"correct."Yan Ruyu suddenly remembered something. She pursed her lips and said solemnly,"The reason why I can believe in God and even join the Creation God Cult... is because of the guidance of one of my good sisters, Qin Yao.……"

"So, if I ascend to heaven, can I take her with me?"

Ye Hei was stunned for a moment, frowning, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded seriously,"Okay!"

Qin Yao can also be regarded as a fairy, but compared with Yan Ruyu, there is a big gap... But Ye Hei then thought, Yan Ruyu is the daughter of destiny, how can Qin Yao be regarded as a bearer? The daughter of luck, right? In this case, she is already qualified to serve God.

"That's good!"Yan Ruyu breathed a sigh of relief.

But before the two could continue chatting, their expressions changed at the same time, and they suddenly turned their heads to look somewhere.

"The mausoleum was born."Ye Hei thought for a while and looked at Yan Ruyu seriously,"Then please give the princess more beatings."

Then, Ye Hei lightly rubbed his feet, and like a ray of lightning, his body quickly galloped into the distance and disappeared.

Yan Ruyu was silent for a long time, and with a serious look on her face, she began to gather her demon tribe members.

Following Ye Hei's order, the Creation God Cult mobilized at this moment. Dozens of Four Extremes masters, together with nearly a thousand Taoist realm beings, all rushed towards the direction of the mausoleum's aura. The aura was overwhelming, and the war drums were thunderous. Not long after Ye Hei led many masters and united the demon clan to come here, there was a terrifying murderous intention in the distance.

Nine war horses with Qilin blood roared. They stepped into the void, twisting the void. Each one had a terrifying aura that made even the powerful dragon-turned-dragons tremble. But at this moment, they are... just livestock used to pull carts!

"The leader of the Ji clan."Ye Hei's eyes suddenly became sharp. He had many dealings with the Ji Clan, and the two sides had deep hatred... It can even be said that if Yao Guang is his number one enemy, then the Ji Clan is the number one enemy. Two

"King Ye Shen, long time no see."Clan Leader Ji's gentle and generous voice suddenly sounded, and wisps of imperial power seeped out from the magnificent chariot, faintly locking onto Ye Hei. Obviously, at this time, the leader of Ji Clan was carrying the weapons of the clan. The Emperor Mirror of the Void came.

He said quietly,"I've missed you a lot since the last time we said goodbye! When I thought of coming here and being able to chat with you, I was so excited that I brought more people with me. I guess the God King wouldn't care, right?"

"Of course I won't care!"Ye Hei smiled on the surface, but in his heart, he brought some troops, didn't he just want to surround him? By the way, he discovered that there was an imperial mausoleum here, and immediately made up his mind to grab a fortune... As for talking so much nonsense? It's too hypocritical.

Raising his eyebrows, Ye Hei seemed to suddenly remember something and said frivolously,"Oh, by the way... Chief Ji, how did you think about what I proposed last time? Are you interested in joining our Creation God Religion with your whole family? I can leave you a giant position in the church! Moreover, I can also give your daughter... a place in heaven to serve God!"

There was a brief silence. Even the cultivators from the Creation God Sect were staring at Ye Hei with admiration. You are really brave! Even one of the real masters of the Eastern Wasteland, the Ji Clan, did not let you go. In his eyes, a Ji Clan powerful man burst out with tremendous blood energy, and he angrily yelled,"Presumptuous!"

As Dao said, the terrifying void method was released, filling the sky and the ground with dense cracks. There was a suffocating sense of oppression.

"The people above are chatting, what are the people below talking about?"Ye Hei's voice was cold. He played, and a ray of bright golden light burst out instantly, and then penetrated the mighty figure. He let out a shrill scream. The breath of life became extremely weak. The scene was dead silent, with only the majesty of the emperor. The leader of the Ji clan said coldly,"Isn't it appropriate to...do something to my Ji clan members in front of me?"

Hei didn't wait for Ye Hei's reply. There is another terrifying charm erupting in the distance... The war horses are like thunder, and the Jiang family's divine cavalry, which has long been famous in Beidou, rushes towards them.

To the west, there are also fairy sounds, and the fairies from Yaochi are coming with the Xihuang Immortal Pagoda in their arms. Divine brilliance was also erupting in the east, and the Holy Lord of Yaoguang came with a bang, driving a divine cauldron,"Brother Ji, what are you doing talking nonsense with them here? We have so many imperial soldiers, even a small saint So what about the body? Just kill him and that's it."

"The tomb of the last demon emperor in modern times is opened... The treasures are there for the virtuous! What is virtue? Virtue is to be strong! We are virtue!"The arrogant and contemptuous words of the Yaoguang Holy Lord made the demon clan strongmen at the scene explode.

"The Demon Emperor is my ancestor."Yan Ruyu's voice was light and her expression did not waver. Humiliation? Maybe, but she has long been used to it. In order to let the descendants of the Demon Emperor prosper again, she has sacrificed too much, and her ancestors have also sacrificed too much. Too many.

She scanned the crowd and spoke loudly,"If you want to take something by force, just say so! There is no need to say such high-sounding words... No matter how you despise me and the demon clan, I still have the blood of an emperor flowing in my body that is not inferior to yours! This is also the tomb of my ancestors"

"evildoer! Back then, the Demon Emperor stole our human race’s most precious treasure. All this was just to pay off a debt!"The voice of Holy Lord Yaoguang was filled with chills at this moment, as if he had been stabbed in the foot. The divine energy in his body was flowing, and the Emperor

's Cauldron began to revive. The fairy tower in Yaochi also exuded a brilliant brilliance, with wisps of supernatural power. The ultimate imperial power suddenly emerged, and the goddess of Yaochi spoke warmly,"The Holy Lord does not have to be like this... The princess of the demon clan has a point! In this way, it is easy for her clan to look down on my human clan."

"Which side are you on? You are the Holy Land of the Human Race!"Holy Lord Yaoguang became more and more angry.

Suddenly, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the brilliance was dazzling like a rising sun! The seal of the Demon Emperor's Tomb was truly broken. There were countless miraculous brilliance like shooting stars. , spreading in all directions

"Stop them!"The leader of the Ji clan had no time to continue looking for trouble for Ye Hei. He stretched out his palm and activated the void method. The black mist filled the air and turned into a hand seal that covered the sky. He picked up a large number of spiritual treasures in one handful.

Yan Ruyu's expression Dignified, she tried her best to push the emperor's blood in her body. Now the concentration of her blood is equal to that of the demon emperor's legitimate daughter! Even in the sealed state before, she could faintly feel the breath of the demon emperor's weapons and resonate with them......Needless to say now.

Accompanied by the roar like war drums... there are several streams of light in the distance galloping towards where Ye Hei and others are. The Taoist scriptures, the demon emperor's heart, and the demon emperor's weapons are all there. In those rays of brilliance……

"Chief of the Ji Clan, stop those things! We'll discuss it later."Holy Lord Yaoguang vaguely recognized something, and excitement and fanaticism appeared in his eyes. He waved his palm suddenly, and the Imperial Cauldron exploded with brilliance. In the distance, the leader of the Ji Clan hesitated for a moment, and then urged The Void Immortal Mirror was moved.

However, these weapons are now in a stage where they have not fully recovered. And after the Qinglian soldiers felt the aura of the emperor's daughter, the gods in them were half-awakened, and came to Yan Ruyu's side with overwhelming force... This This aura was so terrifying that it swept across the world and even made the beings in the forbidden area open their eyes.

"This is... Yan Wanqing's aura!"

"The last Demon Emperor since ancient times... Is that guy not dead yet? Impossible! Obviously ten thousand years ago……".......0

"No, he is already dead, and luckily he is already dead... After all, if that guy lets him live any longer, I doubt he will be able to compete with some of the most amazing monsters in history.……"

"Um? That's... interesting. Are the inheritance of these emperors in the world now naive enough to think that they can use the same emperor's weapon to suppress another emperor's weapon? Especially the weapon of the Demon Emperor!"

"No, no, no... just two things is naturally impossible! But what if there were more?"

The Jiang family took action at this moment. The powerful men they were present activated their divine power to resuscitate a sacred furnace. The leader stared at Ye Hei coldly,"Evils are crooked, and there are villains who spread their beliefs! It really is a match made in heaven... You deserve to die! The demon clan should not rise, and faith should no longer spread from the Western Desert! Catastrophe should be nipped in the bud."

A wisp of terrifying sword energy erupted from the distant middle region. The Taihuang Emperor's sword broke through the void, and then came with a crash. An ethereal and transcendent voice sounded,"Back then, the demon emperor finally took away the supreme treasure of the human race! And the Taoist scriptures... Now it is up to you, the descendants, to pay for this sin."

Yan Ruyu's face turned pale. Chaos Green Lotus floated above her head, hanging down thousands of chaotic lights, protecting everyone present...

But even so, using one weapon to fight four imperial weapons at the same time was too much. It's difficult...you can almost call it death.

"Little leaves!"Pang Bo looked at Ye Hei with trembling lips.

"Don't panic, everything is within my calculation."Ye Hei looked calm and calm. He waved his hand gently, and the chariot behind him suddenly exploded, and a simple altar made of five-color jade stones appeared on it,"Present the sacrifice!"

Yan Ruyu's expression changed slightly. She hesitated for a moment, then controlled the Chaos Green Lotus and the Demon Emperor's Heart, and suddenly landed on the five-color altar.

Then, Ye Hei spoke loudly again,"Recite the sacrificial inscription!"

He took the lead in landing on the main altar and chanted loudly. And the many disciples of the Creation God Cult beside him, after a brief silence, understood something, and their faces showed enthusiasm, and they shouted loudly The chanting is going on. The sound of the sacrifice is shaking the heavens and the earth!_Faloo reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share!

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