God Realm, outside the Nantian Gate.

Two slender and slender figures condensed and formed from scratch. It was Wanwan and his concubine Xuan.

The two looked at each other, walked towards the inside of the Tiangong at high speed, and soon arrived outside the central Tiangong. They did not loudly beg to see Su Han, but chose to kneel directly on the ground and lowered their heads deeply.

"If you want to apologize, you must at least meet me, right?"A peaceful and helpless voice came from the Central Heavenly Palace.

The two women only felt that the stars were moving around them, and they woke up again. They were already in the Central Heavenly Palace.

The decoration of the Central Heavenly Palace was very simple, not extravagant, and revealed a kind of Simple atmosphere. Taoism is natural!

Su Han sat on the throne, overlooking the two women below, with a gentle expression

"We broke the deadline you set before! Sin cannot be forgiven."Shi Feixuan answered very seriously.

"Although your faith has spread throughout the world, there are more people in that world who do not believe in you! Many of them even believe in the false god named Jesus."When Wanwan said this, a cold expression appeared on her face.

She said word by word,"Although, I have proven that the God named Jesus does not really exist! In ancient times, those preachers were just ordinary humans who had cultivated extraordinary powers... However, there are still many people who are still stubborn... My preaching efficiency is too low! Please forgive me! Even punishment."

Su Han's eyelids twitched a few times. Damn it, what on earth did these two people do in the world of Kung Fu? Did they beat the Christian to death on the spot and then whip the body repeatedly?!

Considering the status of Christianity in the West, Respected... Su Han has no doubt that Wanwan will carry out such a wave of operations. With the faith of the world over there broken, it is estimated that many devout believers of Christ will commit suicide.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Su Han's appearance Still calm, he said leisurely,"I am with you! I know clearly that you never have a day of leisure in this world. Since you have tried your best, why should I punish you?"

"On the contrary, I think I should reward you."

Su Han pointed his finger, and two rays of light, one black and one white, suddenly emerged. They penetrated into the bodies of Shi Feixuan and Wanwan. At this moment, the two women underwent extremely huge changes.

Shi Feixuan held it in his hands. He pinched out a lotus seal, and his face was peaceful and transcendent, like Master Guanyin, but also like a supreme Buddha, transcendent from things.

Wanwan had death energy surging around her body, the netherworld was condensed into shape, and all the ghosts roared and roared.

The two women almost They opened their eyes at the same time, and the aura on their bodies soared at an extremely terrifying speed, climbing to the highest level of the middle god.

Then, their forehead bones shone with a crystal clear luster, and they actually fell into a state of enlightenment.

"Um?!"Su Han's expression became strange.

Now that he possesses the Avenue of Chaos, he no longer urgently needs the Holy Spirits to break through and help him cultivate the Avenue. He can even find out the path that the Holy Spirits are practicing and use the Avenue of Chaos to evolve That one inspired them.

Su Han now hopes that their strength will improve even more. It would be better if they could be promoted to the realm of gods... Of course, it is still the same sentence, more work, more gain, less work, less gain. Su Han cannot be in vain A blessing for no reason to increase his Holy Spirit's divine power...even though he could do it easily!

Wanwan and Shi Feixuan went to the human world to preach, and the results were remarkable. At least they helped Su Han gain hundreds of millions of followers... So Su Han naturally couldn't treat him stingily.

But, damn, the understanding he gave these two women was that one was the Tathagata Buddha, and the other was the Netherworld Way...

God, they had a glimpse of the two supreme gods at the level of god kings. The secrets of the Tao were then combined with the mysteries of the demonic and righteous path, coupled with the effect of the bodhi tree, and I directly realized the Tao... Obviously the Buddhist Tao, the Netherworld Tao... and the righteous and demonic Tao, there is still a big gap...

Tsk, tsk, Su Han secretly sighed, I'm afraid that after waking up, their two original mysteries will be directly sublimated into the great laws of the upper god level.

"This kind of understanding, this kind of opportunity, I really don’t know what to say. All I can say is that she is indeed the daughter of destiny!"

Su Han sighed inwardly and waved his sleeves gently. The two women appeared silently under the bodhi tree.

"I was originally planning to accompany them, but after such a scene... I guess I won't be able to see them for several days."

Su Han looked puzzled. Of course, he was happy about this in his heart. He was even interested in guessing at this moment. After the two woke up, would they become intermediate gods with the path of upper gods, or would they directly become upper gods

? Su Han shook his head and looked at the chat group


The heir of the Ax Gang:"Wow, the two heavenly ladies have successfully preached and returned to the upper world. From now on, this world will need me to work hard to spread faith for the upper gods."

Wall-faced Man:"???"

Chen Xiaoyu:"You deserve a beating for saying this...I really want God to send two angels and goddesses to preach in my world. (Envy and jealousy make me distorted.jpg)"

Prince Zhu:"Yes, although the occurrence of miracles has confirmed the existence of God! But the messengers of God walking in the world and representing the will of the gods still give people a completely different feeling."

Gudazi:"However, aren't we the same as the gods?"A divine envoy? (In deep thought.jpg)"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Ahem, but then again. It's okay if the two goddesses leave... The goddess named Shi Feixuan is actually fine, but the key is the other one. The goddess is really too surly... Ahem, no, she is weird."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"The key is that she is extremely powerful! She has caused a lot of trouble here. Fortunately, she He is an envoy of God. If it were me, I would probably be hunted to death by the entire Western world! (With lingering fear.jpg)"

Liu Pei:"? ? ? When you said that, I was immediately curious, what exactly did they do?"

The Immortal Evil King:"Hmph, no matter what I do, I, the witch of the Demon Sect, am justified! Master Fei Xuan? Although the woman trained by Cihang Jingzhai showed her fairy-like appearance in every aspect, it was only on the surface, and she could not let go of her airs."

Immortal Evil King:"I don't need to think about it to know that this mission... Wanwan may have caused a lot of trouble, but her mission will definitely be the most efficient in the end."

Heir of the Ax Gang:"……All right! You are so awesome. But I think you can’t even imagine how big the trouble caused by the goddess Wanwan is. To say it was earth-shaking would be an understatement. Chen Xiaoyu:"

So, what exactly did you do?""

Heir of the Ax Gang:"The two goddesses, the most important one should be the plan of the goddess Wanwan... The master concubine Xuan and the goddess Wanwan are just cooperating with the goddess Wanwan... They have forcibly changed the religious beliefs of Citi Country and tampered with them wantonly. Understand the origin of belief in that place... and plan the so-called God as a part of God. After all, God is the whole world! In this case, then God is naturally a part of the whole……"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"They use this method to make Citigroup based on Christian doctrine, all faiths go to God."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"……Damn it!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Then, the two women started to play games behind the scenes... different factions were formed! In a calm moment, he hit the country's weakest point, and with a few strokes of strength, Citigroup was transformed into two countries, the north and the south."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Although the beliefs of these two new countries are the Creation Cult that has annexed the teachings of God... However, the country in the north is Wanwan's witch faction, and the country in the south is Wanwan's righteous goddess faction....You all know that heretics are more abominable than heretics! The two countries are now essentially religious enemies."

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