Moon Worshiping Leader:"……"

Damn, you still can’t get over the villain thing?!

Rubbing his eyebrows with a headache, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult thought for a moment and changed the topic.

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Actually, I'm worried about one thing...that is, I have collected a large number of strong men from the Demon Race and God Race. If I wait for sacrifices in the future! Will the God like it?"

Yao Lao:" At least you won't hate it, right? Even when Ying Zheng initially sacrificed pigs, cattle and sheep, God still gave him immeasurable grace."

Immortal Miaomu Mountain:"Sincerity leads to spiritual success! God is not the kind of person who sacrifices because of you. , a God who gets angry if something doesn’t suit His taste.-……"

Miaomushan Immortal:"Or to put it conversely, in fact, what we sacrifice may be completely useless to God...God only treats us so kindly because of our intentions."

Prince Zhu Family:"Yes, let alone gifts It’s given to us... The living sacrifices we offer will be enlightened by God, and the energy consumed is an astronomical amount that we can’t imagine."

Chen Xiaoyu:"……That’s not a matter of astronomical numbers! But this method of God is enough to be called unbelievable."

Yuan Dagu:"@神. Lord God, I am very grateful for everything you have done to my world. Let my world escape from the embarrassing situation of being invaded by space monsters!"

Yuan Dagu:"Also, thank you for allowing me, as well as many of my friends and elders, to gain the right to travel to the parallel world... making our lives more exciting!

Yuan Dagu:"I understand what you mean." So, I will capture more monsters from those worlds! As your sacrifice! And also spread faith to those parallel worlds... Please take a good look at my performance!"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, and there was a little joy in his heart.

Well, children can be taught! Yuan Dagu finally understood what he meant.

If it weren't for getting more monsters... If it wasn't for To get more people who can believe in him... he would not go to great lengths to give Yuan Dagu the right to open up parallel worlds.

You know, he spent 100 million points of faith just to deduce the coordinates of other parallel worlds. This is because the parallel world is originally related to Yuan Dagu and the others... Otherwise, it may not be possible to deduce it if it costs ten times or a hundred times more!

After all, if a world with a large number of lives is so easy to find, in reality, The gods of the world will not go crazy because of finding a large number of believers.

Of course, after deducing the coordinates, Su Han gave everyone the super power to freely open the void passage, and each person spent 100 million faith points.

This plus Up to 800 million points!

But having said that, this investment... is nothing compared to what you may gain in the future! After all, there are billions of potential believers in each parallel world.

Descendants of the Ax Gang :"???"

Wallfacer:"What's going monsters? Invasion? Wait, are you also an earth civilization facing alien invasion? A very dangerous kind!"

Yuan Dagu:"It like this, right? Why? Already?"

Wall-Facing Man:"Hold the Claw.jpg. I feel the same way, and it is only because of the grace of God that we have eliminated the threat of alien invasion! We are so destined that we can have in-depth exchanges in the future."

Seeing the second When talking to the reporter, Su Han looked subtle.

Although on the surface, the two pairs do sound very similar... the actual crises your two worlds face... are worlds apart!

The world's cosmology is completely different.

Ye Hei:"Although I know that the topic you are talking about is fine... but I still feel gay for no reason."

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"??"

Liu Peiqiang:"You are not healthy inside, right?!"

Liu Peiqiang covered his forehead, not knowing what expression to show.

Ye Hei:"Ahem, let's not brag so much. @元古. Your world seems to be very exciting! Parallel worlds? And there seem to be many more... Well, it's the first time I've seen that there are many parallel worlds. world."

Ye Hei:"Also, based on your words, can I judge that you have completed a sacrifice?"

Yuan Dagu:"Of course! That... upload the video, right? I know! However, I might have uploaded a little too much."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Too much? The least thing I'm worried about is that there are too many! It just so happens that I have to make up a lesson at Shendu Primary School this afternoon... I just happened to lose my liver from the video... Oh, I really can't do it. Understand, I am the leader of the Cult of Creation, the Holy Son of Creation, the spokesperson of the God of Creation in the world, and at the same time, I am also the world's top master! The only immortal who stays in the human world... Why do I still go to school? (Crying loudly.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Moreover, half of my time is spent on preaching... The time for studying must be deducted from the remaining half of the time! Other peers are playing football, watching TV, and Novel, but I am studying hard! Doing homework! This is not fair."

Prince Zhu:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Your life... is really fulfilling. But I think this is a good thing. The hardships you endure now will become the most precious wealth you have when you grow up in the future."

Chen Xiaoyu :"emmm, when you say this... I suddenly thought that in the inheritance of the Eight Immortals, there is a technique that can make people enter the peak state in advance! For example, it can make the elderly rejuvenate... But if I use it, it should be able to advance in advance. Entering adulthood, right? That way you don’t need to go to class. (Eyes sparkling.jpg)"

The Undead Evil King:"……"

Ye Hei:"No, no, no, this growth refers to your mental growth... Your physical growth is meaningless at all! And it is evil."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Yes, the child's The responsibility is to study hard! (serious face.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"!!! Bastard, do you think I can't see it? You guys are just watching me study hard and having fun on the sidelines.!"


Chen Xiaoyu's face suddenly bulged. When she first returned to China, she was not aware of the sinister intentions of these people, but after she came back, under the supervision of Uncle Long, she was as busy as a spinning top every day... After being busy for a while, she gradually Understood everything.

These bastards base their happiness on her pain!

Ye Hei:"Ahem, who is that! Why haven't you posted the video yet?"

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Yuan Dagu smiled bitterly, and then uploaded nearly ten videos

"……so much?"Su Han's expression became weird. After thinking for a while, he clicked on the downloads one by one, looked at them for a while, and then a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. What

Yuan Dagu uploaded this time, except for the parallel The world's Ultraman Tiga, his original eight future Ultra brothers, the scene of his sacrifice... The rest are the old Ultraman TV series from that world, even mixed with some Ultraman settings. ……


Ye Hei:"!!!"

Great Qin Zulong:"?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Too much, too much... I can't stand it!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I suspect you are driving! And I have enough evidence."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"???"

Ye Hei:"Everything can be driven, but it's okay."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"It's too scary! The ones who posted the most videos in the past... were Miss Gudazi and Mr. Luo Ji... They were inspired by gods The future that was learned later, and the experience of divine manifestations were uploaded... But there are only two of them! You uploaded a lot... Who can withstand it?" The

Undead Evil King:"I am very curious, this series is What?"

Yuan Dagu:"It's me, and the experiences of some of my friends and elders! Because we are all Ultraman... The specific things are very complicated. When you finish reading, you will understand everything. Yes."

Ye Hei:"When I saw your words, I inexplicably remembered four words... I understand them all!"

Wall Facer:"? If you understand, please get out of here first!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Wow! Click, it's perfect... I originally thought that the video could only keep me occupied for one afternoon, but now it seems... it can completely keep me occupied for several days!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"The only thing that's a little troublesome is that I The teachers are all one-on-one, tutoring me! I have to find a way... to deceive them!"

Gudazi:"No... your teacher, does he know the existence of the chat group??"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Of course this is impossible! Even Uncle Long and others have always thought that I was directly inspired by God, although I think this is indeed the case.……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Ahem, what I mean is that in a one-on-one situation, if I am not careful, they will easily see that I am deserting! By then, I will be punished again when I go back! (Crying.jpg) Zhang_Please download the Faloo Novel APP to read the underlined version of the novel!

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