Shaking his head, Su Han casually threw his phone on the sofa, then closed his eyes and entered the chat group.

The heir of the Ax Gang:"We have successfully arrived at the island country... It's so scary. I didn't understand the true strength of the two goddesses until this moment." The heir of the Ax Gang:"The goddess in black just waved... She made Fujiyama Tetsu explode! All the lava was collected by her, and evenly spread over the sky of the entire island country. If the island country did not agree to surrender... she would directly smash the lava to the ground.……"


Wall-facer:"Evenly covering the sky of the entire island country...? Damn it, can anyone survive if it hits it?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"It's absolutely obvious! It can't."

Prince Zhu:"I can only say...It's very satisfying!"

Prince Zhu:"So, what happened next?"

Heir of the Ax Gang:"Then it must have been surrender. And with Emperor"Zero Zero" as the representative, the sovereignty of the island country was transferred and integrated into China... At least legally, the island country is already part of China."

Ax Gang heir:"Although the rejection of this within the island country is very huge, this can change over time."

Wall Facer:"Then the question Here, who are you going to let take over the island country?!"

Luo Ji's expression instantly became serious. You won’t let those people in the mountain city trick you, right?!

But if the other side is allowed to come, it will be equivalent to Ah Xing stating his side in advance...

There will be no time for that group of people to develop. I'm afraid it won't be a direct civil war.

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Of course it's the Cult of Creation!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Ahem, but I'm not very good at creating influence... So the core members of the Cult of Creation are all from China....You all know who specifically made it from the hands of others! Their organizational skills are too strong."

Liu Peiqiang:"!!!"

Liu Peiqiang:"Are you sure you are doing this...don't those people in Shancheng know? They are indeed corrupt, but the intelligence department still has something." The heir of the Ax Gang:"Whatever, I don't know. Face the platform! This has given them face... To be honest, if I had them stood on the platform, I guess the outcome would have been decided by now. It's just a matter of heavy casualties!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"That's true... last time Asing It is said that there are 200 million people in China who believe in the God of Creation. This is half of the people in China... half of the people plus the organizational skills of that group of people! It is simply unimaginable……"

Ye Hei:"More importantly, you haven't considered the other countries in the world... The former great powers in the world are all eager to get involved with the forces related to the God of Creation. You are here If you stand in line, all kinds of resources will come at you!"

The Strongest Man's deputy:"It's so true.".Dalong:"Speaking of which, how is the situation at Ye Hei's side?"

The plan discussed in the previous chat was implemented, and then the belief in Ximo was very smoothly... By the way, the promotion of the belief in God in other parts of Beidou was also very smooth.……"

Ye Hei:"Just one word, cool! I haven't felt so comfortable promoting my faith since I came here... It's no exaggeration to say that if Master Shangshen holds another competition to win over believers now... I can hang you up. Fight."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island said:"???"

Moon worshipper:"……Are you exaggerating? Ye Hei:"

Do you know how many people there are in Beidou?" Calculated in tens of billions! And at least... I can't be sure since there are no proper statistics here. Ye Hei:"

And now, they are all my potential followers!"

Ye Hei:"Yes, everyone, no matter men, women, old or young, all of them!""

I want to be Zhao Gao:"……So exaggerated?!"

Ye Hei:"Let me give you the simplest analogy...sacrifice to the gods, and then practice. Even if they don't have the talent to practice, they can at least open up the sea of ​​suffering. Ye

Hei:"In a world of cultivating immortals, allowing everyone to embark on the path of cultivation... What does this mean?" You all understand! Not talking about the Western Desert, in other areas combined, the number of followers of God in God is around 10 million every day! The key is stability."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Ye Hei finally got through it."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I'm so envious...that's the advantage of having a large population. Even if I die, there aren't many people here! (Tears are falling down in frustration).jpg)"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"No more talking, let’s continue climbing the technology tree. In this materialistic and increasingly indifferent chat group... only the improvement of technology can give my soul a little comfort."

Yuan Dagu:"Um...who are you?"

Yuan Dagu:"I thought at first that this interface that appeared in my mind... was an illusion! I've been having weird hallucinations lately. I dreamed that I became Ultraman... But after a while, I finally discovered that Ultraman was indeed an illusion... But whether this interface is an illusion or not, it has nothing to do with the illusion of Ultraman........."

The deputy of the strongest man:"Ultraman, what is that?"

Yao Lao:"I don't know what your Ultraman hallucination is? But I can tell you with certainty that it is not an hallucination... Hmm , please go and watch the group introduction of the chat group first... After reading it, you should be able to understand the current situation."

Su Han's expression became strange. There's something wrong with this Yuandagu

"Yuan Dagu, knows Ultraman! Moreover, he will dream that he transforms into Ultraman?"Su Han thought about it again and again, frowning slightly,"I don't remember which part of the plot this is.……"

"Didn't he serve as a member of the victory team, then go spy on the pyramid, and finally transform into Tiga because of the explosion of the plane?!"

In Su Han's memory, Dagu's life can only be divided into two stages... I don't know Diga, and then I transform into Diga in the middle...

How could such a weird thing like dreaming and transforming happen in the middle?!


Su Han's expression instantly became serious,"Could it be...the Eighth Ultra Brothers?!"

The Eight Ultraman Brothers" is a big movie in the Ultraman series that Su Han watched in his previous life...The protagonist is naturally Yuan Dagu. But at the same time, there are also Asuka Letter, Mountain Wo Dream, and what else, Seven, the first generation, The human bodies of Ultraman like Jack are involved.

The plot is very simple, that is, there is no Ultraman in that world, but there are Ultraman TV series. Yuandagu 4.1 dreams every night that he transforms into Ultraman. He originally I thought it was an illusion, but I never thought that one day, Hibino's future transformation into Ultraman Mebius and many monsters would really appear in the real world... and then he would regain his original intention... and also help other Ultras. The human beings recalled what happened in the parallel world. In the end, everyone transformed into Ultraman and defeated the monster!

A very orthodox Ultraman plot!

"If it were that world... things would get interesting."Su Han's eyes were burning. There is no doubt that it is a modern time and space... and there are still seven or eight unawakened Ultraman human bodies in the world at the same time...

If Su Han can turn all these human bodies into himself Believers... with many Ultraman attacks. That world can easily become another pasture of faith for him!_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!

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