In the God Realm, there is a vast grassland.

Su Han sat on the ground with a smile, staring at King Arthur driving many Pegasus horses in the distance.

At the same time, on the giant horse with a height of 100 meters in the front, Shang Xiuxun sat peacefully, laughing like a silver bell, and making faces at King Arthur from time to time.

Although King Arthur's face was expressionless, looking at her fist that clenched the Sword of Victory and her speed that was still increasing, it could be seen that she was not in a good mood.

"God!"With a gentle smile on her face, Zhao Ling'er served Su Han a cup of Taoist tea.

Su Han drank it with a smile and looked at the dancing Wanwan and his concubine in front of him. The goddess and the witch, dancing The dancing postures are completely different. Shifeixuan has an inexplicable sacredness. As for Wanwan, her dance can be called charming and charming. When the two are superimposed, the combination of demon and fairy is breathtakingly beautiful.

"Um?"Su Han made a move, and Zhao Ling'er noticed it at this moment. She said uneasily,"Shangshen, do you think the tea is not to your liking?"

"It has nothing to do with you... I just discovered that some interesting things happened in the lower world."Su Han smiled hoarsely.

Zhao Ling'er blinked his eyes in confusion.

The next moment, a prompt tone that only Su Han could hear sounded in his ears.

"Ding! It has been detected that the Kung Fu World has begun to offer sacrifices.……"

"Ding! You successfully obtained a ray of faith, you successfully obtained the blood sacrifice of 14,000 island soldiers, and you successfully obtained a large number of weapons.……"

"Ding! It has been detected that the number and quality of the sacrifices meet the requirements! Ding! It has been detected that you successfully broke through to the realm of gods...meeting the system upgrade requirements! The system begins to officially evolve!"

"Ding! The system has evolved successfully, with new functions and a basic increase of 10,000 times! Ding! You successfully triggered a 10,000-fold increase! Because this is the first trigger, the critical hit will be increased by ten times!"

"Ding! You have successfully obtained one hundred thousand rays of power of faith! You have successfully obtained an extremely large amount of blood energy. Combining the blood energy with the Yang Escape mysteries you have obtained, you have successfully obtained the Yang Escape Law! You have successfully obtained an extremely large amount of soul power. When the soul energy is combined with the soul mysteries you have obtained, you obtain the complete soul law! You successfully obtained the Law of Weapons……"

Su Han's eyes suddenly widened, and some waves arose in his heart.

The energy provided by those soldiers sacrificed by blood can actually be combined with the mysteries... and merged into laws? Then why didn’t Great Qin and the One Piece world appear last time?

The number of enemies that Ying Zheng and Marco sacrificed in blood at that time was also extremely large...

Su Han thought for a while and finally came to a conclusion. This is most likely a hidden benefit after the system has evolved... Although on the surface, the system only says that it has added the function of increasing the power by ten thousand times...

After a brief silence, Su Han smiled and said,"Very good, that's it. Very good."

Su Han felt very good. After all, the importance of the system to him is self-evident... In comparison, even the three new rules are nothing compared to the evolution of the system.……."But then again, more than 10,000 island country soldiers?"Su Han narrowed his eyes. He instantly projected a wisp of thought to the worldly information and radiated it back. A flash of understanding flashed through his eyes and he said to himself,"I see... this guy actually made the sacrifice himself. ? Your strength, personality and ideas will be completely different from before you had no strength.……"

"You look happy!"Zhao Ling'er pursed her lips and smiled, pouring another cup of tea.

"Well, I am happy, but I am also unhappy."Su Han suddenly thought of something. He stared at Zhao Ling'er with interest,"What? Are you interested in taking a trip to the mortal world?"

"Um?!"Zhao Ling'er's pupils suddenly dilated. She pursed her lips and said with some embarrassment,"If you say you don't want must be a lie! However, this is a rare time to go out with you... let's forget it"

"Whatever!"Su Han nodded slightly. When he saw Shi Feixuan and Wanwan finishing dancing, he waved his hands and summoned them to sit down beside him. With a relaxed expression of gratitude, he asked casually,"So, what do you two want? Want to visit the mortal world for a while?"

"Lord God, which mortal world? Is it our original world?"Wanwan's eyes lit up for a moment, and anticipation rose in her heart. She wanted to go back, meet her master, and see if she could teach Shi Zhixuan a lesson.

Although Shi Feixuan didn't say much, she was obviously very interested. Want to go

"No."Su Han stretched out his finger and tapped lightly. Suddenly, the background of the world of Kung Fu and the humiliation suffered by Yanhuang in that era all emerged in the minds of the two women.

"……this!"Even though she was as elegant as Shi Feixuan, there was a touch of anger in her eyes at this moment, and her voice was trembling,"How dare you do this? Why? A mere Japanese slave from the East China Sea!"

As for Wanwan, her face turned cold at this moment. She is a demon sect girl who is not afraid of killing. Her voice was solemn at this moment,"Any foreigner or barbarian who steps on my Yanhuang...all shall die!" Wait a minute, God, are you thinking?!"

Suddenly realizing something, Wanwan looked at Su Han, with a little astonishment in her eyes.

"Well, you go to the mortal world and teach the barbarians of that world a lesson. Su

Hanfeng Qingyun said,"By the way, in accordance with my will, I will show myself as a saint in that world." Spread the faith! Interested?"

The two women looked at each other, excitement appeared in their eyes, and they said in unison,"I will obey God's will! 0 After a pause, Wanwan asked hesitantly,"Then when will we come back?



"After punishing the can come back at any time."Su Han's voice was as usual.

Immediately, Wanwan and Shi Feixuan looked at each other, and both of them made up their minds. Even if it is to return to the gods earlier...their methods of dealing with the aliens should be faster, more accurate and more ruthless.……


The world of kung fu, the magical capital of Yanhuang.

Suddenly there was an endless brilliant burst of light in the sky. It was so dazzling that it was like there was an extra sun.

Countless reporters covered their eyes at this moment, shouting in horror or panic.

"Oh my god! what happened? ?"

"My eyes... God, my eyes hurt!"


"That light! What kind of weapon is it? But if a bomb can emit such a brilliant, sun-like brilliance... what a terrifying weapon it is.……"

The next moment, the sky cracked open, and a mythical world that was difficult to describe in words suddenly emerged on the sky.

It was an endless prairie, with each grass several meters high. At the same time, it revealed a charm that is difficult to describe in words, as if it was engraved with the principles of heaven and earth. You can vaguely see the towering ancient trees tens of thousands of feet high in the distance, soaring into the sky.

Tens of thousands of hundred-meter-tall giant horses galloped wantonly on that magnificent grassland. They trampled on the earth, breaking it into pieces, and breaking tall mountains. Nothing could stop them.

At the back, a woman wearing a black armor was driving away the horses. She held a bright long sword in her hand. She was cold and aloof, but at this moment she was like a horse driver.

And further away... there seems to be a being sitting there quietly. Yes, I can only use it as if... because that being is filled with chaos energy and cannot look directly. Even just staring at the chaos makes my head hurt as if it is about to split.

Beside the taboo being who cannot be looked directly at, there is a beautiful and beautiful girl standing quietly, pouring tea for him.

The light faded. The reporters from the Magic City and the Western reporters all raised their heads and stared blankly at the sky... Not only them, but also the ordinary people in the Magic City all looked towards the sky... except for the one who was surrounded by Chaos. The shrouded existence, whether it was the woman wearing a black armor or the girl pouring tea for that existence... they all knew their names as naturally as breathing at the first moment they saw it - —King

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