Dongfang Huaizhu stared at the decree with an incomprehensible expression. Apart from the first article... there were still large blanks, so he could obviously continue writing.

Recalling the words of God before, Dongfang Huaizhu understood something. She took a few deep breaths and then managed to calm down her mood. She stretched out her hand with trembling hands and took the list of Tiantiao Commandments.

Then, she knelt on the ground respectfully, and kowtowed deeply to that majestic and incomparable being.

"……Follow God’s command!"

Above the sky, Tushan Honghong, who was filled with surging demonic aura, stared at that indescribable majestic existence. There was piety, emotion, and confusion in her eyes.

Peace between humans and monsters... was it so simple to achieve?!

She had countless assumptions in her early years, but in the end they were all overturned by herself. She knew how difficult it was... Even if she bet her life, it might not be possible...

But now, troubled Her question of endless years was just a question to that majestic being.

The next moment, a piece of information suddenly appeared in the minds of the three fox demon sisters.

They were stunned for a moment and looked at each other, confirming something, no Without further hesitation, it soared towards the sky. On top of the altar, the giant tree of bitterness that had been very quiet suddenly burst out with bright brilliance, as if it had turned into a sun, rising slowly, following closely behind the three sisters.

Among the few The moment he suddenly crashed into that world, the vast picture above the sky began to distort.

With a crisp sound, it was shattered into pieces. Only countless stars of light fell from the sky and landed on the earth.

Silently. , the world has changed.

It is obviously winter at this moment, but this radiant world seems to have jumped into spring in an instant.

Everything is blooming, flowers are blooming, and every corner of the world is breathtakingly beautiful. It's like heaven!


The three fox demon sisters traveled through the void and found themselves in a vast starry sky.

In the distance, there are endless stars forming one galaxy after another... exuding beautiful and thrilling brilliance.……

"What is this place?! Tushan Yaya looked around, her eyes sparkling,"I don't know what's going on, but it's so beautiful here.""

"Here...the world of outer space. Tu Shan Rongrong opened his eyes, which shone with a light that seemed to be frightened and reverent,"I once saw it written in a book in the library... The world we live in is actually similar to the world in the sky." Stars... I used to think it was just gossip, but now I feel that it is all true……"

Tushan Honghong suddenly realized something. She suddenly turned her head, and then she discovered the existence of a water-blue planet. However, the planet quickly pulled away from them. In just a few breaths, it disappeared to no one knows where.……

"……Is that planet the world we live in? Tushan Honghong murmured.

She suddenly thought of the existence she had seen before that could not be looked directly at... what they lived on was just a planet. And the big universe composed of stars in the sky was just that planet. It's just his clothes...

With his heart racing, Tushan Honghong suddenly noticed something, and looked in a certain direction with burning eyes,"I feel it... I seem to feel the position of that god."

Tushan Honghong has now turned into the Holy Spirit, and naturally has an extremely deep connection with Su Han.

Immediately, Tushan Honghong galloped towards that direction. She took a step and quickly crossed the rivers of stars. Tu Shan Rongrong and Tu Shan Yaya followed closely behind... There was astonishment on their faces, and they knew very well that although their strength had improved to a terrifying level, their speed could never reach this level... The reason why they were like this Fast, as if the universe was helping them move forward while walking.

Finally, after they crossed five star fields, they saw a being with hands behind his back.

"Your Majesty, the God of Creation!"After the three Tushan sisters looked at each other, they all prostrate themselves devoutly in the void and kowtowed to that existence.

"No need to be polite!"The gentle voice sounded, as if it broke directly into the hearts of the three Tushan sisters. Inexplicably, their cheeks turned red.

This voice was exactly the same as the voice that resounded throughout the world before, but at this moment the majesty was gone... but it was... It instantly became extremely charming.

Just letting them listen, they felt overwhelmed.

Then, they quietly raised their heads and saw the extremely majestic existence turning around with a smile on his face.

"……"Tushan Yaya looked a little dizzy. She couldn't use words to express her feelings at the moment. She felt that if there was love at first sight in this world, maybe it would be like this...

In fact, the hearts of Tu Shan Rongrong and Tu Shan Honghong were beating rapidly, and they even felt as if their hearts were It looks like it's going to explode. However, they are a little more mature than Tushan Yaya, so they can still remain calm on the surface, but their eyes are a little flickering.

"You will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable talking to you here."Su Han smiled hoarsely, and the surrounding scene naturally changed, from the starry sky directly into the interior of a brilliant heaven. The three Tushan sisters looked around blankly and took a breath of cold air.

They were inexplicable. They felt that every palace around them seemed to be a big world inside, and every place they could see revealed a sacred charm that was difficult to describe in words...

Su Han walked calmly with the sisters, When I came to the Royal Flower Garden, I stretched out my finger and tapped it lightly. Suddenly, a divine light rushed across the sky, illuminating the Three Thousand Realms. It suddenly fell and took root here.

This is the giant tree of bitterness that has completed its sublimation!

Of course, this sacred tree, which contains the laws of the two gods, seems to be sacred when it bursts with light, but when it condenses its brilliance, it appears ordinary. It is no different from the human world!

"You and this tree have a great fate!"Su Han smiled and said, his words were a bit strange and profound,"Tushan Honghong, I will place your palace next to this imperial flower garden. If you want to come over in the future, you can bring your sisters with you."

Su Han tapped his finger lightly, and a palace outside the Royal Flower Garden was connected with Tushan Honghong. Tushan Honghong's ears moved, and joy appeared on her face, but then she became a little confused. , whispered,"My God, my sisters... will they live with me?"

"If you want to, of course you can. If they don't want to, they can live in a special area for divine servants."Su Han said dumbly.

"It's fine for them to live with me! Thank God for His grace."Tushan Honghong nodded repeatedly. She stared at Su Han, a little longing flashed in her eyes, and said cautiously,"Well, God...and what should I do after I come to this heaven?"

"Just practice and become stronger! Your growth is the best reward for me."Su Han reached out and touched Tushan's red head, and pinched the fox ears on the top of her head.

"Wouldn't that be too lazy? And...let us be ungrateful! Tu Shan's red cheeks turned red, and then she stared at Su Han seriously,"Well...otherwise, my sisters and I will take care of the imperial flower garden where a hundred flowers bloom. Big world!"

"You can rest assured that we will definitely make this garden beautiful."

Su Han raised his eyebrows and said softly,"If you have this wish."

Hearing that Su Han agreed to her struggle in this place, Tu Shan Honghong breathed a sigh of relief and put on a happy smile on her face.

After casually chatting with the three of them, Su Han turned around and left. Royal Flower Garden.

He stood at the door, turned his head and took a deep look at the Royal Flower Garden, with a somewhat inexplicable look on his face,"The three Tushan sisters... are really interesting!"

The reason why Su Han deliberately took a few sisters for a walk in the starry sky and then came back was mainly because he discovered that the three sisters had an extremely close connection with this giant tree of bitterness... He became curious. He tested it.

Even before, when he was in the starry sky, under his deliberate actions... the distance between the three sisters and the giant tree of bitterness was dozens of star fields... this connection was not severed..

However, after thinking about it all the way, Su Han gradually figured it out.

The giant tree of bitterness contains the law of cause and effect, and the giant tree of bitterness connected itself with the three sisters on the causal level... Moreover, the three sisters held the hand The Red Dust Fairy Book is essentially an extension of the law of marriage...

This is a great thing for the three sisters.

Because they can accompany the giant tree of bitterness, and the longer they stay together, the more The more it is influenced by the law of cause and effect and the law of marriage,

"Perhaps it won't be long before their bodies will be cultivated with god-level laws of cause and effect or laws of marriage."Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly.

At that time, they will be similar to Hancock and Nami, becoming god-level embryos... They only need to naturally accumulate energy to achieve the existence of the god realm...

Su Han I look forward to a future like this for them.

After all, although with his current strength, he can even arm-wrestle against the king of gods...but there is no one in the realm of gods under his hands. The one closest to the gods should be Yan Ruyu......But even in the God Realm, where conditions are is not easy for her to take that step.

Suddenly, Su Han sensed the message in the dark, and his expression became strange,"Master Fei Xuan, Wanwan are you back? It's not easy."

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