Ye Hei:"@AX Gangren. By the way. I remember you once said that God sent two heavens to your world! And let that goddess, His will. Three days in this world...Three days seem to have arrived."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Wait, don't I have to...Mr. Ax has just arrived in the northern region?"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Actually, I have already arrived in Western Europe.."


Liu Peiqiang:"……How did you do it at this speed? Has it surpassed the limits of aircraft in that era?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Yes... Yanhuang flies to Qi, and it will be a disaster. And you still have An in the mountain city, so you have already missed more than one... The island country is half a day! You have enough time now, no matter what.……"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Those goddesses are so far away from the world. With a burst of divine power, we have crossed half a ball with one step."……"

The leader of the Ax Gang:"As for the time issue, the time has already passed... Of course, the two goddesses can temporarily delay it for a while with their own knowledge."

Ye Hei:"!! It's so scary."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"In the final analysis, she is flattering God. 26 came to spread the faith and visited the entire world. They will be willing to go back."

The heir of the Ax Gang said:"However, I can also clearly feel... because it exceeds the time limit. They are very responsible these days! Except for promoting their faith outside...the rest of the time they are locked in a room, reciting sacrificial words, and begging God."

Wall-faced man:"……"

Immortal Evil King:"Master Fei Xuan is understandable...but it's hard for me to imagine that Wanwan, the sect saint who was brought out by Yin, would blame herself, and then pray to the gods for forgiveness.……"

Gudazi:"This just proves that God has the highest status among the two! God's generosity and gentleness towards us……"

Gudazi:"It is precisely because I have shouldered too much that I feel guilty that I am not worthy, and do all kinds of things in revenge..."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Listen to what you are saying... I suddenly feel guilty. A sense of instant vision! Is it someone?"

Gudazi:"Hahaha...are you sending out? It's me. Because I have received the grace of God and turned around my sad I keep sending out. It seems that I want to wear all the dots! Sacrifice to the gods in the palace of time."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"So you hinted that it was Ji... That's it."

Yao Lao:"?"

Ye Hei:"Terrible! I finally understand... Huang Rongxiao thought at first that he was talking about himself. No wonder, he is such a god!"

Ye Hei:"Such a generous, majestic and gentle god... He is like our father! And we respect him as we treat our father, and we are as pious as we treat the Lord."

Su Han moved his eyes from the chat group, and he sighed quietly.

This was the first time that he noticed that this group of people suddenly The reason why I owe to put it is a bit surprising, and at the same time a bit happy.

After all, this is enough to prove that this group of people are not white-eyed wolves... Although Su Han has been on the road for a long time, his mood will always be better after he is reaffirmed.

Project your thoughts into the world of kung fu, understand the situation, and think coldly

"Forget it, let’s spend some time with you tomorrow! It also slightly eases their inner uneasiness."

The sky was gradually getting dark.

Su Han lowered his eyes and observed his vast divine world... The divine moon hung high in the sky. It was also the time when many nocturnal creatures came out of their nests.

There were several holy beasts roaring. The Moon Sky Wolf was roaring up to the sky, and there was a Hunting Saint Leopard hidden in the sky. It suddenly pounced out and hunted down the first six-grade exotic beast. With great satisfaction, it dragged them back to the cave and started raising their children.

"oh?"Su Han's face showed a look of surprise, and then he became relieved. The next generation has already started... But by the way, is it soon? Or, he and she were pregnant at that time."

" this a descendant of a leopard? , why do leopard's offspring grow cow's horns? Cold and stunned eyes. Then, his all-in-one characteristics in the God Realm came into play. Su Hanshi understood that this offspring was a leopard and a sacred cow using a special mating method, and the offspring was born within a few days...

Su Han looked at the scene that he had extracted, which was recorded in the divine world, of the leopard and the sacred cow mating a few days ago....He felt like he was going blind

"But that’s fine!"Su Han quickly withdrew his light and rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. Saint Leopard and Saint. are both beasts. The one they mated in a short time... is also a beast! It is always a joy to have children... Although it is It doesn't make much sense to me."

After all, there are too many sacred beasts... Only when the sacred beasts give birth to cubs can people be happy.

Su Han looked into the distance. He noticed that a vast ocean had appeared in the wasteland at the edge of the world.

The area of ​​​​this sea is already one-third of the land surface of the God Realm, and it is now expanding rapidly. It is expected to expand to be equal to the land surface, and then the expansion will slow down...

Bai Xing is now freely in the ocean. She traveled with joy on her face, and from time to time she was empowered with the power of the Sea King. She created one after another Sea King species that were comparable to beasts and allowed them to reproduce freely in the ocean.

"How good!"Su Han sighed with emotion, but then he scanned the heavens with his spiritual consciousness, and he suddenly discovered that... Siming and Shi Lan came to his central palace in a noisy manner, and then asked to see him... They looked at him with strange expressions and were deeply moved. That night, Su Han understood something and sighed,"I want it again. God's life is indeed boring and boring!"

One night passed.

Early the next morning, Su Han sent the two girls back, and then returned to the real world. He was just about to get the class schedule to see if there were any classes that he was interested in today... Then he realized that today was a holiday! There were no classes.

"……If that's the case, then let's look for that guy."Han remembered his previous plan and smiled dumbly.

He straightened his clothes, took a step, and traveled thousands of miles to the principal's thatch.

As usual, Su Han didn't knock on the door yet. The door of the thatched hut was opened. He suddenly walked in, and 757 suddenly discovered that outside the old school, there was a middle-aged man in black clothes. He had a Chinese character face and a very serious and stiff expression.

Of course, seeing Su Han Finally, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then forced out a smile that was harder than crying, and said sincerely,"Hello, Su Sheng! His name is Zhang Qianwen, the dean of the Five Principles School of Jinling Academy! If you want to know about the Five Elements Law in the future, you can come to me for consultation directly. There is no time to spare!"

"……Don't get it wrong," the old master rolled his eyes,"I don't even consider this kid as my apprentice... Moreover, he has learned to perfect the Way of Water on his own! And he also brought it up to the gods... Why should I study with you? You gave him the professorship of Shuidao, Department of Five Elements College."

"Old principal, what did you say?"Qianwen touched his nose, but his expression was still extremely stiff. It was not a personality problem. Su Han's eyes were very sharp, and he could sense that there must be something wrong with this person's face.

Zhang Qianwen said in a serious tone,"I didn't think about it. Isn't it okay to accept him as a close disciple... just be the old man? It doesn't matter... yours is a bit too much... Okay, don't be like that! Isn’t it okay if I tell the truth?……"

Facing the old principal's disdainful gaze, Zhang Qian let out a long sigh,"I just want Mr. Su to invite Hall of Heroes to make it. Although I have read those books in the past few days, I still have some doubts in my heart... You are really, very special." You have to force me to say it! It’s so embarrassing... I also save face.

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