Su Han smiled dumbly, and with a thought, Su Han returned directly to the real world.

He casually took out the happy water from the refrigerator, and then drank the happy water while playing with the fugue...until an hour later, he suddenly noticed the terrifying law of the great law rising outside the door.

"interesting!"Su Han's eyes sharpened instantly. After thinking for a moment, he came to the door and opened it.

Then, he discovered that there were a bunch of people standing outside the door... all of them were wearing formal clothes! They looked serious.. Several of them were wearing military uniforms.

There was even an old man with a lieutenant-general title on his shoulder...

And standing at the front of the group was the old principal.

"Student Su, I didn’t bother you."The old principal smiled hoarsely, with a hint of helplessness on his face,"The official said before that they wanted to come and have a chat with you!"

"I've always wanted to come over and discuss with you how to receive these guys... but I can't find your people. And even if I send a message, you won’t reply!"

"Today these old guys have made up their mind to block you in front of your door... Even if they have to block you for three days and three nights, they still want to see your people... But now it seems that we are very lucky! You happened to be there when you came"

"……I have been dealing with some matters in the divine world recently."Su Han touched his nose with some embarrassment.

"Understandable!"The old principal shrugged. There was a little nostalgia in his eyes, and he sighed,"Young people are full of energy. When I was young, I was busier than you... I couldn't see anyone from morning to night. But now that I'm older, I've become more stable... Well, in the words of you young people, I'm much more Buddhist."

After chatting casually, Su Han led a group of people into his room. The old principal introduced Su Han one by one, 170 this... is from the Ministry of God! They are because of your Hall of Valor manufacturing technology Come...don't have any psychological burden! Old man, I'm still here, just say what you want. The Military God Department is a big fat sheep"

"This is from the Patent Office. I have already applied for your previous theoretical patent... This time, I specially brought him here to apply for a patent for your Hall of Valor manufacturing technology. Xu Qiu, director of the

Patent Office, nodded repeatedly and said,"Yes, yes, the manufacturing technology of the Hall of Heroes... is very important." We must set up hundreds of patents, covering all aspects... We cannot let outsiders take advantage."

Xu Qiu has something to say about the business. The outsiders he is talking about are naturally those bastards in the West who set up barriers for the ancient Eastern countries.

Su Han crossed his hands on his chest, glanced at the people present with interest, and then spoke," Hall of Valor manufacturing technology... I prepared it very early. In fact, I was already prepared for you to come to me that night...but I didn't expect that it would take so long."

Su Han casually took out three books from the God Realm. The titles of the three books are: Detailed explanation of the creation of the Hall of Heroes, Concept of the Law of Heroes, and the blessing of the Law of Origin for the Hall of Heroes.

"All the content is here."Su Han pushed over.

The lieutenant general opposite shook his body. He took a few deep breaths and then managed to calm down.

He did not accept it immediately, but stared at Su solemnly. Han,"Mr. Su...please tell me your request." As long as it doesn't violate the law, everything is negotiable... This is what the old god said himself!"

Su Han smiled hoarsely,"But... I don't have anything I want."

Yes... What does Su Han want? The power of faith?!

He is not going to knock Dongfang Gu's bamboo pole for this... He seems to be a person who lacks the power of faith. To say the least, even if he excludes And the chat group... He who can collect patent fees after the Hall of Heroes technology is established in the future... is also unlikely to be short of money.

Tell me what you want," Su Han paused and spoke seriously,"Maybe I just hope...The technology can be properly applied."

Zhong-Shen's face showed surprise, and then he was a little moved. He was silent for a short time, and then stood up suddenly and gave Su Han a military salute. His voice was sonorous and powerful,"Don't worry...this One point is inevitable"

"Although I know that these words have no practical significance to you, I still want to say... your contribution to the ancient Eastern country will always be remembered in our hearts."

Several other military gods at the scene also stood up and gave Su Han a military salute.

"……But old man, I am a villain in vain."The old principal stared blankly at Su Han. He grinned, seeming a little happy and a little melancholy.

"After all, are you doing it for me?"Su Han smiled.

"However, a patent still needs to be applied for!"The old principal suddenly looked at Xu Qiusheng, his expression extremely serious.

Xu Qiusheng shuddered and said firmly,"Absolutely! Don't worry about this...can we still defraud a child's interests?"

"You have no right to call him a child!"The lieutenant general glanced at Xu Qiusheng coldly and said softly,"By the way... Regarding Mr. Su's patent, not only Principal Xue will follow up, but I will also follow up. Try to go as fast as possible over there.……"

"There have been several meetings held recently, all of which were related to Hall of Valor manufacturing technology."Although Zhong-Shen did not open those three books, he obviously had full confidence in Su Han. He did not doubt the accuracy of the books Su Han handed over at all.

Zhong-Shen said seriously, but promotion will test our mobilization capabilities, and our organizational capabilities... Especially in this case, we must prevent the Western pantheon from stealing the most advanced information.……"

"Comprehensive promotion, this cannot be solved within ten years! The old principal frowned,"I will submit an application to those old gods... I hope that we can open up a new Heroic Spiritual Course at Jinling Academy first!" And conduct pilot teaching...see the specific results! This should also be able to inspire those few people"

"With your prestige and Mr. Su's contribution, there is absolutely no problem."Lieutenant General Shenhan nodded. In fact, even if you don't bring it up, someone may soon come to test your reaction in this regard.……"

"After all, the person who knows the Law of Heroic Spirits best in the world is Mr. Su... If Mr. Su doesn't leave, there's no way the pilot can be placed anywhere else!"

The old principal nodded with deep understanding.

Immediately, the lieutenant general said something again and looked at Su Han,"Mr. Su, we have received the exact news. This year you have been nominated for two Nobel prizes.! They are physics and theory respectively. If nothing else, you should be able to win a double prize!"

"Congratulations in advance... You are the first person to win two options on the same day since the birth of the Nobel Prize.……"

"However, if you are going abroad... I hope you will discuss it with us in advance. We...will not rule out using Giant Shenzhou to escort your travel!"

"……Going abroad? Why go abroad?"Su Han rolled his eyes. He said that he did not believe in the integrity of the Western white gods at all. What if the other party thought that he had great information in his hands and wanted to kidnap him? What should he do?

Especially after the kidnapping, It would be a big deal if he discovered his secret... Even if he couldn't find the chat group and discovered the God Realm, it would be very scary...

Su Han responded very seriously,"I don't rely on that kind of reward to make a living.! I just live in Jinling... Well, let alone overseas, I won't even accept domestic awards... Please tell me about this with the Nobel Prize awarding staff."

"……You really have a personality," the Lieutenant General couldn't help but he breathed a sigh of relief obviously,"In that case... then let us take it for you."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhongshen stared into Su Han's eyes and said cautiously,"Actually, besides this, there are two other things.……"

"One is that hundreds of famous Western academic gods, including Einstein, have issued visit requests to the East! And said that I can meet you and have academic discussions with you"

"Another one is to nominate you to become a double national scholar of the current Academy of Academic Theory and the Academy of Physics.……"The lieutenant general paused for a moment

"The first one pushed! The second one...didn’t I say it before?"Su Han sighed,"I will only stay in Aurous Hill recently. No matter it is a domestic or foreign award... I will not accept it."


Everyone at the scene:"……"

Damn it, they thought... you didn't accept the Nobel Prize because you noticed the change in the international trend... Taking into account the difficulties of security and the Ministry of Military God, this was the case. But who would have thought that you really didn't go because you thought it was troublesome?!

That is the highest honor in the world!

As long as he gets it, he will be able to live on his life's wealth, and even be treated with courtesy by the leaders of the world's major gods...

However, the Lieutenant-General God soon realized one thing, even if the young man in front of him didn't go Receiving the Nobel Prize... will also be respected by all countries in the world and enjoy a high reputation in the world.……

"Perhaps, just like Einstein, he doesn't care about the Nobel Prize...because if they want, their name itself can create a reward that is not inferior to the Nobel Prize!"

The young man in front of him is called a super-enhanced version of Einstein's baby body on the Internet... Einstein won't care, and he certainly won't care either...

Thoughts flash in his mind, and the god's... A flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything more, and instead gave a military salute again,"I understand... our ancient Eastern country will officially receive those academic gods from the West!"

"We will send your Nobel Prize winner as soon as we receive it... As for your double National Medal... we will award it in February next year."

"If you don't want to come then... we will deliver it to you personally after it is issued."_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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