The void suddenly roared like thunder.

Then, the sky shattered like glass, and two brilliant rays of light fell from the sky. In front of everyone's eyes, they transformed into two goddesses!

One figure was dressed in black, and her every frown and every smile had an indescribable sense of charm. There were endless manifestations of the netherworld beside her, and thousands of ghosts were roaring, which was shocking.

The other one, dressed in white, is like a Bodhisattva descending to the human world, and like a fairy in the sky, otherworldly. Next to her, the pure land of Lingshan naturally appeared, with endless Buddhas chanting.

"Serve God’s will!"Wanwan raised her palms high, and the laws of heaven and earth were intertwined on her palms, converging into a volume of sacred decrees that were half imaginary and half real, and pale golden. She said word by word,"Yanhuang is incompatible. Humiliation, Yan and Huang cannot be bullied, barbarians must retreat! Heavenly Kingdom Angelica!"

Shi Feixuan accepted Wanwan's words, her voice was vague, but revealed a cold and solemn tone,"It will take us two, adhering to the will of God, to walk on earth for three days! Inform all living beings."

Axing realized something at this moment. There was joy and excitement in his eyes. He said loudly,"I will obey God's decree 23!"

The intermittent sounds of obeying God's laws and decrees gradually became more orderly, spread throughout the entire demon city, and became deafening...

All of this made the Western reporters' minds tremble and their faces turn pale..

They clearly understood at this moment that Yanhuang had risen...

Even if Yanhuang was an agricultural country, even if Yanhuang was weak at this moment... But so what?

That god has now publicly revealed his attitude to the world!

With that The peerless power displayed by the god is enough... No country in this world dares to risk offending that god by invading this country again... This country may become a real existence in the world, and no other country in the world will dare to risk the anger of the god. The war-torn Ili Garden exists!


Su Han withdrew his gaze, and all the strange phenomena in the sky of the Kung Fu world disappeared. Of course, at this moment, the souls of Wanwan and Master Fei Xuan are still connected to the God Realm... As long as three days pass, they can break the void and return to the God Realm with a single thought.

"Lord Kami, do you want to continue the outing?" Zhao Ling'er said softly.

Su Han picked up Zhao Ling'er and said with a dumb smile,"No... I've been playing outside for long enough."

Su Han took a step forward, and the light of the avenue intertwined. He returned directly to the Central Heavenly Officials, and then began to exercise his body... It was getting dark, and Su Han sent Zhao Ling'er back to sleep, and then glanced at the chat group


Chat group of all worlds.

The descendant of the Ax Gang:"God is mighty!!!"

The Wall Facer:"???"

Immortal Evil King"If you are familiar with this, this familiar excitement... I have a premonition. It has become a sacrifice?"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"You guessed it right. Not long ago, I used 14,000 island country soldiers to worship the gods! Thus! Let God lower his gaze to me... God is so powerful that he follows his words. Anyone who has caused massacre in China should be burned to death." The heir of the Ax Gang said:" So, they all died! None of the island soldiers was innocent... They all committed unforgivable crimes on the land of China.……"

Ye Hei:"!!! Hey, I've thought about it a lot before, but I really didn't expect... God would actually do something like this? This is too scary." The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"In a word, conservative estimate Millions of people have died... The gods are awesome! The gods are mighty. (Shivering.jpg)"

Yao Lao:"Maybe this is the real god!"

Yao Lao:"Of course, I am not surprised at all... In the final analysis, if the gods want to destroy the world, it is just a matter of time!"

Yao Lao:"Just kill a few million people...and these millions of people are all people who deserve to die!"

Liu Peiqiang:"No. No, no, what is powerful is not killing at all... but a word... Moreover, can I think that God directly engraved the truth on that piece of heaven and earth with one sentence? This sentence has truly It has become a part of the operation of the world!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Just like an apple will fall from the tree, 1+1=2-1...I even suspect that if foreigners kill people in Yanhuang next...the same will happen. Trigger this ideal, and then be burned to death by fire!"

Prince Zhu:"!!!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Fuck!"

Immortal Evil King:"……Isn't it? This is too scary!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"I really don't know about this... Do you think I want to test it later? Oh, by the way, although I killed the previous leader of the Ax Gang, a lot of things happened before, and the Ax Gang has recognized me as the new leader. So it is very easy for me to do this kind of thing, just one sentence is enough!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"Hahaha, this was my dream a long time ago... I used to think that being the leader of the Ax Gang would allow me to eat and wait for death, and no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat... I didn't expect it to be so easy now. The relaxation was achieved, and I felt quite melancholy."

Wall-Facing Man:"? With God's grace, you can easily reach the top of your life. Do you want to take a vacation? There is no door!"

Great Qin Zulong:"That's true! You have inherited such a huge favor from must take on the responsibility of preaching for God! And once you take on the role of leader of the Creation God Religion, you will definitely not be able to take any time off."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I am the most typical example!"

The most powerful man's deputy:"I don't need you...Everyone in the group is the most typical example. How can you be so slack after receiving divine grace? Stop talking, continue to preach, set a small goal today, and give 100 million followers to the God Dora!

Ye Hei:"If you can attract 100 million more followers, I'll stand on my head to the toilet!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Okay.""

Chen Xiaoyu:"I have completed the screenshots, just waiting... Oh, 100 million believers! That's okay.

Liu Peiqiang:"It's so true!" No one in the chat group believes that you can attract 100 million followers."

Miaomushan Sage:"In the final analysis, it is hard to say how many millions of people there are in his world... What's more important is that the people in his world are extremely scattered!"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"I almost forgot one important thing.……@Not evil king. The two daughters of destiny from your world have come to my world! Now he is holding on to his identity as an envoy of God, walking in the world for three days and preaching for three days."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"I'm going to take them around the land of Yanhuang for a week...and then take a trip to Chong- and Yan-'an. (You all know it.jpg)"

Immortal Evil King:"!!!"

The Immortal Evil King:"Two Destined Daughters? Is there Qingxuan?"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"No...but I asked around and they seem to be living a good life in the upper world. They are very relaxed and comfortable in the God Realm. It is really a pure land beyond imagination. It is not just a matter of being suitable for cultivation... but at the same time, there is not much danger."

Wall-Facing Man:"??? Are you lying to ghosts? There are so many mountain-like beasts in the God Realm. Monster."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"However, all those creatures devoutly believe in God! Don't forget... God prohibits his believers from killing each other."

Undead Evil King:"!!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"……Is there such an operation?!"

Liu Peiqiang:"I was very shocked when I heard it at first glance, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the truth."_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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