"face? How much is your face worth?"The old principal curled his lips.

Then, he turned to look at Su Han, and the impatient look on his face instantly turned into a bright smile,"Student Su, why did you come to see me this time?"

Raising his brows, the old principal joked,"You're not going to break through the God King this time, are you?"

"it's not true!"Su Han shook his head seriously,"However, I hope you can find a strong man who has just entered the realm of the God King. I want to compete with him! This allows me to clarify my current strength positioning."

When the old principal heard the first half of the sentence, he was still thinking to himself. Of course he knew that you couldn't have come here to break through the God King. How many days had it been since you broke through to the God King? But before he could answer the question, he heard Su Han's next words……

"Phew!"Zhang Qianwen, who was drinking tea at the side, coughed violently and spat the tea directly on his clothes.

He wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve, barely raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a somewhat embarrassed smile,"Then... Principal Xue! I didn't mean it... and it's not because your tea doesn't taste good. Just, I suddenly remembered something happy!"

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Qianwen turned to look at Su Han and said word by word,"I am the master who has just entered the realm of the God King you mentioned! What, do you want to have a fight with me?"

Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up and down,"If you are willing, I have no problem."

Su Han was keenly aware that Zhang Qianwen did not give him that sense of oppression. Although it is not ruled out that Zhang Qianwen hid it well... but considering that when facing the old principal and facing Old Man Li, he vaguely felt that way....In addition, Zhang Qianwen said that he was just entering the God King for the first time. Su Han felt that there was still a possibility that the other party would not pose much threat to him!

"Old principal, although Mr. Su has created a theory of heroic spirits beyond imagination! However, he is just a god after all."Zhang Qianwen seemed to have lost interest all of a sudden.

He looked at the old principal casually and said softly,"Look, should you tell him about the huge gap between gods and gods? Otherwise, it is too inflated, and the possibility of something happening in the future... is very high."

The old principal frowned tightly. He did not answer, but looked Su Han up and down. Suddenly he noticed something, his pupils suddenly dilated, but he was a little unsure.

After thinking about it, the old principal asked carefully,"Are you sure? ? You should still be in the early stages of becoming a god! Maybe after you reach consummation as a god... you can consider a fight. This has been done by a genius in the past! But in the early days of the gods... it was too reluctant.'

"I'm just trying it!"Su Han said calmly

"……That’s fine!"The old principal turned to look at Zhang Qianwen.

Zhang Qianwen was a little reluctant at first, but after being glared at by the old principal, he touched his nose and said with a stiff face,"Okay... for your sake! I agreed"

"But, you also know, I come from the God of War... Once I take action, I will never do it. But if I hurt Mr. Su... I suspect he will give me a beating. The leader of our army’s divine department is going to come and cause trouble for me."

"Where does all this nonsense come from?"The old school roared. He slapped the table with a loud slap. The terrifying Dao Tianyun erupted from his body. The narrow thatched house suddenly erupted with a thunderous roar, and then quickly expanded, a In an instant, it reached an unimaginable level.

There were stars all around, and galaxies emerged...

Yes, this thatched house actually turned into a vast universe in an instant. Su Han even released the power of his soul, The end of this big universe cannot be explored for a while.

"Your power is truly incredible."Su Han sighed sincerely. He turned to stare at the old principal, his heart palpitating.

This was the first time he saw a strong man in the realm of the Lord God take action.

With every gesture, he opened up a large universe in an understatement. Moreover, the universe he opened up was only limited. In a small thatched house... Su Han believed that it was impossible for the universe to surpass the thatched house, because that would definitely affect Jinling Academy...

This method... No matter how he thought about it, he could only use terror. Describe it!

"It’s just a temporary development! World barriers are unstable."The old principal shrugged,"If I hadn't maintained it, it would have collapsed in a hundred or two hundred years, right?"

Su Han:"……"

Su Han didn't know for a moment whether the old principal really thought this was nothing or was just pretending.

"Mr. Su, now that you have made up your mind."Zhang Qianwen stared at Su Han and said expressionlessly,"Then let me teach you a lesson... Teach you that academic status does not determine real combat effectiveness!"

He stood up suddenly, with terrifying five-color brilliance lingering around him. Each ray of brilliance contained one big world after another. There were endless creatures in those big worlds bowing to him, reciting prayers, and conveying surging energy to him. The power of faith.

His words were sonorous, like commandments and heavenly rules, shaking the universe and damaging the galaxies one after another."Because it is not a life and death battle... Therefore, you and I will only use the laws of the great road this time, not the divine realm."……"

Su Han nodded slightly. The God King's God Realm may not necessarily surpass his God Realm in terms of scale, after all, his foundation is too strong... However, the God King's God Realm must far exceed his God Realm in terms of quality. When the two collide, even if he can manage to compete, he will definitely be at a disadvantage. He took advantage of not using the divine realm.

"And then... that's it!"After Zhang Qianwen said the last words, he took action. The five-color brilliance surged, and the universe trembled violently at this moment, as if something appeared out of thin air inside the universe.Like a big universe, this vast world is going to be exploded.

Su Han looked indifferent, he spread his arms, and his whole body burst into immeasurable brilliance. It's like turning into a sun at this moment!

Subsequently, seven different laws of the Avenue of Light were drawn out and blessed on the Avenue of the Sun. Like the resurrection of an immortal ancestral god, Su Han's aura increased exponentially.

The five-color divine light comes from all directions, crushing it like a millstone that covers the sky, trying to wipe out the entire universe...

But even though the five-color light's offensive power is heaven-defying, it still cannot break through the ten-foot range of Su Han! Su Han seemed to be standing in another pure land beyond this world, allowing all worlds to be destroyed without involving himself!

"?!"The old principal had poured a cup of tea and was going to watch the battle while drinking it. Then when he saw this scene, his hands started to tremble, and water even splashed on his pants...

He acted as if he didn't hear anything, staring blankly at the vast and terrifying scene in the distance. groove! The old principal uttered one word in his heart. He almost suspected that his perception was wrong!

Damn, the Avenue of the Sun... there are also seven auxiliary (Li's) ways of light, and one of the seven ways of light seems to turn from darkness to light? Therefore, it is extremely bright... It feels like it has been perfected in the realm of gods, and there is already a faint trace of the divine king's charm...

What the hell! How did this guy cultivate? The last time Su Han broke through the gods, he definitely didn't understand the laws of light... Why did the avenue of light in the later stages of the six gods appear inexplicably this time, and there was also a half-step god king's avenue of turning from darkness to light...

The old principal felt his scalp split. He even felt that this was no longer a matter of extreme talent... Could you be the reincarnation of some supreme god in ancient times?

Is Wandao fully compatible with you?! Which path do you want to understand, which path will automatically come together to merge with you, and then directly rise to the full level that your current realm can reach?!

The old principal was in a mess in the wind, as if he was suffering from epilepsy...

The water inside the tea cup in his hand was no longer a problem of shaking out... but now it had all been shaken out, and there was not a drop left in the cup......_

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