The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"God, the eternal God!!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"There is only one true god in the world! I will always believe in the God of Creation."

The strongest man's Deputy:"So, Wutian, are you ready to implement your previous plan?" Buddha

Wutian:"Yes, since there is destiny... then I will simply overturn this table! Destiny? God above. In front of me, everyone must die!"

Xitian Lingshan.

Wutian suddenly opened his eyes, and wisps of breath spread out from his body, making the entire Great Leiyin Temple tremble.

He didn't say anything, just stared coldly at the many disciples below.

"Buddha forgives, Buddha forgives."The black robe kneeled on the ground in fear. He kept kowtowing to Wu Tian.

The giant scorpion, Ying Yao and other monsters on the side did not dare to stand. They all knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling.

"Don't blame you."Wutian closed his eyes again, and his voice regained its calmness,"Everything has been doomed a long time ago... Tathagata! And this world! And the great powers of this world are all playing a huge game of chess."

"I always thought that I was one of the best chess players in the world! But now it seems that I am just a pawn after all."

The people below didn't speak. In fact, they didn't dare to speak... They couldn't accept what Wutian Buddha said.……

"Win the demon."Wutian suddenly spoke

"exist!"Yingyao agreed fearfully.

"You lead 30,000 demon soldiers to forge a huge altar... First, build the main altar in Lingshan. The scale of the Lingshan altar must include the entire Lingshan. At the same time, sub-altars were built in various countries in the human world, including Kyoto, Heaven, and the underworld."

After a pause, Wutian added,"Of course, the size of these altars also covers the Kyoto of those countries, the entire heaven, and the City of Wasted Death in the underworld... As for the requirements for the altars,……"

Wutian recalled the information about the sacrificial ceremony in his mind. Finally, a mid-to-low-grade altar was chosen! Made of five divine materials from heaven and earth... With this in mind, he stared at Ying Yao and spoke out his requests one by one.

"Buddha, Buddha! Ying Yao's face turned pale,"The requirements you mentioned... the costs are too huge!" Especially when it is necessary to build in the Three Realms, and the size of the project covers cities at all times... the resources in our hands are simply not enough."

"not enough?"After Wutian was silent for a short time, he suddenly laughed. He walked slowly to the edge of the Great Leiyin Temple, gently tapped the wall, and said meaningfully,"How can it be not enough? Even if it’s not in the Heavenly Treasure House and the Buddhist Treasure House… we don’t still have the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan! Don’t we still have the heaven above the thirty-third heaven? If you dismantle them, won't you have everything?"

Yingyao was so frightened that she fell to her knees with a plop. She couldn't tell whether Wutian said this seriously or was just talking angrily? Just say angry words. Wutian's expression at the moment was very serious. But if it is true...if the Great Leiyin Temple is demolished, where will they live?

"Go do it! I ask you to finish it before noon tomorrow."Wutian gently waved his sleeves, and Ying flew straight out of the Great Thunder Sound Temple.

Then," Wutian narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the black robe on the ground,"I want to ask you, all Buddhist believers How many are there, and how many believers believe in the gods of heaven? The black robe was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed uncertainly. How did he know this?

After struggling for a long time, he said cautiously,"In the mortal world, just the Tang Dynasty The population is in the hundreds of millions! The population of this vast world is probably measured in billions... Even if only half of the population believes in Buddhism and Taoism, it should be no less than one billion."

"This is just the mortal world. If you include the innocent souls in the underworld and the ordinary beings in is estimated that there are two to three billion followers of Taoism and Buddhism!"

"Two to three billion! Humph," Wutian snorted coldly,"I think you don't pay attention at all... But whatever, I'll give it a half, based on 1.5 billion believers!"

"Next, you mobilize 50,000 demonic soldiers. I need you to announce a sacrificial text to these believers... I need them to recite the sacrificial text at the same time as me when the altar is completed and I officially offer sacrifices to the gods!"

"I want them to change their beliefs! No longer believe in the so-called Taoism and Buddhism...but believe in the only true God in this world! Our Father and Lord...the God of creation."

Heipao was completely stunned.

When he heard the first half of the sentence, he was still wondering if Wutian Buddha was determined to come to the front and completely change the Buddhist beliefs so that all living beings would believe in him... In the end, he believed in other people?!

Wait, who is this God of Creation? Why has he never heard of it before?!

The black robe's doubts only lasted for a moment, and he quickly realized, His face became extremely ugly, and he kept kowtowing on the ground, his voice sounding like crying.

"Buddha! Please be merciful... How can I change their beliefs during this period? Not to mention changes, even if the information is spread to their ears, it is still almost impossible."

That's not one person or an entire's the people of the Three Realms measured in billions.

This is not to embarrass him at all, it is to force him to death!

"That’s fine, I’ll give you another discount, 700 million!"Buddha Wutian opened his palm. Seeing that the black robe's face was still ugly and he wanted to say something, he said coldly,"You can take away 500,000 demon soldiers and 700,000 demon soldiers. Soldier!"

"And the belief I asked you to spread is not that kind of false belief, as long as you recite the true name of the Creator God devoutly! Then you can enjoy the divine grace given by the Creator God!"

"I believe that it is not difficult for believers to change if there are benefits and the false gods of Buddhism and Taoism have been suppressed by us. After a short pause, Buddha Wutian said with an incomprehensible expression,"I've given you generous terms."…If you still can’t do it, then you don’t have to come back! Kill yourself."

After the words fell, Buddha Wutian flicked his finger.

A brilliant brilliance burst out and fell on the top of Hei Pao's head. A sacrificial article instantly appeared in his mind!

After a brief silence, Hei Pao's face changed. He gritted his teeth ferociously and said,"I obey."

Looking at the back of the black robe, Buddha Wutian seemed to think of something, and added,"By the way, we should have a gentle attitude towards those who are willing to believe in the God of Creation! You shall not harm them, but treat them as your brothers."

Heipao trembled and almost stumbled to the ground. Do you need to be kind to persuade in a relationship?

Damn, Heipao is already thinking about whether he has offended the Buddha in some way during this time. Otherwise, how could the Buddha target him like this?!

"Giant scorpion."Wutian turned his head again.

Juxiao knelt on the ground with a sad face. Yingyao was already facing a big problem, but he thought that it would be even more serious in the black robe...

Juxiao was already thinking about the next step. Will what Wutian arranged be more difficult? No... let alone more difficult! Even if she was asked to do something similar to the black robe... she would not be able to do it even if she died. Wutian organized the language ,"As for your words... I ask you to take that memorial with you! Go and visit the powerful people who still exist in this world...such as Emperor Donghua, Zhen Yuanzi, and Old Mother Lishan.……"

"You tell them, give me Wutian some face! Before noon tomorrow, they should recite it seriously and devoutly, and take refuge in the God of Creation... If not, their death will be after tomorrow. Wutian

's voice became murderous,"I will personally lead the demon soldiers in the future to destroy their mountain gates and destroy their orthodoxy."……"

Giant Scorpion rolled his eyelids and almost fainted. Sure enough, the difficulty is higher... No, this is no longer a question of difficulty! If the black robe's side is almost impossible to complete, it will definitely be punished by Wutian afterwards...and... then this on her side is to let her die! Tell this to the mighty ones in heaven and earth?! After she finished speaking, could she really come out alive from the mountain gates of those mighty ones?

Juscorpion raised his head and stared at Wutian pleadingly, hoping that Wutian would say this was just a joke. But then, she only heard Wutian's cold voice,"Why are you still standing here? Just do it quickly."

After a brief silence, Juscorpion agreed lifelessly. She staggered out of the Great Leiyin Temple. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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