After Wutian thought for a moment, he clapped his hands. The World-Destroying Black Lotus rotates slowly, and black haze spreads out of it.

The next moment, the void twisted, and the figure of the six-eared macaque appeared instantly. He was a little stunned at first, but then he reacted when he saw Wutian, clasped his hands together, and said respectfully,"Buddha!"

"No gift!"Wutian's words were concise and to the point, his eyes were a little deep,"I sent you to find the reincarnated soul boy of the Buddha before... How is your search going?"

"I have traced the traces of Sun Wukong and the others! Sun Wukong, Tang Monk, Nezha and others, after killing the two Vajra envoys sent by the Buddha. Now I intend to go to Donghua Mountain! Let Emperor Donghua protect the reincarnated soul boy of Buddha... I was just about to take action."

The six-eared macaque gave a bitter smile. If Wutian hadn't called him back halfway, he should have faced Sun Wukong and the others.

"Sun Wukong should not be underestimated! Even if you have been strengthened by my black lotus, you may still be no match for him."Wutian stretched out his hand and the black lotus rotated, opening a passage out of thin air.

He said in a low voice,"This time, I will do it myself!"

The six-eared macaque was stunned for a moment, and ecstasy appeared on his face,"If there is a Buddha, please take action! This matter is sure to be foolproof"


A dense forest, beside a gurgling water.

Sun Wukong crossed his chest with his hands and stared at Qiao Ling'er closely.

"Senior brother, why are you still standing here? Bajie was very anxious,"Everyone in the sky and on the earth has Wutian's eyes and ears... Haven't we already decided to go to Donghua Mountain to find Emperor Donghua?" It'll be safe once you get there"

"I just suddenly thought of something. Sun Wukong was a little worried,"Heaven, Lingshan, and even the Netherworld have fallen!" The God-Buddha was suppressed by Na Wutian, could something happen to Donghua Mountain as well?"

620 Wukong has always been bitten by snakes, and has been afraid of snakes in the well for ten years.

Even if he recalls the scenes of going to Lingshan and Heaven, he still can't notice anything wrong...

Wutian's magic power is really too strong, even with his Fierce eyes and golden eyes are equally difficult to detect flaws.

If something happens to Donghua Mountain, wouldn't they be throwing themselves into a trap when they take the reincarnation of Buddha there at this moment?!

"I dare not say that there is absolutely no possibility of something happening, but the possibility of something happening is still relatively small. Nezha spoke very cautiously,"In the final analysis, Wutian's magic power is equivalent to that of Tathagata Buddha... It stands to reason that even if Buddha reincarnates, Wutian will only occupy Lingshan Mountain, and he will never occupy the heaven and earth together.""

"However, the appearance of Wutian this time is actually a catastrophe in the Three Realms! I, as well as many powerful people in heaven, are all riddled with tribulation energy... I can use my full strength to show off two or three! In addition, Wutian’s world-destroying black lotus power is really restraining us, so this is why"

"Emperor Donghua is an ancient power and does not enter the three realms! Transcendental... In the case where this kind of calamity is not wrapped around him... Although I can't judge whether he is stronger or weaker than Wutian, there is no need. Wutian will never go to trouble Emperor Donghua."

"What you said makes sense! Therefore, I am not ready to let you go to that troublesome guy for the time being."A cold voice suddenly sounded


"This voice is……"


The expressions of everyone at the scene changed at the same time. Sun Wukong pulled out the golden cudgel from his ear, suddenly turned his head, and saw Wutian in black robe walking out of the forest.

"fool! Take Qiao Ling'er away quickly."Sun Wukong roared, and swung his golden cudgel and hit Wu Tian.

What's the pain?" Wu Tian sighed quietly,"You were once a free and free person, and you were the demon king of the demon clan! Come and help me... why?" We must help that hypocritical Buddha, their land!"

While sighing, Wutian raised his palm forward. The World-Destroying Black Lotus suddenly appeared, and it seemed to be spinning slowly, but in fact, there was a lifetime of tribulation energy emitting from the rotation. Shock the world.

Even if Sun Wukong tried his best, he couldn't stop him at all. As soon as the black light swept away, he was swallowed directly into the world-destroying black lotus.

"Run!"Nezha's face was ferocious, and he activated all the magic power in his body. Zhu Bajie's expression changed a few times, and he made up his mind, suddenly picked up Qiao Ling'er, and galloped away into the distance without any care.

Wutian showed his noncommittal expression. He suddenly clasped his palms together, and the petals of the World-Destroying Black Lotus bloomed little by little, and a small world seemed to be born in it. The black mist swept in all directions.

When the black mist dissipated, everything was gone. No matter it was Tang Monk Nezha, or Zhu Bajie and Qiao Linger, were all stuffed into the World-Destroying Black Lotus

"The power of Buddha is unparalleled!"Admiration appeared on the six-eared macaque's face.

Wutian shook his head and didn't say much. The World-Destroying Black Lotus floated above his head, hanging down wisps of black brilliance. Immediately, he and the six-eared macaque instantly freed themselves. Disappeared on the spot.

For the next time, Wutian stayed at Daleiyin Temple. At most, he could check the black robes and how Yingyao and the others had done.

Yingyao was still doing well, although the manpower was tight, but When Wutian gave the order, just close your eyes and do it... The heaven was demolished, the spiritual mountain was also demolished, and then many monsters were asked to build an altar with the dismantled materials!

However, the black robe was so busy that he was almost crazy It kept wandering around the world, the underworld and the human world... He also knew that if he simply promoted it city by city, it would definitely be too late. Therefore, he directly kidnapped the emperors and ministers of the major dynasties.. Forcibly persuade them, and then they will issue orders and promote them.

The demon soldiers have now completely become messengers for the emperors of these dynasties, or they are used to intimidate officials in major regions and let them... Get to work as quickly as possible...

As for the giant scorpion... this one is the worst. Because she can't even enter the paradise of those powerful people...

Wutian has nothing to say about this. Believe in God, this It was the opportunity and ultimatum he gave to those powerful people... Yes, chance! Even Wutian can enhance his strength by reciting the high-grade sacrificial method... Those powerful people must also be able to do the same.

Since those The powerful ones abandoned this opportunity, so it was determined that the two sides must be enemies... In the future, when he is strong enough, he can bulldoze those guys...

Finally, the next day has arrived.

At this moment, there is no big person in Lingshan. The traces of Leiyin Temple were replaced by an extremely huge altar.

Wutian walked over expressionlessly, waved his hand, and the World-Destroying Black Lotus rotated, and the alien plane in it suddenly opened. A large number of gods and Buddhas in the immortal world were Throwed out... too many! There are nearly ten thousand of them. And there are many powerful ones among them, such as the Jade Emperor and Guanyin Bodhisattva……

"Wutian! You are doing the opposite. Sooner or later the future will be reckoned with! Guanyin Bodhisattva looked very serious,"It's not too late to turn around now." If we wait until the Buddha returns……"

Wutian had no expression on his face, stretched out his palm and pointed at Guanyin Bodhisattva gently. A black haze spread instantly and sealed the mouth of Guanyin Bodhisattva

""Kuochao," Wutian paused for a moment and continued,"Now you can kill the sacrifice.""

Hearing this, the black-robed and black-lotus holy envoys immediately stepped forward. They dragged out the Buddhist Buddha whose spiritual power had been sealed, and then pressed them on the altar, raising their knives and dropping them. Blood suddenly poured down. , gradually contaminated the entire altar... The scene was completely silent.

"……You are! how dare you?!"The Jade Emperor, who had always been calm, couldn't bear it any longer, and he let out a low roar.

"Don't worry, it will be Heaven's turn in a moment."Wutian smiled calmly. He seemed to be talking to himself or narrating to someone,"Heaven, the era of Buddhism has passed! The fate of this future world should be cut off... Every cultivator and every mortal should be free to live in the world by their own will."

Gods and Buddhas went one after another. Even the huge altar covering the entire Leiyin Temple was completely stained red with blood at this moment.

"So in the end, it’s you."Wutian stared at Qiao Linger calmly.

He suddenly raised his hand and waved it down, but immeasurable Buddha light burst out from Qiao Linger's body, protecting him. Wutian thought thoughtfully,"……No way?"

After thinking for a moment, Wutian suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, then he recited the sacrificial inscriptions, and reached out to chop off again. Under the blessing of an inexplicable force, the ten thousand feet of Buddha's light beside Qiao Ling'er could not move at all. The barrier that blocked Wutian was directly broken.

Blood spilled on the altar! However, the dead Qiao Ling'er still had an inexplicable spiritual aura about her body, as if she might be resurrected at any time.

At the same time, the three realms at this moment Everywhere in the Cave Heaven Paradise emitted bright and brilliant brilliance. Many powerful people opened their eyes and looked at this place in shock or disbelief. They felt the changes in the laws of heaven.

"That is how the matter?!"

"The reincarnation of Buddha died? How can this be?"

"Tathagata counts all omissions! Did it happen this time?!"

If some powerful people are shocked, then there are some powerful people who are shocked and angry at this moment and can't believe it.

Suddenly, to the west of Lingshan Mountain, the aura of the Deng Deng Ancient Buddha suddenly erupted.! But the strange thing is that the aura of the Randen Ancient Buddha has risen to an incredible level in just a few breaths... It seems that at this moment it is one with the avenue of heaven and earth!

Even Wutian is a little bit confused at this moment Heart palpitations. Not only in the west, but also in the east, the aura of Emperor Donghua is erupting, and it has also increased to a weird level in a short period of time.

"This kind of breath... has a slight feeling of heaven."Wutian's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly sneered,"Are you anxious? He actually stepped down in person!"

"It's a pity." Wutian stood on the altar. He looked at the sky, seeming to be sarcastic and yet also pitying,"You're late!"

The next moment, he began to recite the sacrificial words loudly._

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