The seven paths merged with the Sun Avenue, pushing Su Han's aura to the point where he was infinitely close to the God King.

Su Han turned into the sun, crossed the void with his hands, opened up the pure land world, and challenged the way of the Five Elements God King.

"……I underestimated you."Zhang Qianwen's expression remained unchanged. He was hanging high in the air, with the Five Elements Universe hovering beside him! Among them, the sacrificial voices of hundreds of millions of believers became louder and louder, making his aura more terrifying. He looked at Su Han, Shock appeared in his pupils. After calming down his mood, Zhang Qianwen's words were no longer as frivolous as before,"He is indeed the number one genius in the world! Then...I will seriously defeat you!"

The five-dimensional universe was instantly integrated into Zhang Qianwen's body. His pupils showed five-color brilliance at this moment, and his aura once again soared geometrically at this moment.

"……It seems that I am too proud! I underestimated the God King."Su Han felt the sense of oppression. Although his face was still calm, his heart was throbbing.

The fight was like this... when Zhang Qianwen did not use the divine realm to suppress it.

Su Han was indeed able to barely fight against the divine king, but there were differences between the two sides. essential difference

"That’s it, even if it’s a defeat! You should also lose with dignity."Su Han's left eye turned into the sun, and his right eye turned into the moon. He gathered all the avenues in his body into his fist and pushed it out towards Zhang Qianwen above the sky.

This was Su Han's ultimate blow! It was all his current skills and The highest expression of Tao

"Ding! It has been detected that you have entered the all-out state! Trigger mechanism... Ding! You successfully triggered a 10,000-fold increase!"

"Um?!"Su Han's pupils suddenly shrank. The brilliance of the three thousand fists he hit suddenly skyrocketed at this moment, and the scale increased exponentially... Wisps of Qi spread, and the universe could not bear it at all, and it collapsed directly...

And facing this Zhang Qianwen, whose Taoist fist was terrifying enough to wipe out everything, still had an expressionless Sima face, but his eyelids twitched crazily, and he almost squeezed out three words from between his teeth,"I ride on a horse."……"

Before he could finish speaking, with a loud bang, his body exploded into endless brilliance.

Su Han stood there, his expression stiffened, and he slowly turned his head and looked at the expressionless old principal beside him."……this!"

"Don't worry," the old principal said very calmly, but the teacup in his hand had inexplicably dense cracks,"you are not pulling out of the God Realm to engage in a life-and-death battle! Although that guy's body was blown apart... his divine realm was not damaged. No big deal!"

Of course, the subtext of the old principal is... Fortunately, the two of you didn't pull out of the divine world. Otherwise, Zhang Qianwen was hit by that terrifying Taoist fist. Even if he didn't die, the divine realm would probably explode... Even if Jinling Academy provides resources, It is estimated that the wound will have to be healed for hundreds or thousands of years afterwards.

The collapsed universe, because of the old principal, quickly stopped this kind of self

-destruction. With the old principal stretching out his finger, time suddenly Reversal, the broken stars and rivers were reorganized, and the fragmented chain of laws and the universe returned to its original appearance! Xinghe Canhan looked around and suddenly found that there were dots of five-color brilliance emerging in the vast universe, and then continued to gather. In the end, a formation that swept the entire vast universe was formed. Finally, Zhang

Qianwen took shape in the endless five-color brilliance.

His face was pale, and he stepped forward and appeared in front of Su Han. He frowned and looked at the young god repeatedly, with a fearless look in his eyes. Belief and doubt in life.

He was blown away!

He was blown away by a young god who had just entered the gods and was less than twenty years old.

Damn! If it weren't for what he said before, he would not open the world of gods and engage in life and death battles. He just had a half chance of dying suddenly!

What the hell is this monster? Is this the unprecedented genius in the world of gods?!

Zhang Qianwen doubts life, but also has the urge to cry.

Damn it, he is so wise, As a result, he actually suffered such a big fall today! If the news that he fell into the hands of the eighteen-year-old genius god spreads... Absolutely, he will become the laughing stock of millions of military gods in the ancient Eastern Kingdom and the entire military god department...

What a shame! It was so embarrassing that it completely exploded. It was so embarrassing that it couldn't turn over for the rest of its life!

The old principal let out a breath, and the vast universe disappeared silently, and the three of them reappeared in the thatched hut. They looked at me and I looked at you.

After a long silence, the old principal stared at Su Han and spoke first,"Although I have tried my best to overestimate you! However, I found that I still underestimated you... Really, Student Su! You are no longer the monster’s problem. You are clearly completely violating the basic theorem of the world of gods."

"……I!"Su Han scratched his cheek

"do not speak!"The old principal stretched out his hand to signal Su Han to stop. He took a breath, his expression as calm as ever, and said,"I have said it from the beginning, I don't want the opportunities I have received or the special things about me... Explain it to others!"

"The more special it is, the less it can be said... Now, I still tell you this!"

"……good."After a moment of silence, Su Han nodded, and then stared at the old principal seriously,"I want to ask you one thing, that is, how does a god climb from the early stage to the middle stage, and then to the later stage? At the end, he breaks through to the realm of God King!"

The old principal glanced at Su Han with an inexplicable expression, and he said softly,"Accumulate followers! Figure out the avenue!"

"Generally, for a high-level god to break through to the level of a god, tens of millions of believers are needed! But after the breakthrough... the new god still needs to continue to accumulate believers! Believers are even more important to the strong men in this realm.……"

"Generally speaking, if you break through the tens of millions of followers of the gods... then your law has been understood to be able to support 30 million believers, you are the god of medium. If you can accommodate 100 million believers, that is the late stage of the gods... With 200 million believers, generally speaking, your laws will be complete! This stage is the top of the gods-"

Su Han's eyelids twitched. If we calculate that he has surpassed one billion followers of the gods, doesn't it mean that he needs 3 billion followers to be considered as a god? Ten billion is considered to be the late stage of the gods? Twenty billion is the peak of the gods

"You are very special." The old principal swallowed, his voice was trance-like, as if he was dreaming,"Your Sun Avenue is still in the primary stage of being a god! But the few additional avenues of light you have comprehended... have all reached the advanced stage!"

"Especially the one who turned from dark to black... really half-stepped into the realm of the God King. I even suspect that if you have enough believers to support you, the pinnacle of the Avenue of Light can directly transform into the Avenue of the God King.……"

"Yes, I feel that the reason why that path has not transformed is because you don’t have enough believers... In fact, the essence of that path has been achieved."

The old principal paused for a moment, and he took a deep look at Su Han,"Student Su, I have actually known for a long time that you are different from other gods... But I still didn't expect that I still underestimated you after all. just kicked in half of the door to the God King.……"

Su Han didn't answer. He lowered his head slightly, thoughts flashing in his mind.

Half a foot stepped into the avenue of light in the realm of the God King... turning from darkness to darkness? This adjective sounds familiar...

Wait a moment, Su Han suddenly realized, isn't this the light of Diga!

Yes, Tiga is a very special Ultraman. In ancient times, he was a dark giant, and later he transformed into a giant of light!

Although Tiga controlled by Yuan Dagu is very good...but compared to Zhen Tiga, he is actually very far behind.

Even if you don't talk about strength, you can understand simply by talking about the years of life. Yuan Dagu was a giant of the ancient civilization 30 million years ago... and even the father of Ultra in the Kingdom of Light was only 160,000 years old.

Although age does not absolutely represent strength, it can more or less represent the light of Diga held by the system... Although Yuan Dagu controls Diga, it is not as good as the peak Diga, but this is a matter of control consciousness. , the essence of Tiga is still at that level... From this perspective, it is no wonder that after the light of Tiga increased ten thousand times, he was able to step into the realm of the God King with half a foot! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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