"Oops...if that's the case, then those outsiders."

The third young master of Aolai Kingdom suddenly paused in his words. After a brief silence, he sighed and said,"I am worrying too much."

Yes, just the release of that demonic energy has created such an earth-shaking impact. If the owner of that demonic energy takes action, how earth-shattering will it be?!

Even at his peak, with this power, In front of him, he is no different from an ant, right? And his peak combat power, no matter inside or outside the circle... is the best!

There is no doubt that the owner of this power is the strong one in their circle... Since So, what else do we need to worry about?

The fact is indeed as expected by the third young master of the Aolai Kingdom.

Outside the vast circle, there is silence at the moment.

No powerful beings invaded on a large scale because of the broken circle, and no powerful beings even tried to Flying... they all landed on the ground... A large number of demons knelt down on the ground directly, with frightened expressions on their faces, and silently kowtowed in the direction of the pressure... Although, they themselves did not You know, what exactly are you kowtowing to?



Above the sky, the wind is surging.

With a roar, the vast sky seemed to be torn apart at this moment... The sky as far as the eye can see is all covered by the other world...

Not only Tushan, the human world, the southern country, Ao Coming to the country, and even outside the circle...the sky has been torn apart...the vast number of living beings, whether they are ordinary people like farmers and businessmen, or cultivators who are burdened with cultivation... whether they are the four emperors of the Demon Alliance, or Or the top weirdos outside the circle...

They all raised their heads blankly, staring at the unimaginable scene.

That is an existence that is difficult to describe in words!

I couldn't see clearly what he looked like, I could only vaguely feel that there was such an existence, standing on the other side of the world.

He turned his back to all living beings, and the endless sun, moon and stars were swirling around him, vaguely turning into robes draped around him.

There was immeasurable chaos manifesting around him, and there were gods and Buddhas that were either popular in the world or unheard of, kowtowing to him and praying to him devoutly.

Undoubtedly, this is an unimaginable existence.

Clothed by the vast universe! Let the endless gods and Buddhas kowtow! If there really is a supreme god in this world...then that god can only look like this!

Suddenly, that existence spoke. His voice was calm, but it made the other vast chaos tremble and shatter, and the world was evolving into shape.

"A devout believer in Eastern Huaizhu, the sacrifices are meritorious and the essence of the sun and moon is baptized!"

Among the countless sun and moon above that cosmic robe, suddenly there was a sun and a moon that broke away...

Compared with those cosmic robes, the sun and moon were too small and too small. When they just broke away, they seemed to be It was just a little fluorescence... but that ray of light fell rapidly towards the world they were in... the closer it got, the bigger it became. In the end, everything in the sky and on the earth was enveloped in that gorgeous divine light of the sun and the moon! It was like a real The sun and moon fall

"It’s over… it’s over!"

"how come? How could the sun... be the real sun and sun and moon?!"

"What kind of god is that... I thought that piece of clothing was a vision, but it turned out to be really made of the universe?!"

"If we say, the little bits of brilliance are the real sun and moon. Then I can't imagine how many suns and moons there are in that piece of clothing……"

Some people are horrified and their worldview collapses.

But someone like the third young master of Aolai Kingdom, who was forced to do so, looked at the scene in the sky, his face turned pale, and despair rose in his eyes,"It's over... it's all over!" The sun was falling.

This land and all living creatures must die! It doesn’t matter whether it’s outside the circle, whether it’s inside the circle, or whether it’s standing on the top of the world! They're all ants.

The vast sun and moon seemed to have directly smashed through the barriers between the two realms and descended suddenly...

But it was beyond the expectations of the third young master. The vast sun and moon, however, shrunk rapidly at this moment, turning into two brilliant brilliance that were concentrated to the extreme...

The brilliance was rendered, falling from the sky, and crashed into Dongfang Huaizhu's body...

Dongfang Huaizhu Her eyes suddenly expanded, and the golden pure Yang Yan burst out from her body, constantly intertwining around her, and gradually split into two fire dragons, one white and one gold.

They looked up to the sky and roared, erupting with a terrifying sense of majesty. Then it quickly condensed into shape, turning into a day and a month.

As the sun and moon rotated, Dongfang Huaizhu's aura increased at an extremely terrifying speed... In just a few breaths, he surpassed Tu Shan Yaya, who had previously exploded with terrifying power.

Ordinary people may not be aware of this sense of oppression, but in the vast world, the stronger the person, the more they can feel the terror of this power, as if they are carrying a heavy weight.

Huan Du Qingtian, who had been lying down at the beginning, didn't care...such as the third young master of Aolai Kingdom, such as Beidi Shi Kuan, and the demons outside the circle. At this moment, they all fell to their knees on the ground with a plop, and their bodies could not stop shaking- shake.

Their faces were extremely ugly, and their strong self-esteem did not allow them to kneel like this... However, they did not resist, or they had no way to resist.

As if their bodies were against their will, they knelt down naturally.

Dongfang Guyue naturally knelt down as well. His body was trembling with excitement and he was kowtowing continuously.

He wanted to say something, such as thanking God for his immeasurable kindness to his daughter, or wanting to swear that he would do his best to help God spread his faith in the future...

But when he wanted to say something, Only then did I realize that my brain went blank because of the shock. He could only kowtow in vain.

The being seemed to turn its head and glanced calmly. His true appearance could not be seen clearly, and he could only feel the terrifying look in his eyes.

Everything in the world seemed to be dead.

Everything disappears, only the existence of that ray of eyes can be felt

"Shemale peace? as you wish!"His voice was calm without any fluctuation, but every word contained the charm of the great avenue, which was directly embedded into the deepest part of heaven and earth and became an indispensable part of the laws of heaven and earth.

"I say, the laws of heaven are in order! Humans and monsters are not allowed to kill wantonly due to racial antagonism. Anyone who violates this will lose ten years of their life. Those who violate this rule will die."

"I say, my messengers should stick to my words, circle the sun and moon, and punish everything in the world that deserves punishment! Spread faith to the land illuminated by the sun and moon."

The avenue roared.

A piece of information naturally emerged in everyone's mind. It was a message called Tian Tiao...

What is Tian Tiao? The commandments of heaven stand side by side with the laws of heaven and earth and cannot be violated!

The supreme existence , draws a clear line between humans and monsters... In the future, they can still fight, and even fight. There can be countless reasons, but they cannot be killed just because the other party is a monster... or because the other party is a human!

No need to You don’t have to look for any reason to kill someone when you deceive others. It all comes from the heart! If you know in your heart that you are killing the other person because of racial hatred, then the commandments will be triggered naturally!

Of course, the Supreme Being He is a god who has set the first commandment that cannot be violated. He did not interfere much...

He transferred the right to formulate heaven's rules to his divine envoy in the world, allowing her to walk the world on behalf of his will...

The brilliance of the sky flashes, the endless brilliance condenses, and finally turns into a sacred decree! The first one is what the God of Creation said before. The decree fell from the sky, it exudes immeasurable divine brilliance, and has a world The level of oppression seemed to be refined and forged by an entire world... Finally, it fell in front of Dongfang Huaizhu.

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