Of course, the goddess professor reacted quickly.

She released her powerful divine realm and suppressed everyone present to release their own divine realm.

After asking gloomily what happened, the professor was speechless.

If it's just a fight for no reason, then needless to say, the points for this subject will be directly deducted to zero points.…~…

But these goddesses, after all, fought for Su Han to stay in Jinling Academy.

If she clears their scores now for the reason of fighting, wouldn't this send a message to the outside world... Jinling Academy doesn't value Su Han?

She couldn't handle this responsibility... In other words, even a big shot like a dean might not be able to handle it... After going round and round, the old principal came over in person and made the final decision. No points will be deducted for those who did not participate in the fight. Everyone involved in the fight will be deducted five points! But as long as there are no absences in this class in the future, the five points will be added back at the end of the year.

In addition, if Jinling Academy launches the Heroic Spirit Department, and these people are willing to apply for the Heroic Spirit Department... they will be admitted first if they have the same grades.

In this way, everyone was satisfied... the only one who was not satisfied was the exchange student from Modou University. Because the old principal said that her studies had been completed, she was sent back to Shanghai University in advance.

After everything was done, the old principal did not let Su Han continue the class. Instead, he dragged Su Han away with envious or reluctant eyes.

"You!"Walking on the campus, the old principal shook his head, looking quite helpless,"You should pay attention to your identity anyway.……"

"With your current status, participating in the study of these courses...are the other students still interested in learning?"

"However, I do need to recharge."Su Han was a little troubled.

The old principal rubbed his brow with a headache, and finally said,"That's all, what course do you want to study? I specifically communicated with the teacher of that course and asked him to take time to tutor you! Give him an extra salary"

"Forget it, what kind of special treatment do you want?"Su Han rolled his eyes. He thought for a while and then said seriously,"I personally think this time it was just an accident."

"Moreover, there may be some problems in the early days when I take the course...but after I take a few more classes, the students will get used to it, and things will stabilize again.

Su Han was confident,"I'm familiar with this!" After all, this is how I came here when I first entered school."

"……I don't think it's that simple."The old principal glanced at Su Han with some toothache, but seeing that Su Han was determined, he finally sighed and said nothing more,"Okay, just do what you said."

"By the way," the old principal suddenly remembered something, stared at Su Han with interest, and said with a smile,"Look, those students are shouting very loudly! How about... you join our Jinling Academy directly, and I will also give you the position of dean of the Heroic Spirit Department?"

"I find it troublesome."Su Han's words were concise and to the point.

He just wants to become stronger now... Although the position of dean is tempting, but when he thinks that he may lead students in the future... he says that he keeps a distance from it.

"Fine!"The old principal was a little regretful. He thought for a while and said seriously,"When the Yingling Academy is officially established, you will have the position of honorary dean... Don't refuse. Although it is nominally the same as the dean, it is not necessary. what are you doing"

"Moreover, you have also seen... If nothing is given to you and you are just an ordinary student... the outside world still doesn't know how to slander me, Jinling, and feel that I am treating you harshly! Just think of it as learning this position, okay?"

The old principal has already said this. What else can Han do? Of course he promised him

"But...you have at least realized a path to the gods, right? It's amazing."The old principal suddenly remembered something and sighed quietly,"And it's also related to charm? Damn, I have a hunch that Jinling Film Academy and a bunch of entertainment academies across the country are going to poach you next.……"

The old principal joked,"With your academic status, your age, and your god-level charm... tsk tsk, if you enter those film schools and entertainment academies, you may not be able to make your debut directly and slaughter all the major lists. Then you will become the history of world entertainment." An immortal legend!"

"I'm afraid that if I really agree to go, you will be so angry that you will vomit blood."Su Han rolled his eyes. The old principal's words were mostly ridiculing, but they also contained warnings.

"Ahem... After all, you are still young," the old principal smiled awkwardly, and then there was a hint of sadness in his eyes,"Don't blame me for saying... It's really because, since the new era, those entertainment departments The status of the gods has been elevated too high.……"

"It is well-known, popular all over the country and even the world, and it is also extremely rich! In comparison, the academic god... Although his status in the country is high, his status is only high... Haha, this fucked up society. It’s so peaceful, I’ll entertain myself to death……"

The old principal looked decadent and had complicated emotions,"Although this is what people of our generation have always expected, but after all, we can't adapt to it."……"

"Academic god is just my deputy job!"Su Han stopped and said word by word,"My real goal is to become stronger, to become stronger than anyone else, and even surpass the Lord God!"

"Well...I'm looking forward to it."The old principal suddenly laughed. Can he surpass the main god... At that point, he will be the true ancestor god of a country...

That is a real big shot who can single-handedly determine the future direction of the world of gods.

The old principal has never doubted, Will Su Han become a being of that level?

The most genius gods in the past and present have not been able to reach that step... Who else can go up?!

After chatting for a few more words, the old principal left. As a A giant at the level of a god, and also the master of Jinling Academy, he is usually very busy...

If it weren't for Su Han being involved this time, he would never have come in person. In other words, there is a dean-level person. It would be nice to come here.

Back in his villa, Su Han browsed the news for a while. As expected... what happened in the school before was once again on the hot search list.

《Mr. Su Han appeared for the first time since he proposed the theory of heroic spirits! Jinling University students give a warm welcome!" flower

《Shock! The appearance of this young god actually made all the girls in the school go crazy?!》

《Are we being too harsh on this unprecedented genius? Even after he accomplished all this, he was still just a student of Jinling! 》

Su Han looked calm, without any fluctuation in his heart.

Without him, he was used to this kind of thing.

I casually clicked into the comment area, good guys, half of them are rainbow farts, and of the remaining half, half are yin and yang, and the other half are envious and jealous.

"It’s okay to make the whole school’s goddesses go crazy! Envy and jealousy twist me"

"Other people’s college life.jpg"

"Awesome! No wonder Su Shen can achieve such incredible achievements at such a young age, look! Even though his current achievements are enough to be engraved in the world's academic history, he still studies humbly! I have a hunch that he will definitely come up with more theories in the future... This is just the beginning for him!".............

"Damn, I’m the only one who thinks that! With Su Shen's good looks, he beats the current popular hotties... Is this the genius? i got it

"Based on my experience, this God Su has figured out a god-level charm law! It's really scary...you may not know what this achievement means! Let me put it this way, anyone who currently has a god-level charm is guaranteed to be a king... Considering Su Shen's age, if he switches to the entertainment industry! Maybe he will become another Michael Jackson-like figure in the future!"

"groove! Is that an exaggeration? Michael, what level is that? A world-class superstar!"

"It’s no exaggeration, Michael just possesses two divine-king-level charms! A divine dance, a divine song... Do you think that Su Shen, who is less than twenty years old, can realize the charm of the god level? How terrifying will it be in dozens or hundreds of years?"

"Yes, I believe you when you say that he can elevate his charm to the level of the Lord God...the level of the Lord God. No entertainer has been able to rise to this level since ancient times. By that time, he will probably surpass Michael!"

"There's no way, it's the entertainment and charm department! It's so weird... The combat power is automatically reduced by one level. Find out! God-king level combat power can only compete with the gods... Among the entertainment people who have appeared throughout the ages, the best is only the god-king level... After all, the Tao of entertainment is too weak. The weaker the Tao, the harder it is to break through in the later stage.……"

"Why is ancient entertainment known as the ninth-rate? No break-in! Without him, he is too weak...weak, and it is charm that attracts other gods. He would be damned if he is not raised like a canary.……"

"Therefore, it fully proves that Su Shen’s genius is a genius with no blind spots in all directions! Although I know that it is impossible for Su Shen to debut with his status as an academic god... I still want him to debut... and I don't even know what idiots the current idol gods are! I really want a high-quality idol to follow!"

"Whether he makes his debut or not, it doesn’t stop me from being a fan of him!"

"Hiss... I have one thing to say, and it makes sense! Stop bragging, Su Shen, I’m a little pink."_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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