"However... the most special thing about you is your exponentially increasing strength!"The old principal swallowed his saliva. Even when he thought of Su Han's terrifying wave that suddenly increased ten thousand times and could collapse the universe, he still felt that his scalp was a little numb. After thinking about it for a moment, he said seriously,"I don't know why you were able to burst out with that kind of power... but I can say with certainty that if you can maintain that state for a long time, you are not considered a weakling among the God Kings! Even if you are the top among the God Kings, such as Old Man Li... you can at least run away if you can't defeat him."

After a short pause, the old principal suddenly smiled bitterly,"It's really... incredible."

Zhang Qianwen on the other side nodded with lingering fear.

Su Han remained silent, and a lot of thoughts were flowing in his mind. If he activates all the laws of the great road now, the scale of his power should be at the peak of the gods....and it is not that he is invincible in the realm of gods as he initially guessed!

The reason is very simple. According to what the old principal said before, some of the proud gods at the peak of the gods who are good at fighting... can also compete with the strong men in the realm of god kings. He has passed!

Su Han did not have a systematic increase before. Facing Zhang Qianwen, he is basically bound to lose... Therefore, he may not be stronger than these monsters and geniuses! Maybe even weaker.

However, with tens of thousands of times of increase, it will not It's the same... He truly has the combat power to match the powerful God King. And he's not even a lowly God King!

"The system's increase... according to the previous system's prompts is because I went all out."Su Han said to himself in his heart, his eyes sparkling with an inexplicable luster,"If I really encounter an enemy, I will definitely go all out! If that's the case... I will almost certainly be able to maintain that ~ state for a long time."

Su Han's heart was surging. Even if the God King's combat power is obtained through cheating... But it will be there after all, right? With the power of the God King, even if he leaves Jinling Academy, he will still have the power to protect himself.

The true Western God System If he is crazy and sends people to attack and kill him, it is difficult to send a being like the God King to the ancient eastern country! After all, the power of the God King level existence is just there-……

It has always been a big problem for god kings and powerful people above god kings to go to the territories of other gods. It would be okay if it was an official visit, but if a private person wanted to come, it would be difficult to approve it, and even if it was approved, it would be strictly monitored... After all, the God King is too powerful, and it would be too terrifying to cause destructive power.

Suddenly, Zhang Qianwen seemed to have received some information, his eyes widened suddenly,"This matter...are those guys crazy?!"

"……What's wrong?"The old principal suddenly turned his head, a little confused.

"You know it! I am from the Military God Department... The Military God Department has special information exchange channels." Zhang Qianwen pointed at his forehead,"Of course, because I retired from the army, I lost the channel to obtain secrets. But I can still know some public information naturally without using a divine phone or consuming divine energy."

"……Do you want me to explain this?"The old principal looked at Zhang Qianwen with a rather unkind expression. With his status, he didn't know that the Ministry of Military God had such special channels? What he asked was why are you so shocked!

"With that news, the bloodbath on the Divine Network has probably begun."Zhang Qianwen still answered the question incorrectly. The meaning is very obvious. If you are curious, you can read it yourself.

"……"Su Han looked at Zhang with a speechless face. Why didn't he realize that this guy was so indebted to Bian? The personality of the dean of the Five Elements Department... was really different from his!

Sighing inwardly, Su Han silently took out his phone, then glanced at the hot list and his expression suddenly changed,"Is this?

"Um?"The old principal also realized something was wrong, and instantly took out his cell phone. His pupils suddenly dilated. He was a little shocked and disbelieving, and then he felt dumbfounded."Are those guys in the West... crazy?"

Su Han rubbed his temples and didn't reply.

At this moment, Shenbo's popularity list has been completely wiped out.

《Shock! The three giant gods in the West have jointly assembled eight young gods under the age of eighty! There are even two of them who are top-level beings from the Citizen Kingdom! And now, the eight young gods have officially issued a challenge to the Eastern Young God!》

《The official stance of the Western pantheon? What if the young god from the East could defeat eight young gods in a life-and-death battle! The core technology rights of Shenzhou, a crystal wall system, will be released!》

《Gossip: The Western pantheon expresses its stance towards the Eastern pantheon, hoping to allow the younger generation of gods to communicate! If Dongfang wins, I hope Dongfang will open up all the patent rights of the Crystal Wall System Shenzhou. If Dongfang wins, I hope Dongfang will open up all the technical data of the Heroic Spirit System!"

Su Han hesitated for a moment and opened three messages one by one. The first piece of news was a decent revelation... The second piece of news, although the information revealed was not much different from the first, was obviously more provocative. Focus on popularizing the importance of crystal wall Shenzhou.

This is an important weapon for traveling in the endless wall system. He can carry an extremely large amount of gods!

With him, even when faced with those extremely powerful planes, gods can be transported there in large quantities! Forcibly knocking on the door to that cosmic plane... only after knocking on it! Only you can decide whether to spread your faith in that world with a kind attitude or a malicious attitude.

The technical capabilities of the Eastern pantheon are far behind those of the West! Perhaps in a local-scale battle, the East will not be afraid of any country... But in terms of the power projected onto the endless planes of the crystal wall system, the East is far inferior to the West.……

"interesting."Su Han realized something, and then started to click on the third hot bar. A touch of amusement appeared on his face! The third hot spot blatantly involved this matter with the rise of the ancient Eastern country. And openly advocated that as long as The victory of the Eastern Young God will at least shorten the distance between the East and the West for five years...

Su Han glanced at the comments below and found that the pot had exploded.

Please give me flowers

"I'll fuck your mother!"

"You beast, you don’t deserve to be the son of man. I doubt you are a fucking god from outside the pantheon... No! There is no way that gods from the outer gods can be as vicious as you! How did your mother goddess give birth to you?"

"? ? ? Well, I was a little confused. After reading this news, I felt excited and excited! Why are all the people below scolding?"

"Upstairs, this is obviously a Western conspiracy! Are there really people in the West who say... eight gods who are less than eighty years old? Haha, do you believe that I, Su Shen, will be able to directly enter the realm of the God King after he is sixty or seventy years old? Damn the youth god! Eighty-year-olds come to beat up those who are less than twenty, grandson, they really have the nerve to say that"

"Isn't the most important thing... am I, Su Shen, actually the academic god? Let the God who specializes in fighting challenge the God of Academics, and the age difference between the two sides is more than four times... This, how dare you advocate fighting? I've never seen such a shameless person"

"Yes, and... a life and death battle? Still betting on heroic spirit technology? Haha, talent... The West wants to kill a future genius, interrupt the pride of the Gods in the East, and take away the heroic skills that they have always been jealous of... A win-win-win situation!".............

"Shut up, you are all making wild conjectures! If you carefully trace the news released by the West, you will know...this is actually an unofficial gamble! You can scold the promoters of gambling, but you cannot involve the entire West because of it! This will only breed hatred……"

"Upstairs, your mother is dead!"

"Yes, I really don’t know whether these people have been brainwashed by the West... or whether they really have IQ problems! Or was it someone sent by the West to fish in troubled waters? unofficial? Can the unofficial team come up with the core technology of the crystal wall Shenzhou? And all the patents? Do you really understand what this thing represents? This is an important weapon of the country! They have blocked our ancient Eastern country for a hundred years!"

"Damn it, there are a lot of excited people on the news next door, asking Su Shen to challenge... I strongly suspect that those are the trolls bought by the West! They want to start a fishing boom, let the fishing boats kidnap Dongfang, and force Su Shen to die.……"

"Use the fishing reel to achieve your own goals! By the way, I also launched an unofficial one... Let yourself get out of the mud without getting stained! The old hypocrite, the old double standards, the old shameless one. Western traditional arts!"

"I still find this thing incredible... No, you think too highly of Su Shen, right? Although I think Su Shen is indeed very powerful, it doesn’t mean that the various pantheon countries in the West should unite to do this kind of thing, right? That's a country!"

"No high opinion! He became a god at the age of eighteen, and launched the theory of heroic spirits on the first day of his achievement... This kind of monster cannot be overestimated no matter how high it is."

"Yes...the West is very aware of the impact that such a monster may have if he grows up! Isn’t that how they got up back then? So no matter how shameless it is, it is always right to use various methods to kill it in advance."

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