Yuan Dagu frowned slightly. He hesitated, then punched the void in front of him, and the void shattered.

The scene fell into silence again, and everyone looked at Yuan Dagu blankly.

Damn it, what the hell? Although they know that Yuan Dagu is very powerful after receiving divine grace, and may even be the strongest among all Ultraman...

But you haven't transformed into Ultraman yet!

In the human state, smashing the void with one punch is too much, no matter what, right?!

"I finally understood what the extra thing I just felt was."Yuan Dagu swallowed his saliva and looked at the void passage in front of him with the same horror.

He looked around and saw their thoughts from everyone's expressions. He immediately smiled bitterly and said,"Don't get me wrong... I I didn't break the void with my strength, I simply opened a space tunnel. You can think of it as a superpower given to me by God!"

"Well, this time and space channel…It's the gateway to Ultraman Tiga's world! That is the parallel world I saw when I received divine revelation before."

"Now, I can go to that world to protect humans...or snipe other monsters, drag them back, and sacrifice them to God as sacrifices...It's incredible."

Waving his hand, Yuan Dagu dispersed the void passage.

After several other human beings looked at each other, their expressions became weird.

"Doesn't this mean that you may be able to see another Tiga and another Dagu?"Beidou Xingsi was thoughtful.

Asukaxin grabbed 580 his hair and murmured,"I, I also feel as if I can break the void... Before, I only thought it was my strength improving, but I didn't expect the truth to be. so……"

Gao Shangao Meng nodded in agreement and said with emotion,"The God of Creation is too powerful! The grace he spreads in the world... even if only a tiny bit falls on us, it can make us completely reborn. Changes."

After Feiniaoxin was silent for a long time, he stared at Yuan Dagu with burning eyes,"Well... when are you going to establish the Creation God Sect? I want to join immediately!"

"me too!"Hearing this, my dream about high mountains is also quite impatient.

"Wait a minute! Talk to the official and it will be established."Yuan Dagu smiled hoarsely.

"You are law-abiding."Feiniao Xin looked weird.

"Fortunately, we were still thinking about the spread of faith before," Zhu Xingtuan glanced at the camera not far away, with a hint,"Sure enough, things can't keep up with the changes.……"

""Yes," Xiang Xiushu said with deep understanding,"In the future, I'm afraid it won't be us trying our best to spread our faith...but many people will come to us!" Spontaneously want to join the Creation God Religion and become a believer in the God of Creation"

"What a future to look forward to!"Beidou Xingsi laughed, his eyes filled with imagination and expectation for a better future.


In the realm of gods.

After Su Han thought for a moment, he issued an oracle to Yan Ruyu and Zhao Ling'er, asking them to place the two wild beasts that had just arrived in the God Realm.

Then, Su Han waved his palm, and seven little suns rose beside him.

"The power of light! besides……"Su Han raised his head and two rays of light, one black and one white, rose up. The brilliance that he saw in vain,"The power of the Sun Avenue - The Sun Avenue and the Light Avenue are very close at the level of conceptual laws. It can even be said that the Light Avenue is a subordinate of the Sun Avenue..."The Avenue of Light is just like the Avenue of the Sun! But it is also a high-level avenue second only to Sun Avenue. Su Han's eyes flickered,"And what's more, I got seven more!""

Many times, quantitative changes can really lead to qualitative changes.

The seven avenues of light combined into one are definitely not inferior to the top avenues in terms of levels.

"Moreover, the sun and the avenue of light complement each other... It would be a pity, if I hadn't just entered the god stage. But being at the peak of the gods... merging the seven paths. It is impossible for me to touch the possibility of breaking through to the God King."

Su Han was a little regretful. But then he felt relieved... Who knew that he had really broken through to the peak of the gods, and what kind of surprises the group of believers in the chat would give him? He waved his hand, and seven brilliant rays of light suddenly merged into it. Entering Su Han's body. At this moment, his whole body was exuding brilliant brilliance. Compared with his previous charm, he was even more divine and pure.

Opening his eyes, Su Han had a thought and appeared in front of him. Condensed into a mirror, he glanced at the peerless young god in the mirror who had a smile on his face, a divine posture, a face like a crown jewel, no flaws, and pure eyes, and smacked his lips.

"Feeling... a little more handsome than before? But come to think of it, Ultraman Tiga is not even in human form, but he is also very in line with human aesthetics! Integrating the light of the seven Ultramen, adding a little charm is a regular operation"

"But having said that, can I say something about the Great God of Light now? Su Han suddenly laughed,"Although this name makes me feel like the villain in a fantasy novel ten years ago.""

Shaking his head, Su Han looked calm and lowered his eyes. Sensing the accumulation in his body,"I am still in the early stage of the god stage... However, I have dozens of god-level avenues, including more than five. The top avenue. Most of the remaining ones are also high-level avenues."

"All the Tao are brought into play, coupled with the already terrifying accumulation before I broke through to the gods... At the god stage, I am invincible!"

"I just don’t know if I can have an arm-wrestle with the God King...! Anyway, I definitely can’t beat that guy, Old Man Li. His breath can suppress me……"

Su Han rubbed his chin. But having said that, Old Man Li is the owner of the top avenue of Heavenly Law, and depending on what the old principal meant... Old Man Li once had a chance to break through to the Lord God.

So what can I say now? He is also the pinnacle of the realm of the God King, even a demi-god, right?

It's normal to be defeated... Su Han didn't want to compete with the freak among the God Kings! If he can defeat a dozen ordinary god kings, he will be satisfied

"……Otherwise, go find the old principal. He will definitely be able to find a few strong men in the early stage of the God King. I'll try it then?"

Su Han was quite gearing up, and finally made a decision happily.

It just so happened that he also asked the old principal about how the gods broke through each small realm, and what were the key elements for the gods to break through to the king of gods....

Shaking his head, Su Han continued to sit on the throne, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in the chat group. There was no need to worry about asking the old principal... He had troubled the old principal just before because of the school fight. I guess he will be very busy today... Let's wait for him to calm down and talk about it in two days!

Or, we can find Saturdays and Sundays as holidays... Then drag the old principal out and let him work... Ahem, let him happy happy


Chat group of all worlds.

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"I have successfully hunted down the two Five Elements Monsters in the Demon Realm... Unfortunately, when I was about to go to the God Realm to find the other two Five Elements Monsters, I was blocked by the Emperor of God! If it weren't for the divine design The rules he laid down allow me to return to the human world with just a thought. I'm afraid I'm going to be planted there."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Haha, I've recorded this grudge! In the future, I can let them survive in the demon world and still retain some demons....But the God Clan, I want them all to die!"

Yao Lao:"……!"

Liu Peiqiang:"!!!"

Miaomushan Immortal:"……So cruel.

Prince Zhu:"This is what happens to someone who offends a super petty person." (Shivering.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I'm thinking about it! Didn't you say before... that the Emperor of Heaven in your world is Fuxi?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"The human race was created by Nuwa! So... Fuxi or the God Clan should have a very close relationship with the Human Clan?"

Yue Worshiping Cult Leader:"Don't use the myths of your world to trick me! I tell you very responsibly, the reason why Nuwa is in the world is because she was driven down by Emperor Fuxi... The reason is because Nuwa created the human race! This must prove that the relationship between Fuxi and the human race is not as close as imagined……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Besides, even if Emperor Fuxi is close to the human race, what does it have to do with me? I only know that he blocked me and made a grudge against me! Repay kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred. Is he good or bad? Even if it doesn't affect my mastery of magic, I'll chop him up and sacrifice him to the gods!"

Liu Peiqiang:"It's so terrifying."

Ye Hei:"Baiyue is a villain...how could he care about this?" Heir of the Ax Gang :"It's true! So what if the other person is a righteous person? The leader of the worshiping moon said: I am beating a righteous person!"_

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