Immediately afterwards, Su Han chatted with Yan Ruyu for a few more words, and then arranged for her to be in a palace next to the Central Tiangong, and named it the Qing Emperor's Palace.

Watching the girls leave, Su Han sat down again, with an inexplicable luster in his eyes.

"Covering the world with one hand... How the future will develop is really exciting!"

Su Han has begun to look forward to Ye Hei's next sacrifice. He had a vague hunch that his harvest next time will be higher than this one, not lower.

Shaking his head, Su Han stopped thinking about it and turned his gaze Projected to the chat group


The heir of the Ax Gang:"We have arrived at the mountain city...and received a warm reception from the bald head. The bald head was especially attentive to the two goddesses...It's a pity that the two goddesses were not interested in his hospitality at all, and preferred to go among the people. Take a look."

The heir of the Ax Gang said:"Moreover, the more remote and poor the place, the more willing the two goddesses are to take a look... They treat the diseases of the poor people, and call on the rich to raise funds, and personally supervise the financial"Eight Zero" is distributed to the people and then preached."

Wall Facer:"It seems that it went very smoothly."

Heir of the Ax Gang:"Yes, 70% of the donations were corrupted... Two goddesses The eyes are very sharp, or in other words, mortals cannot lie in front of those two goddesses. Then, they were very angry... and even caused a high-level catastrophe in the mountain city." The heir of the

Ax Gang:" The person who was the most greedy... made a very innocent remark, which made my heart freeze! They said that if it weren't for those two goddesses... it would be nice to get 10% of the bottom this time. He I have tried my best."

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"???"

Great Qin Zulong:"70% corruption?? If we were in Great Qin, this kind of person would have his whole family sent to the border to build the Great Wall for the rest of his life! Oh no, it should be said that this person would die directly... His family would be sent to the border to build the Great Wall. The Great Wall for life."

The Prince of the Zhu family:"That's right... If grandpa is alive and can be skinned and stuffed with grass... it will be considered a happy death for him."

The strongest man's deputy:"It's so scary."

Bye. Leader of the Moon:"……"

Yao Lao:"This is too awesome... Under the gaze of God, you dare to do this! I really don't know how to evaluate it."……"

Yao Lao's expression is wonderful. This cannot be said to be seeking death... this can only be said to be seeking death.

Yao Lao:"So, how was the last matter handled?"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"The bald man personally smoothed things over... I hope the two goddesses will leave this matter to them. Then there is no more, the goddess in black The underworld of the underworld was revealed again, and all the people involved in this matter were thrown in."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"The atmosphere here in the mountain city is very wrong now... We are in a stalemate with this side. If it weren't for the strength of the goddess, They are too strong, and they can shake the whole city with just one move. In addition, they symbolize God, and their reputation among the people is too high. I believe you when you say that the bald ones are planning to attack us."

The wall-facer said:"I was early. Let’s just say, don’t have the slightest hope over there! Just go to the other side... You chose! Forget it, you’re right too. Give it some time to develop. The stronger the other side, the simpler it will be. Yan’s blood will flow. The less."

The Wall-Facing Man:"Although the war ended in 1940...but there were still casualties after all. Alas!"

Liu Peiqiang:"@axedescendants. The industrial facilities here are ready...directly Using our new standards of the 21st century and the 1970s, we will move you there on a large scale? Help you establish a complete industrial foundation!" The heir of the Ax Gang:"No problem at all! Thank you so much... …By the way, you gave these things to us for no reason, and I can’t help but feel a little embarrassed. Otherwise, how about this, you send a price list, and I will send it to you in gold as the equivalent."

Wall-Facing Man:"!!!"

Immortal Evil King:"This method is good."

Liu Peiqiang:"Let's talk about it next time... This time, strictly speaking, it is a donation. Because I told the people below that the devout believers of the Creation God Religion in another world are... In the 1940s, they were in great difficulty, so they needed our help."

Liu Peiqiang:"And guess what? The crowd was furious! Trusting the same God, and with the double blessing of the same culture and species... Everything you need has been collected. Even on my side, the officials from the East came to me and said that if there was anything missing, they would donate money and make up for it. I persuaded them for a while, and then I blocked them back. Yao

Lao:"As for... is it so exaggerated? You are so enthusiastic about giving it away for free!"

Prince Zhu:"As for... damn, when I saw that period of history, I felt aggrieved and angry to death......It can be said that the level of frustration is second only to the slaves entering the customs. If it weren't for the fact that the technology here is backward, I would also help!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"……I think the issue with the islanders is a bit more serious. But considering that the Jurchens entered the customs and destroyed the Zhu family, I can understand your feelings. Immortal Evil King:"

Too real."

Ye Hei:"Hahahaha, brothers!" I'm back."

The strongest man's deputy:"? Looks very excited and happy? What good happened? Talk to all of us?! Ye

Hei:"I have completed the sacrifice... I have sacrificed a divine heart, a divine weapon, and a daughter of destiny!""

Su Han's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Ye Hei's words with a subtle expression....... how?! Doesn’t Qin Yao deserve a name? Although she is quite inconspicuous in front of other divine objects, she is still a girl of great luck!

Ye Hei:"The power of the God is so powerful that I became a sage... Of course, I am nothing. The daughter of destiny is the real strong one. She climbed to the sky in one step and became the ancient emperor."

Yao Lao:"???"

Liu Peiqiang:"???"

Miaomushan Immortal:"Wait a minute...I remember, who is the so-called ancient emperor?!"

Ye Hei:"Yes, it's exactly what you imagined."

Wallface Man:"Fuck!"

Ax Gang Heir:"Fuck Groove!"

Prince Zhu family:"Reached the sky in one step... The ancient emperor? Became a cosmic-level existence? Can you destroy an entire star field galaxy with just one finger?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"My poor imagination makes me unable to Imagine, what a terrifying existence it is... I can only have a vague concept in my mind, that is, it is very strong! Super strong."

Prince Zhu:"It's a bit scary! Here's a video."

Ye Hei:"Okay."Hey, I've been ready for a long time."

Soon, the video was sent successfully. Su Han finished watching it casually, and then stared at the chat group relaxedly and comfortably again.

Ye Hei was in a good mood, and so was he.

The strongest man’s deputy:"!!!"

Immortal Evil King:"……The big scene is really a big scene beyond imagination. In particular, the Chaos Green Lotus revived and directly opened up the chaos! I have a feeling in my mind that the chaos seems to be bigger than the entire universe.……"

Ye Hei:"You feel right... On the surface, the chaos is only a point on the edge of the Chaos Green Lotus. But in fact, as long as you get into it, you can find the inexhaustible 1.7 in it..."

Ye Hei:"Not at all. To put it exaggeratedly, if Qinglian wants to, maybe he can create several universes in the chaos that can rival the universe I belong to!"

Great Qin Zulong:"!!!"

Yao Lao:"Hiss... I originally thought that it was amazing that God could create the world. But I never thought that God could actually create an existence that could create the world!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Don't say God. Oh! Even if you say that the Chaos Green Lotus can create the existence that creates the world! I believe the same."

Immortal Evil King:"??"

Liu Peiqiang:"No matryoshka dolls!"

Prince Zhu:"But what's more terrifying is not... God created that kind of terrifying existence without any effort at all. It's still the same as before... sitting in the Heavenly Palace, connected to the body They haven't moved."

The Crown Prince of the Zhu family said:"It's really hard for me to imagine what a earth-shaking event it will be if God really takes off? I'm afraid if he doesn't take one step, the heavens will overturn, and if he takes two steps, chaos will happen again!" _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!

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