Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"@黑. I suddenly thought of a very serious question!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Those supreme beings who are willing to stand behind you... they also caused problems in ancient times You have caused such a huge massacre, and you feed on living creatures!"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"If you really grow up in the future, how will you treat them? Are you really going to give them the chance of immortality as they said?"

The Strongest Man deputy:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Ah... I think of the great emperor of the Ji clan whom Void Mirror mentioned. He suffered too much for the sake of all living beings... Such an ancient emperor is the one who should survive the most! However, The only ones who survived were these dirty bugs."

Liu Peiqiang frowned. He was not forcing Ye Hei in this way, but simply because he felt it was too unfair and too infuriating.

Liu Peiqiang:"Moreover, these dirty bugs are still willing to live because of a gamble... Because they successfully bet on the possibility of immortality on Ye Hei... The world should not be like this! It should be kind and kind. Retribution, evil will be punished."

Prince Zhu family:"Good people don't live long, and disasters live for thousands of years! This has been true since ancient times... This is not a world where good people can live."

Ye Hei:"Anyway, those who are secretly targeting me Supreme... I will definitely kill them all. As for these Supremes who bet on me in the early stage... I will not tolerate them blindly."

Ye Hei:"I will repay the kindness they gave me......Let them get the chance of immortality as much as possible... But if they still despise the common people, I will also take the common people to collect their debts.……"

The strongest man’s deputy:"……You might as well take advantage of them! Then he gave them a beating with his backhand.

Ye Hei:"Sorry, I can't do such an ungrateful thing!" All I can say is that it doesn’t go against my true intentions! Do what needs to be done and kill who needs to be killed."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"This is already very good! Very strong. Ye Hei:"

Having said that... they actually didn't give me much kindness!" They simply ran over in a hurry, gave me a wave of welfare and then told me that they were standing behind me. If I had any questions, go to them...and then, it was gone.

Ye Hei:"Although they say it nicely!" But who knows what they think... I even feel that some of them may be trying to please me on the surface. In fact, he was hedging his bets, secretly cultivating his own legitimate sons and the like, and letting them target me to see if they could defeat me. Winning the great fortune'.!"

The strongest man’s deputy:"!!!"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Hey... betting on both ends is not bad." Wall-Facing Man:"You can say that your mind is very bright... I feel that this is most likely one of the supreme operations!" Bye!

Master Yue:"If this is the case, these supreme beings cannot be described as cunning and cunning... Those who have truly unrevealed feelings and are determined to confront you... are the real young supreme beings. (Dumbfounded.jpg )"

Ye Hei:"Hahaha, actually I am still thinking about another thing... If I offer sacrifices in the future, is it possible, at a sufficient price, to let all the human emperors from ancient times live? Come here!"

Ye Hei:"Void, Hengyu, and the legendary Taiyin Taiyin... There is a fairyland in our world! Only by gathering such a group of leaders and outstanding figures, let them become my creation... the future Only then can I, after preaching in the human world, also carry out large-scale preaching in a wider world.……"

Human deputy:"!!!".

Great Qin Zulong:"God can do it...I have no doubt. But, God knows what sacrifice you have to offer, God will fulfill your wish!"

Ye Hei:" I am just innocent I've thought about it. It's not illegal to think about it!"

Ye Hei:"Oh, by the way, what God blessed me with is the immortal way of Amitabha! Damn it, God is so considerate... Next I Just go to Lingshan Mountain in the West Desert."

Ye Hei:"Hahahaha, I live in the Immortal Law of Emperor Amitabha! Then I should be the spokesperson of Emperor Amitabha in the world...I said, in the future, all the Buddhas who believe in Hammer will write to me. Damn it! They only have this option."

The strongest man's deputy:"……"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"You are too cruel!"

Liu Peiqiang:"……Are you not afraid of being beaten to death? Oh, those of the same age group, or those below the level of a great sage, probably can’t beat you! The above will also consider that Emperor Amitabha... will not take action against you? That's okay."

The prince of the Zhu family:"Be reasonable, let's really start a fight! It’s hard to say which side these Buddhist foundations stand on.……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Emperor Amitabha must also have left his imperial weapons, right? I have no doubt that after noticing the aura on Ye Hei's body, that weapon betrayed him on the spot!"

Ye Hei:"Fuck! I'll keep paying it back, I'll fucking fight... Uh, hiss! Damn it, something big happened here."

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

Ye Hei:"The demon emperor who was said to be dead reappeared in front of me... and he is still younger! On the surface, he looks younger than me."

Ye Hei:"I am confused... is he... Are you looking for trouble with me? Is it because I brought Yan Ruyu to heaven! So he is dissatisfied?"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"???"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"It's terrible... Ye Hei's life is really colorful."

Chen Xiaoyu:"??@black. Why didn't you reply suddenly? Could something have happened?"

Liu Peiqiang:"I think it will definitely be fine! What happened to Dian Fengda? If an immortal dared to attack Ye Hei, he would probably be killed. (Blow the God.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"Nothing.……"

Ye Hei:"He and I chatted casually for a while! Thank you very much for taking care of Yan Ruyu... and asked me by the way, if he wanted to transform into a sacrifice, would it be a big problem?"

Great Qin Zulong :"~??"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Hiss!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"You have opened the Long Aotian template... don't even look for it, powerful sacrifices will be delivered to your door in a steady stream. (Envy.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"Then I said! No problem... But, do you want a dead sacrifice or a living sacrifice? If it's a dead sacrifice, I'll have to chop him up... But as a living sacrifice, I will only send the Daughter of Destiny. He Doesn't meet the requirements."

The strongest man's deputy:"Ah this……"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"???"

Yao Lao:"Although what you said is right... But I feel that you are not beaten to death. You really have to thank God."

Liu Peiqiang:"I just want to know what happened next?"

Ye Hei:"Continue The guy who came down didn't say a word, and left with a sullen face. I don't know when he left or how he left... It was so weird that I thought it was a dream!"

Ye Hei:"It's just a dream. It can be said that he is worthy of an existence of this level. He is really as strong as a monster."

The heir of the Ax Gang said:"……"


The strongest man's deputy:"As expected of you.jpg"

Even Su Han's expression became very exciting at this moment. The Qing Emperor, and (after Wang Zhao) was still the Qing Emperor at his peak...

I am afraid that without a wave of sacrifices, he could directly become an immortal king or even a quasi-immortal emperor level...

Of course, although Su Han was very moved, But after thinking about it for a while, I finally gave up on the idea.

Let's not mention that the Qing Emperor is a male. If he enters the God Realm, the terrible things that may happen under the system's increase...

Simply speaking, it is difficult for the God Realm to even support a Chaos Qinglian. How about creating a Qing Emperor? Let's forget it...

Su Han is afraid that something will go wrong in his divine realm accidentally... In the final analysis, the opponent is too strong! He couldn't even digest it if he tried to eat it...

At least he had to wait until Su Han rose to the level of God King, or even the level of Lord God... before he could integrate such sacrifices more easily and comfortably.

Su Han shook his head and said with emotion,"I really didn't expect... that one day I would actually worry that the sacrifice was too strong and might be beyond my tolerance.……"

"What a happy trouble."

After a short pause, Su Han's eyes flickered, and he smiled dumbly,"But then again... I guess after looking through history, there are not many gods who have such worries about happiness as me, right? hungry!"

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