As for the remaining Shirahoshi, Kouzuki Hiwa and others, although their movements were much smaller than those of Hancock, Nami, the changes were equally huge.

For example, Bai Xing has endless Wang Yang beside him. There is an unimaginably huge sea beast dormant in Wang Yang, making a sharp cry... There are thousands of sword shadows lingering beside Guangyue Hiwa, and Robin transforms into hundreds of millions of creatures. Ten thousand arms, like the enlightened Buddha...

This scene is too terrifying! The five women seemed to turn into gods at this moment.

Dolag's palms trembled, and he used the dragon claw skill, covering it with armed domineering energy, and then penetrated his left leg. The extreme pain made him wake up. Dorag seized this opportunity and forced himself to look away from Hancock. He gasped for air and his face turned pale with fear.

What on earth is that...

Yes, Dorag inexplicably understood one thing, that is, Hancock did not deliberately release his charm. But even so, the temperament she possessed after the increase still naturally captured the hearts of everyone who saw her...

Dorag had no doubt that if Hancock wanted to, she could easily rely on her own charm to The man who captured the whole world. Moreover, the whole world stood there blankly, their brains blank, and they were unable to break away from her charm until they starved to death...

It was such an incredible state!

The other side.

The red-haired man was also covered in cold sweat. He kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. At this moment, he didn't even dare to recall Hancock's face... He forced himself to think about other issues.

"That orange-haired woman is a crew member on the Xiaolu spaceship? How could that happen... Wait a minute, that kind of weather phenomenon... So that's it, is it the King of Heaven? No, although she looks similar to the King of Heaven, she is much better than the King of Heaven... It can even be said that there is no way to compare the King of Heaven with her."

Muttering to himself, the red-haired man suddenly smiled bitterly.

A vision is a big world. How unbelievable is this? Let alone a vision... Even if all the visions can be condensed into one The world, well, a small world is fine... Then the King of Heaven is truly a weapon of the gods!

Such a King of Heaven can truly suppress the entire world! Even if the whole world is his enemy, he has nothing to fear! Because this is true, A single weapon is infinitely more powerful than the power of the entire world united together.……

"That fishman is the King of the Sea……"The red-haired man seemed to be in a state of half-dream and half-awake, and he murmured,"The King of the Sea is also extremely powerful to an extremely terrifying level... It is really unimaginable to imagine the power of the God of Creation!"

"Captain, you have overlooked another important thing."Beckman sounded a little tired. He took out a cigarette with trembling hands and lit it.

"……Are you awake too?!"A hint of surprise appeared in the red-haired eyes, and then some doubts,"What did I overlook?"

"strength!"Beckman trembled.

"Although this is indeed shocking, that god has such incredible strength, but don’t we already have the psychological accuracy... No!"The red-haired man woke up suddenly, and his clothes were soaked in cold sweat again.

Yes, this is not a god showing his power at all!

Whether it is the empress or other women... they are all native residents of their world.!

Even before... the red hair had absolute confidence to defeat them...

However, the moment they stepped onto the altar, they transformed into beings that far surpassed the red hair. No, not far superior in strength, but surpassed the red hair. Limit.

God! What kind of incredible existence is this?!" The red-haired person sat on the ground, trembling with fear..."The teachings of the Cult of Creation," Beckman took a deep breath, smoked a whole cigarette directly to the butt, and spit it out with a sound,"It is said that the God of Creation is the great god who created the endless world... …I always thought they were bragging! But now it seems... maybe this is really the case"

"No, this can no longer be described as simply creating the world! Even if you say that those people in the sky can create the world... I will believe it. The red-haired man cried with tears on his face,"I feel now... that I have been practicing for countless years and have achieved the world's top strength. It's just a joke.""

"……After this sacrifice is over, you disband the red-haired pirates, and then let's join the Creation Temple together."Beckman said expressionlessly.

"!!?"The red-haired man was stunned for a moment and became furious,"How could you say these words? I have no habit of giving up on my partners... Even if it is the supreme god……"

When it comes to the back part, the redhead inevitably lacks confidence. But he still stared at Beckman, his eyes firm and persistent.

"……Very well, being able to say these words is the redhead I know."Beckman's expression remained the same as before, and he said coldly,"In that case, don't show that kind of expression like a weak one.……"

"ok, I get it."The red-haired man finally understood Beckman's true intention.

He relaxed for a moment, then rubbed his hair in distress, glanced into the distance, and his eyes became straight again,"What the hell?!"

Beckman was stunned for a moment, and looked into the distance, and... he also deliberately avoided Hancock above the sky...

Then, he saw... the sky seemed to split at this moment!

That It is a majestic world that is difficult to describe in words.

There are mythical beasts and birds that only exist in myths and biographies, and they linger and swoop on the sky. There are towering ancient trees tens of thousands of feet high reaching into the sky, there are fairy peaks and mountains, there are endless things. Immortal medicine...

But the most eye-catching thing is the mythical heaven that stands in another world, above the vast number of sentient beings!

What a magnificent heaven it is...

Every palace is bursting with light that cannot be described in words.!

Every small palace seems to contain a big world that far exceeds the world they live in...

Suddenly, everyone noticed that there was a gaze projected over them. This gaze was calm and gentle. , but at the moment it fell, the sense of existence of all things in the world disappeared, and all the myriad avenues fell silent at this moment...

All the people who were fascinated by Hancock woke up at this moment....Just because that gaze even pressed down on Hancock, it could be said to be a devilish charm...

Then, everyone broke into a cold sweat.

"Oh God!"Kizaru knelt down on the ground with a plop. He kept kowtowing to the scene above the sky, his voice trembling and excited,"May your eyes be cast on the ground, and may this world become your country forever! I will swear to you to the death! A lifelong struggle to spread your faith……"

Marco, who also knelt down:"?" groove! Isn't this his line? This voice is... the admiral of the navy? Damn it, you actually dare to steal the limelight in front of God...

He is finished.

Marco silently made a lot of notes for him in his heart. He stopped saying anything, but recited the sacrificial words. After reciting one sentence, he kowtowed to the sky.

A makeshift prison on the deck of the Moby-Dick.

Because he had done nothing evil and was still alive, Cyborg Kong stared blankly at the scene above the sky. He almost groaned,"I see... Warring States, you are right! Hahaha, you are right... I Wrong, this is the real God, this is the real Creator... Hahaha, Tianlong, how ridiculous? How pathetic……"

Warring States turned stiffly and stared at Gang Gu Kong with a crazy face and incoherent words. Sighing inwardly... This former Navy Cyborg was actually frightened to the point of dementia by the sight of that sensory presence.……

"God!"Warring States clasped his palms together, hesitated for a moment, and then started reciting without hesitation.

As the commander of the navy, Warring States naturally needs to know the enemy's intelligence, so he may order to prohibit the people below from reciting the high-grade sacrificial method... But he had to memorize all the sacrificial inscriptions in his mind without reciting it...

Originally, he was still prepared to resist with all his strength, and even prepared himself, and might be the one who resisted to the end. Prepare...

But now, he suddenly realized.

All the Celestial Dragons have died, and the World Government has been destroyed... Now he continues to be stubborn as before! What's the point?

"Apart from the Creator God, the Creator can no longer explain His identity... What reason do I have to reject the person who created everything? To me, He is my father and ancestor!"

The reason why the Tianlong people are so arrogant is that they only bear the name of the Creator. Not to mention, the one in the sky is the true Creator... andHe also has the identity of the Creator of the World... I don’t know how much higher he is than the Celestial Dragons!

"He is much more terrifying now than he was last time! It turns out that He only had mercy on us last time. He knew that maybe we would go crazy when we saw Him... so He tried his best to shrink his sense of existence! Let yourself try not to affect the world as much as possible."

While thinking, Warring States recited loudly, and his expression became more and more fanatical and pious as he thought about it.

Even Hancock has such an almost devilish charm... Who knows that looking directly at that statue Under the supreme crown of God, what kind of terrible things will happen?!_

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