The world of gods.

Su Han is processing a lot of information at the moment. Some of this information was sent to him by the old principal, some were sent to him by the government, and some were sent to him by well-known schools, hoping that he could go to those schools to give lectures.

"Once you become famous, you will indeed be a lot busier."Su Han was filled with emotion and glanced at the news list on his mobile phone. His popularity has not dissipated for a long time... No, to be more precise, even if it has been for a while, now it is refreshed and the popularity has skyrocketed. , it seems... the heat has not reached its true peak.

Suddenly, Su Han's expression became serious,"Are there any more sacrifices? The Kung Fu side has just ended... Tsk tsk, they are connected very well... Wait, this coordinate is for the world that covers the sky with one hand?!"

Raising his eyebrows, Su Han instantly entered the Central Heavenly Palace. He sat on the throne, with a look of expectation on his face.

Looking at today's chat groups, the world that covers the sky with one hand is definitely the top world... the top world! Paired with a system that has just completed evolution……

"I'm looking forward to this time's sacrifice of"September 17th"""Su Han murmured.

The next moment, a clear tone suddenly sounded next to his ear.

"Ding! It has been detected that the world with one hand covering the sky has begun to perform sacrifices……"

"Ding! The heart of the demon emperor has been sacrificed, the emperor's soldier Chaos Qinglian has been sacrificed, Yan Ruyu, the daughter of destiny, has been sacrificed alive, and Qin Yao, the daughter of great luck, has been sacrificed alive... Ding! Congratulations on successfully triggering a 10,000-fold increase!"

"Ding! The Heart of the Demon Emperor successfully evolved into the Heart of the Immortal King! Ding! Chaos Qinglian successfully increased into the weapon of the Immortal King... Ding! Chaos Green Lotus triggers the Immortal King's Dao contained in it and upgrades again, Ding! Chaos Qinglian has been successfully transformed into a quasi-immortal emperor weapon!"

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining the Holy Spirit Yan Ruyu. Yan Ruyu's bloodline has been improved ten thousand times, and her cultivation has increased tremendously... Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining the heroic spirit Qin Yao! Qin Yao's cultivation level has increased tremendously.……"

Su Han was silent for a long time, and finally squeezed two out from between his teeth."……Damn it?!"

What the hell? Yan Ruyu is really the Daughter of Destiny... This, this doesn't make sense?!

Su Han was completely confused.

He always felt that the Daughter of Destiny is the heroine of the world... The Son of Destiny is one The male protagonist of the world...

From this perspective, the destined girl of that world should be Little Moon of the Ji clan... Even if An Miaoyi is, he thinks it is understandable... But what the hell is Yan Ruyu? What's going on?!

"Wait a moment! Could it be that."After Su Han thought about it repeatedly, he suddenly realized something and his expressionHowever, it became unstable.

If there is any difference between the world of Covering the Sky with One Hand and other worlds... it can only be said that the level of the world of Covering the Sky with One Hand is too high.

Even if we don’t mention how terrifying the ancient emperors of their world were… Not to mention that that world is in the same line as the Perfect World, there are suspected to be quasi-immortal emperors, immortal emperors, and even higher beings…

To put it simply, Ye Hei’s The stage is the entire universe... and the stage for others is just a small planet!

The gap in this pattern... is so huge that it is indescribable!

"Can I be considered as the daughter of destiny who can cover all the world with one hand? There are even many Destiny Sons... However, Little Leaf is the one who is favored by Destiny the most.

Yan Ruyu thought about it carefully, the only special thing is that the demon princess... If she is... then what about the daughters of the ancient emperor?.

"……Originally, I was still thinking that even if that guy Ye Hei sacrificed a bunch of daughters of ancient emperors to me, he would only be a man of great luck! But now it seems that it is really not necessarily the case."Su Han couldn't help but feel a little excited.

At the same time, he blamed himself a little,"Oh, I've skipped too many classes recently! Don't have much knowledge about this area"

"After this incident, you still have to study hard."

Su Han made up his mind. Knowledge is indeed very useful, and learning to change your destiny is not just about talking.

Patting his cheek, Su Han forced himself to focus on other things.

The Demon Emperor's Heart, Evolution The heart of becoming an Immortal King. This makes Su Han very comfortable! In the final analysis, he is only an existence in the realm of gods now... The corresponding realm can be regarded as the realm of immortals covering the sky with one hand, but he belongs to the version of becoming an immortal in the world of mortals.

Of course, This is just a very vague correspondence... In fact, it is difficult to compare the two because they take different paths.

To use the simplest analogy, once you break through to the realm of upper gods, the initial level of upper gods should be the same as that of the great gods. Corresponding to saints or quasi-emperors... Only by breaking through to the pinnacle and limit of this realm can they be comparable to the ancient emperors.

However, the upper gods can compete with the ancient emperors only because they have activated their powerful laws and avenues..Their body power comes from the divine realm... So in terms of pure physical killing ability, it is far behind the ancient emperor... The same is true for Su Han, even if he is an alternative to the world of gods, no matter at the same stage, Whether it is the law of the road or the hand-to-hand combat ability, it far surpasses the gods of the same level...

But if he does not rely on his own laws and the powerful divine power flowing in his body... At this stage, Su Han is not even comparable to the Red Dust Immortal. An ordinary immortal who can cover the sky with one hand would probably be able to pin him to the ground and hammer him...

But what makes gods powerful is never physical combat, but means!

It is a means that is enough to reverse Yin and Yang; with enough faith and origin power , a nearly omnipotent method; a method that involves the concept of law; it uses the power of its own laws to control the endless void energy, pushing and crushing all dissatisfaction, even against one party.The universe has all the means to cause devastating damage...

Su Han has no fear in facing the Red Dust Immortal. And what the Red Dust Fairy can do, he can do. What the Red Dust Fairy can't do... like resurrecting the dead, like setting up a world of reincarnation... he can also do it!

"However, my past physical deficiencies can be made up for....."Su Han's eyes flickered. The heart of an Immortal King is used to warm and nourish his body, which is enough to make his physical fighting ability comparable to that of a real Immortal King who can cover the sky with one hand when he breaks through to the realm of God King.

For him, this kind of significance cannot be overestimated no matter how high it is...

Su Han even thought that he would be able to come up with another research topic by then! On the physical limits of the God King! Ahem...

In addition to this, there are……

"A quasi-immortal emperor weapon!"Su Han rubbed the center of his brows, with happiness and confusion on his face,"Is this a weapon that is comparable to the top divine king weapon, or can it be compared to the main divine weapon? Or is it somewhere in the middle between a god king and a main god?!"

Su Han doesn't know. He is just a god now. It's too difficult for him to ask him to think about this kind of problem... But no matter what, this is a great good thing for him.

Although Su Han has He has the Divine Weapon of Luck, and the Divine Weapon of Luck is rare for the Lord God to possess, but the main reason is that the Divine Weapon of Luck can become stronger with the evolution of the divine world. No matter what stage Su Han reaches, these eight weapons can keep up with him. The rhythm...

Simply speaking of strength, the Chaos Green Lotus Soldier is still stronger at the current stage... Even the two sides are not on the same level at all.……

"Ye Hei, Ye Hei, you can always give me something new."Su Han lowered his eyes. He threw a ray of thought into the world that covers the sky with one hand, and a lot of thoughts flowed through his mind,"Then, what reward should I give to that guy Ye Hei? Sanctification... seems to work!"

"Wait a minute," Su Han sensed something, and his expression became weird,"It's not bad to be hit on the head by four imperial weapons... Although he is good in strength, he does not have the power to suppress the emperor level in his hands... Moreover, after this day, , that guy Ye Hei will really step onto the big stage of the universe.……"

Yes, Su Han didn't need to think about it to know that he was manifesting himself in Beidou. 4.9 A group of supreme beings who cut themselves off will definitely not be able to calm down!

Even Su Han strongly suspected that... with the arrogance of those supreme people, maybe when he shows up as a saint, those people can rush up in a hurry and make a big death.

"I probably know what to give him! The corners of Su Han's lips raised slightly,"That's right. After being blessed by me, he has been living very comfortably in Beidou during this period!" If you keep raising them slowly like this, you can certainly become a great emperor, but it is impossible to become a heavenly emperor."

Waiting for the Great Emperor, he has always been killed on mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Not to mention the Emperor of Heaven...

Ye Hei was too miserable in the original work. He clearly had the biggest background in the universe behind him, but he was targeted by the entire world. And attacks and killings... All the resources he obtained, except for ruthless people's layout, were accumulated through hard work or obtained by chance. He did not rely on anyone... but this was the basis for him to become the Supreme Emperor. , is the most precious wealth in his life.

Therefore, Su Han said that now he should artificially add hardships to him...just to ensure that he will not die..._

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