A calm and gentle voice suddenly sounded

"Marco, a devout believer, performed sacrifices with merit... and rewarded him and his family with heroic status!"

The terrifying and brilliant brilliance suddenly fell from the sky, like three thousand galaxies falling for nine days... and suddenly merged into the bodies of Marco and many members of the Whitebeard Pirates.……


"This is... how is that possible?"

"strength! I feel the power of my youth……"

The expressions of all members of the Whitebeard Pirates changed drastically. Especially for Edward Newgate, time seemed to be reversing on his body. His golden hair grew again from the top of his head, and the wrinkles on his face were wiped away... At this moment, the wrinkles on the corners of his mouth were removed. With his white crescent beard, he is no different from what he was in his twenties and thirties.

Not only that... Edward's body was trembling. He felt that his Shock Fruit and domineering spirit were rapidly becoming stronger at this moment, and finally condensed into a product called a Noble Phantasm.……

"I feel it." Ace, the captain of the second division, looked dull."After transforming into a heroic spirit, if I want to... I can live forever! Live forever...immortal"

"Eternal lifespan and powerful strength were just given by God?!"

After a short period of silence, each other rose and fell... voices filled with excitement and excitement sounded one after another.

"The God of creation is eternal! Long live Captain Marco!"

"Great God, allow me to offer you my piety and blessings! May your brilliance always shine on this world and your devout believers"

"I will become a heroic spirit and stick to your faith in this land forever! Struggle throughout your life for your faith to spread."

However, the Supreme God did not respond to their pious and fanatical actions. He continued to speak slowly,"Reward Marco with the power of the kingdom of God on earth! early!"

Marco's body suddenly tensed up. He felt that his consciousness was sublimating and spreading without limit, as if he was integrated with the entire world.

He could clearly feel that every area and every person in the pirate world... they What they were thinking at the moment and what they were doing.

Although Marco may not be omnipotent at this moment, he turned into an omniscient existence in this world at this moment...

Understanding something, Marco suddenly kowtowed, his teeth trembled, and his voice At this moment, I choked up,"My beloved Father and Lord, how virtuous and capable am I? What achievements have I made? How can I be treated so generously by you! To be able to receive such honorable grace from you... I have no such qualifications! I'm ashamed."

Marco understood what happened to him. At this moment, he truly embarked on the road to the Kingdom of God...

As long as he turns everyone in this world into believers of God in the future, the Kingdom of God will become... At that time, he will reveal his divine personality, hold up the throne of God, and be immortal together with the eternal God! Immortal with his cherished family and everything in the world. At that time, he will truly be in the kingdom of God on earth... Omniscient and omnipotent!

Of course, although he is not omnipotent now, only omniscient, the significance to Marco is still beyond imagination... If nothing else, he can use this to directly know the thoughts of different people in various regions, as well as those Where a person is... With the right medicine, it will be countless times easier for him to spread his faith in the future...

In the end, the majestic god uttered his last words,"I say, there should be no limit to this world! Just hard work pays off."

At this moment, the pupils of all the top players in the One Piece world suddenly expanded. They suddenly felt relaxed, as if the chains bound to themselves suddenly broke. Like red hair, even many Lager's body was shaking violently... The aura on their bodies soared at an extremely terrifying speed, and soon reached several times its original volume.

After a brief silence, the red-haired man knelt on the ground with a plop, and he knelt down tremblingly. He turned his head stiffly and then turned to look at Beckman beside him, tremblingly saying,"Let's go back and disband the red-haired pirate group... and then join the group to join the Creation Temple."


Beckman was neither angry nor melancholy. He just lit up a cigarette again with a stiff expression...

At this moment, he was also frightened by what happened suddenly. His mind went blank and he just wanted to be quiet.

Suddenly, a brilliant radiance erupted, and a perfect woman whose majesty was beyond description in words walked out of the sacred palace.

She took one step forward and came into this world with a bang. This feeling is hard to describe in words!

At this moment, she became the center of the universe, and all the avenues of heaven and earth were trampled under her feet... Wisps of breath spread out, not to mention the pirate planet, even the vast universe. Trembling...

In fact, the further away from the Pirate King's planet, the more the perfect woman fails to contain her aura, and the planet in that place becomes more and more fragmented...

This is the Qing Emperor Yan Ruyu!

She stared at the girls in front of her with a smile, and especially glanced at Hancock, with a flash of surprise in her eyes. She said softly,"~Sisters... follow me into the divine realm!" After her words fell

, The divine radiance instantly enveloped the bodies of several women.

In just a breath, Yan Ruyu returned to the God Realm lightly... The whole world seemed to relax a lot at this moment, as if it had regained a life, and no longer needed to worry about collapse at any time... Above the sky, the extremely bright The brilliance continued to shrink...

After just a few breaths, everything returned to its original appearance.……

Marco stood there for a long time, and then he floated to the sky, overlooking the people below.

First, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates... they were the first to react, shouting the name of God and Marco enthusiastically. The kings who saw what was happening all the time knelt down and kowtowed! chanted along with the others.

Then, there’s the Navy! Whether it was Garp, the general or the lieutenant general...at this moment, they all knelt down to Marco in the sky! They were not kneeling to Marco, but to the supreme god who existed behind Marco...

Then, there was Dorag and Red Hair, who led the members of their team... From After walking out of the depths of Holy Land Marie Joa, he also knelt on the ground...kowting continuously.

Marco stared at this scene calmly, with deep depth and joy in his eyes.

The trend is achieved!

In the world of pirates, all the forces that once retained their unique structure...were all either voluntarily or forced to integrate into the new system of the Creation God Religion he created... this world! Apart from him, there are no other voices of the four emperors or kings of other countries!

In the future, we just need to follow the steps! He will be able to establish an unprecedentedly glorious unified ocean empire!

As long as time goes by naturally, he can make everyone in the world believe in God and worship God... let this world become the pasture of God's faith, and let all living creatures in this world live forever! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!

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