirit law that is comparable to the Holy Spirit law has appeared inexplicably? Or was it proposed by the academic god of our country?!"

"It means a lot! I discussed this aspect with the teachers at our school in the morning... The academic value and significance of the heroic spirit theory is comparable to the Holy Spirit, and its practical value is beyond the Holy Spirit. It is a universal and generalizable law. It cannot be overestimated."

"Mr. Su, the eternal God!"

"So, who is this Mr. Su Han? Why have I never heard of such an academic master?!"

"I'm from the academic circle...I haven't heard of it either! It’s outrageous, you know? I believe such a theory is said to have been honed over hundreds of years... but there was no news of it before!"

"I am from Jinling University, I say it very responsibly! This Mr. Su is actually the eighteen-year-old god from our school! I was very lucky... I got a spot to attend his lecture! Then, in a daze, I experienced this famous scene that could be recorded in world history."

"? ? ? Grass! The one above is the black fan 060. I also admire the young god Ling, but don’t blame him for everything, okay? This is trying to bring trouble to him! This is flattery"

"No, no, no, although I also find it incredible...but it's really true. Because the official announcement is that at the age of 18, an important heroic spirit theory will be released!"



"God is so real! There is also an official website... Fuck! I came back after reading it, and it was indeed true. (Doubtful life.jpg)"

"There has never been a moment when I felt so aware that I looked like a waste."


"No, I have to hang up those people who said on the Internet that the Young God will definitely hurt Zhong Yong! Damn, I can laugh about this for the rest of my life"

"So damn true! So, I really have to accept it...Those who can become gods at such a young age have something very special about them. There was once a theory that those who could become gods at a young age were the true pride of the times, and they shouldered the heavy responsibility of turning the times."

"I've heard of that theory too... but it's said to be because it's too idealistic, so although it's famous, it's not recognized by the academic community."

"That’s why it’s outrageous… We are all gods! Isn’t idealism a normal thing? Can this be rejected?!"

"Hahaha, of course the gods themselves are the Tao of the Kexin series...but the academic circle is derived from the Tao of modern times. So the academic circle is about things! You talk about idealism in a materialist circle. What a hell."

"So true! But this time, is it another strong proof of the Newton and Einstein incident? (Manual funny.jpg)

"I guess...but it's still difficult to be recognized by the academic circle! Having said that... the most typical example of this theory is Newton, and Newton pioneered the way of modern physics, which in turn gave rise to the modern academic circle... and the academic circle extremely rejected this theory.……"

"Ah this……"

"No matryoshka dolls allowed!"

Su Han took a casual look and confirmed that the popularity this time was far greater than the last time he achieved the goal of becoming a god.

How outrageous has it been this time?

It's so outrageous that you can see it if you log into any software. Information.

Even if you watch a TV series, there will be congratulations on the theory of heroic spirits on the barrage... This makes Su Han a little bit dumbfounded.

Shaking his head, Su Han casually threw the phone on the sofa, lay down on his back, and closed it. Eyes entered the chat group.

Ye Hei:"I recently discovered something very interesting... In the cave where I settled, there is a Tomb of the Demon Emperor nearby... And it should be opened recently."

Ye Hei:"I am inferring based on the known information... There is a high probability that there are ancient emperor weapons in this mausoleum! Ye

Hei:"This weapon is said to be made from the body of the demon emperor... I'm thinking, if I catch this thing and sacrifice him to the gods... Hehehehehe.""

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"???"

Moon worshipper:"……Wait, I remember you said that even a sage can cause fatal harm to you now! The Great Sage can crush you like an ant... Are you sure you can withstand the weapons of the ancient emperors?

Ye Hei:"It's not a big problem!" After all, no one is controlling me... Of course, the more critical issue is that I have recently accepted a few interesting followers... from the demon clan! There is a believer named Qin Yao among them. Well, through her, I am now planning to turn the demon princess into a believer.

Ye Hei:"This princess is exactly the descendant of the Qing Emperor!" If she also surrenders to God... I can use her to control the Qing Emperor's weapons and then offer sacrifices... Of course, I am also prepared to promise her that she will go to heaven to serve God!"

Yao Lao:"!!!"

Liu Peiqiang:"This operation of yours... can be said to be very awesome."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Why do I feel inexplicably... this operation looks familiar? Where have I seen it?"

Gudazi:"Next door, the Evil King This is what he did! Not only did he dedicate the girl who was carrying luck to God, but he also dedicated the girl's property to God.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Fuck! I remembered it. Ye Hei was most likely inspired by the evil king... and now he is starting to deceive."

Ye Hei:"No, I didn't, don't talk nonsense.jpg. How can something that is mutually beneficial be called cheating?"

Ye Hei:"Moreover, serving God is a mandatory condition for advancement, but she is pious... For a pious person, serving God is the best reward, okay?"

Wall-Facing Man:"What you said makes sense, but I can't refute it at all. Ye Hei:"

Besides... I think this demon princess is most likely the destined daughter of this world!" And I think that the other one who has a high probability of being the daughter of destiny... should be the saint from Yaochi.……"

Ye Hei:"But it's a pity that Yaochi is too well hidden... Moreover, that holy land full of women is very difficult to mess with... Even I feel a little numb."

Su Han's expression became very serious at this moment. wonderful.

What kind of look is this?! Whether it is Yan Ruyu, the princess of the demon clan, or the saint from Yaochi... they are not the daughters of destiny, okay?!

Although he really wanted to complain, Su Han thought about it and found that the two in the early stage really looked like the heroines... noble status and aloofness.

"However, if he did this, he would see a bunch of princesses from the ancient royal family in the future! Don’t they all think that they are the daughters of destiny?"Su Han didn't know what kind of expression he should show. But after thinking about it carefully, he was quite looking forward to it.

The next moment, two crisp notification sounds suddenly sounded.

"Ding! The heirs of the Ax Gang have successfully joined the Wanjie chat group"

"Ding! Dongfang Huaizhu has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group."_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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