Chen Xiaoyu:"The God of Creation, the Eternal God!"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I will always believe in the God of Creation.jpg"

The man facing the wall:"Am I the only one who pays attention to that at the beginning? Several people who had conflicts with Ye Hei... When they later saw the weapons they brought, they tried their best to protect Ye Hei, and their expressions became extremely exciting?" The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Pfft, hahaha, this is indeed the case. It’s so funny! You may not believe it, but our backhand is on the opposite side. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Ye Hei has discussed the issue of imperial soldiers before… That thing seems to be from ancient times The continuation of the life of the Supreme. Their personalities are inherited from the Great Emperor... Therefore, it should be said that the personalities of those Great Emperors are very good."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"As for why their descendants have fallen like this... This is normal! Or rather , as the descendants of the Great Emperor, enjoy generous cultivation resources, can have great strength even lying down, and have a very high status... It would be strange if all of them have gentle and pure personalities, right?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Good Qi. Ah! Especially when I saw the Holy Lord Yaoguang, he said with arrogance that there are those who are virtuous, and he is virtuous... I can't wait to stab him in the face with a sword! (Lu Dongbin swings his sword.jpg)"

Ye Hei :"But... Yaoguang's tripod appeared inexplicably. It was not forged by any ancient emperor... Hasn't there been any great emperor in Yaoguang's history?"

24 Xiaoyu:"??"

Chen Xiaoyu:"That's it, then it's okay.jpg"

The strongest man's deputy:"It's too scary!"

Liu Peiqiang:"But having said that... I have no doubt that the original group of tribesmen of the Ancient Emperor may be here Under the guidance of the great emperor, he is very kind and friendly...but time can change everything."

Liu Peiqiang:"In particular, the ancient emperor's weapons sleep most of the time. They will only protect the ethnic group at critical times and will not consider checking the ethnic group. The current mental state of the tribesmen! Check whether they are good or bad people.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Strictly speaking, even if strict inspections are carried out, it will only make the bad guys fewer and more hidden, but it is impossible to truly eradicate the bad guys." The

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"We will not discuss this heavy topic anymore.……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I am just shocked by God's prophecy! Ye Hei... will actually become the Emperor of Heaven and the Immortal Emperor in the future?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"The Immortal Emperor... the Emperor of Immortals? The Immortal of that world It’s hard to imagine how terrifying the legendary Immortal Emperor is when he is so tall! (Melancholy and looking forward to it.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"……I'm curious too."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Wouldn't it be better to just ask God directly?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"@Great God, please help me, a pious person, to clarify my doubts!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"? ? It's impossible for God to answer you, right?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"This is not necessarily true... Dad once emphasized to me something called divine enlightenment! Divine revelation is when gods give you revelations... This is usually the way gods communicate with you!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Think about it carefully... Do you suddenly feel an inexplicable sense of blindness?

Wutian Buddha:"!!!"

Ye"What the hell... chat group?"!"

I suddenly realized. Yes, isn't the chat group one of the mediums for communicating with them?

Su Han raised his eyebrows, and after thinking for a moment, he replied.

God:"Things transformed by the Chaos Green Lotus are related to Reached the Immortal Emperor level!"

Quasi-Immortal Emperor weapon! Doesn't it involve the Immortal Emperor level?

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"?!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"God has appeared! Pay homage to God."

Yao Lao:"Honor our great and almighty Lord! May your light shine in the heavens."

Prince Zhu:"God is eternal! The God of Creation is eternal.!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Thank you God for giving me divine enlightenment."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Originally, Ye Hei was looking forward to it... Then he saw God say this, it's okay! What are you trying to cultivate on your own, and you're still old? Just hug the god's thighs honestly."

Ye Hei:"Yeah... honestly rely on sacrifices to become stronger, isn't it good to go to the Immortal Emperor while lying down? (crying.jpg)"

Ye Hei was originally looking forward to it For a moment. The emperor among the immortals was stunned when he heard it. But now he understands...

I don't know if he is awesome or not, but it is certain that the God can enlighten a strong man of this level without moving around the world... The reason why the God has some expectations When you said those words, you probably just thought his rise was interesting, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Hei suddenly cried with sadness.

Ye Hei:"But it's a pity... It's too late for me to make the decision to eat and die. It's too late!"

Da Qin Zulong:"?"

Ye Hei:"Damn it... Three young holy kings from the ancient tribe came just now to surround and kill me! And then I killed them alive... They told me before they died that this was just the beginning."

Ye Hei:"Oh, just during the conversation... I was attacked again. The whole body was cracked! It was the Killing Saint of the Killer Dynasty... Looking at this old bone stick, I fell into deep I have deep doubts, is this guy really from the same era as me?"

The strongest man's deputy:"Maybe... his strength is about the same as you, right? I saw the previous scene, the great sage took action and died immediately! So this time it may be that young people, masters below the Holy King, can attack you, right?"

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"That being said... I remembered what those ancient supreme beings said. Except Apart from them, all the other ancient supreme beings have their eyes on Ye Hei! Maybe they will try their best to defeat you, and then seize the creation that God said."

The strongest man's deputy:"?? So I think It's outrageous! Couldn't they see that what God said was deliberately attracting those people to sharpen Ye Hei so that Ye Hei could truly reach the top? Why were they so willing to use it as a stepping stone? ?"

Great Qin Zulong:"Actually, it's normal... We know that Ye Hei joined this chat group and received the same favor from God as us. But people in that world don't know... In their eyes, it's actually Ye Hei made a sacrifice, and God gave him such a vast and unparalleled gift."

Great Qin Zulong:"If I were to stand in the perspective of Ye Hei's enemy... when I refer to God's words, I might be wrong. I think. If I defeat Ye Hei, he will not only be able to refine him, thereby greatly increasing his lifespan... At the same time, I may also be qualified to offer sacrifices to the gods... If you think about it carefully, sacrifice to the gods What does God mean to the strong men in your world?"

Ye Hei:"……"

Ye Hei:"That's it! It's the ticket to becoming an immortal... God is so powerful that he can really show his favor. Even a pig can become an immortal while lying down."

Ye Hei:"Damn, from this Thinking about it from a perspective, I feel that the future is too difficult! The whole world is the enemy, really the whole world is the enemy... I really just want to be a trash who waits to die and helps God spread faith."

Ye Hei:"I originally thought that my life would be much easier after God showed his power within Beidou... But I never expected that life would be even harder." The more

Ye Hei spoke, the sadder he became, and he was about to cry.

Great Qin Zulong:"Before, you spread your faith and everyone shouted to beat you... Although now there is an undercurrent and dangers are everywhere.……"

Great Qin Zulong:"But at least, not only have you stopped shouting at everyone, but you have also truly stepped onto the top of that world and become a being that even those dark taboos you mentioned do not dare to take action yourself. The great terror of targeting."

Ying Zheng recalled the video he had watched before, with an incomprehensible look on his face.

Behind the video is Void Mirror, taking Ye Hei back to the Ji Clan's ancestral land, and explaining to him in detail the source of the dark turmoil...

Those who helped him, and those who may have plotted against him, are all the source of the dark turmoil......

Liu Peiqiang:"It's not just a big terror that dares not take action...Look at that scene, those dark and forbidden beings have all come out of the situation where they were sealed! Send blessings and benefits to Ye Hei personally."

Liu Peiqiang :"Although everyone calls for beating him, he has been involved in many crimes now, and there are many big bosses behind him."_

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