"King Arthur... No, that's impossible!"A British reporter took a step back, his face turned pale, and his worldview began to fragment at this moment.

Not to mention, in the history of Britain, King Arthur is just a biographical figure... Whether he exists or not has to be discussed. Just talk about it simply. , King Arthur really exists, how could he be a girl?!

However, the fact is before their eyes, but they cannot help but deny it. After experiencing the influence of modern science, they can say that the scene on the scale is a mirage, but the key problem is...

A mirage does not automatically bring up a person's name in people's minds! This can only be an extraordinary event!

"Nuwa? Nuwa! Is it that Nuwa?"A Magic City reporter murmured, then his legs became weak and he suddenly knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face,"God... God has come to the world!"

"Finally, you can’t bear to see this devastated Yanhuang, which is about to annihilate its entire race.……"

The reporter from Shanghai cried loudly. It's like being wronged and returning home to see your mother...

For the Yanhuang people, Nuwa is the creation mother goddess who recorded the"July 13" in their mythology. It was Nuwa who created mankind at the beginning of the world......

She is the mother of everyone in Yanhuang... and not just a reporter from the Magic City! The members of the Ax Gang, or the ordinary people in the entire Magic City, all looked up and saw that scene. They were either shocked, couldn't believe it, or were extremely excited.

At this moment, in the military camp on the other side of the city, the commander of the island country, who was mobilizing his army and preparing to put down the rebellious Ax Gang, was also staring blankly at the scene above the sky, his lips trembling.

"This...this is impossible!"Beside the commander, there was an old man wearing yin and yang clothes sitting. After a brief moment of sluggishness, his expression became extremely ugly, and he growled,"This is... a conspiracy by the Zhi-ren! Si-, we can't be afraid of them... the devil is our devil's capital!"

"you're right!"The commander nodded gloomily after a short period of silence. However, he still waved his hand to signal the troops at the scene to stop gathering for the time being and prepare to see the situation first before talking about anything else.

A calm and ethereal voice suddenly sounded all over the place. It sounded in the ears of the residents of the Magic City. It was clear, but it contained a majesty that was difficult to describe in words.

"As a devout believer, Ah Xing, if you perform sacrifices well, you will be rewarded with 50,000 years of internal strength!"

The next moment, in that vast world, endless fairy light suddenly burst out. It was like the Milky Way pouring down from the nine heavens, pouring into Ah Xing's body.

He gradually floated into the sky, his aura became more and more terrifying, and his eyes With his palms clasped together and his face peaceful, he really looked like an ancient Buddha who had achieved Taoism, but at the same time, his whole person had an inexplicable Taoist charm.

He opened his eyes, and a terrifying aura erupted. At this moment, all the citizens of Magic City Everyone felt a sense of suffocation……

"how come? So strong."The commander of the island country spoke intermittently. He had been comforting himself before, persuading himself to believe what the Onmyoji said. It was just a conspiracy of the Yanhuang people, and it was no big deal... But now, he couldn't deceive himself anymore even if he wanted to...

If it's just an illusion that can make them feel suffocated, then what elite soldiers need to be trained?

Learn this method to the extreme, go to the battlefield and directly suffocate the opponent, losing their combat status... and then go forward and kill them Just line up and kill him!

The commander turned around, wanting to talk to Yin Yang about something, and then his expression froze.

He suddenly discovered that the Onmyoji's face turned blue and was dead... He was overwhelmed by the terrifying oppression. Crushed to death, he took a deep breath and knelt down in the void, kowtowing devoutly to the indescribable majestic existence,"Thank God for His grace!"

"Um."The god seemed to put down the tea cup in his hand at this moment. With such a gentle put down, the whole world seemed to be trembling.

He seemed to cast his gaze over, and at this moment, all the light in the world disappeared. The world is trembling... Some people can clearly feel that the world now seems to be alive, and it is fearing that majestic god... The vast sun, moon, and starry sky, compared to that god They are all worth mentioning.

Everyone's bodies are also trembling, and they can only feel that gaze! It seems to be loving, but it also seems to be emotionless and cold...

He is Him, but at the same time, He is also the world's Everything! He is omnipresent...and everywhere at the same time!

Then, He said softly,"I say, barbarians, whoever commits a crime should have their bodies burnt with karma, their sins reckoned with, and they will fall into hell forever and not be allowed to ascend. Into heaven."

This sentence rang in the ears of 40 million Yanhuang people.

From Chongqing, to Yan'an, to every common people... no matter where they are, no matter their status is high or low... everyone Everyone heard it...

The soldiers who were fighting against the Japs on the battlefield suddenly discovered that the Japs opposite them were screaming shrilly, with bright flames burning on their bodies.

In just a few breaths, they were burned. Everything was clean...only the weapons and equipment were left.

The extremely fierce battlefield fell into deathly silence in an instant, leaving only the many Yanhuang warriors who were fighting, looking at each other in a daze.

Too many!

But everything from Anyone who comes from outside the land of China, whether they are Westerners or islanders... Anyone who commits evil in this land will have immeasurable karma burning their bodies at this moment, leaving them in extreme pain. Death...

In the Yanhuang land alone, millions of islanders died by self-immolation...

And looking at the whole world, it goes without saying...

Even many Western veterans and adventurers were dead just a moment ago. They were chatting with their families or wandering on the street. The next moment, they were wrapped in flames and burned directly to death.

People in the West who saw this scene were all frightened. They all knelt on the ground and chanted What's in the Bible...

They don't know what's going on.....We can only think that this is God punishing the world!

At the same time, there are many scientists who firmly believe in science and oppose religion. I was also shocked when I saw this scene... I couldn't believe it at all, and I doubted life. Some of them even went crazy...

If God is real! So what exactly are they questioning about the religion they have questioned for so many years?!

Finally, many people on the Yanhuang land reacted. Shocking, one after another sounds suddenly sounded

"this! What exactly is this? ?"

"That voice...this? Is this a miracle?!"

"I, Yanhuang... Do gods really exist? This is impossible...how can gods exist?"

"God is really born...at this time when the Yanhuang civilization is most dangerous! Take action... Hahahaha, the Japanese people of the island country, who dared you to invade Yanhuang, hahahaha, look, you have been punished, right?……"

"Dad, Mom, have you seen...the Japanese pirates who invaded our homeland...are dead! God has avenged us... Wuwuwu, God, why did you wait until I lost everything before you showed your miracles. Why?!"

A Xing's body was shaking violently, and he was kowtowing continuously.

In fact, not only him, but also the members of the Ax Gang below, and even the many people in the magic city who realized what happened, were all kowtowing with tears in their eyes.

There were many Western reporters who looked with fear on their faces as the few reporters around them were burned to death... Although most of the Western reporters were safe and sound, the few who did were scared to death. Got it……

"God, that must be God!"A Western reporter shivered and crossed himself on his chest,"God is judging the sins of the world! Yes, those who died... were all guilty"

"Hahaha, then since he is your God! Why are they protecting us Yanhuang people?"The reporter from Shanghai, who had been suppressed before, retorted. Although he was kneeling on the ground now, his waist was straight, and there was light shining in his eyes. It was excitement, but it was also tears. The foreigner was stunned. For a moment, he immediately became furious, and the mere Yanhuang... only half of the contemptuous words in his mind appeared. He glanced at the sky subconsciously, and the color turned pale, and he kept kowtowing. The reporter from the Magic City had a trance on his face. , and immediately laughed, laughing louder and louder, with tears streaming down his face... Yes, from today on, the Yanhuang people will no longer be inferior to the foreigners.

What about the foreigners? They are still treated by the supreme god. Just one sentence of guilt, and all of them were burned to death?!

My heavenly kingdom, the ancient ancestor god of the vast China-Xia... How can you crude and barbaric barbarians with a short history understand this?!

Many people knelt down. On the ground, they cried silently. They had never dreamed of such a dreamy scene in their dreams...

In fact, they did not dare to cry out, for fear that this was just a dream, and then they would wake up crying and find that everything was false. The... Yanhuang nation is still in the most dangerous and humiliating time..._

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