Soon, it was officially time for class.

The moment Professor Tianshen walked into the classroom and saw Su Han, his pupils suddenly shrank and surprise appeared on his face. But at the next moment, as if he suddenly thought of something, his expression changed several times, and then he walked up to the front desk with a normal expression and lectured step by step.

Su Han was a little surprised, but also a little happy. After all, he came here to learn, not to show off... so the professor's attitude suited him very well.

But after thinking about it, Su Han roughly guessed what was going on.

Most likely, the old principal had given instructions to the teachers and professors in the school.

During the following period, Su Han has been in a three-point-one-line state, taking classes, revising books, and diving in chat groups...

At most, he would enter the God Realm at night to find gods and have in-depth exchanges with the Holy Spirit.

On this day, the old principal came to the door.

He stared at Su Han closely, with a serious expression and a hint of uneasiness in his words,"The eight people from the West have already arrived. This is our information! You analyze it first... And, the official It means, wait for the battle, let the five young gods assigned by the official go up first! Help you test the water." The old principal handed over a small book, frowning,"According to the official intelligence obtained from the West! They found It is not easy to find these eight people... Moreover, we have officially found a very interesting piece of information. The two gods with the strongest cultivation base are descendants of the main god family."

"……What's the meaning?"Su Han was a little confused.

"Descendants of the Lord God! If you are in danger of life, you can temporarily activate the remaining laws of the Lord God in your body by burning the God Realm! The release can be regarded as a fatal blow to the God King. Even so, they will be disabled even if they are not dead.……"The old principal suddenly paused in his words, and his meaning was clearly revealed.

"Isn't it? Su Han's heart stirred up,"Whether it's the God of Academics, the God of Scientific Research or the God of War!" At the level of the main god, they are the foundation of a country's giants and a pantheon of gods... How could they treat the descendants of such a level of existence as consumables?"

"For them, as long as it's worth it, they can do it. This is their old tradition! Have you heard about the low human rights advantage they have been rumored about recently? The old principal spoke concisely and to the point,"Besides, you don't think it's easy to become an eighty-year-old god, do you?""

"Having reached this level of cultivation at this stage... there is no doubt that they are all destined to become God Kings! Even according to the rules of young gods' breakthroughs summarized in the past... half of them can be expected to break through the main gods... They have already gambled on the future main gods, so why do they need to worry about offending the domestic main gods?"

"……this."Su Han frowned.

"Believe me, this is the judgment of the think tank." The old principal took a deep look at Su Han,"The Lord God is indeed a giant of a country, but killing you, or in other words, deposing you, is very likely to lead to the destruction of the entire West. Will... In the face of the will of several top gods, only the ancestor gods have the confidence to refuse."

"But here's the troublesome thing... Although we have a vague guess that they might do such a thing! But we can't accuse them of doing it when they didn't do it, because it's technically suicide……"

"I understand, I'll pay attention...huh? Su Han, who was flipping through the introduction book, suddenly paused. After a moment of silence, he laughed,"It's interesting... There are two main gods who followed the eight gods this time?""

"Yes, after all, we are playing at Jinling Academy this time! The old principal smiled bitterly and rubbed his brows,"Those guys are also worried... What if you are about to be beaten to death and we surrender directly and then intervene?""

"So that's it," Su Han closed the small book, thought for a moment, and said softly,"Old principal, it seems that you have adopted a cautious attitude after all! I didn't tell them what I asked them to come with me.……"

"……you?!"The old principal's expression changed slightly.

"That’s all, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it," Su Han looked calm and said softly,"But you have to remind them of at least one thing... The moment they enter Jinling Academy, the battle has already begun! Let them be least until they get into the ring."

"If I kill them instantly with one blow, it doesn't matter whether they, the Western Gods, are embarrassed... But because they are too weak to withstand my temptation, their blood stained the door of our Jinling Academy... I will be very troubled."

The old principal stopped talking.

Although Su Han's words were calm, they revealed a cold and chilling feeling like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Finally, he sighed,"Now that you have made a decision……"


The other side.

The void at the gate of Jinling Academy twisted, and then dozens of people appeared out of thin air.

Among these people, there are eight people... who look either handsome or beautiful. They all have blond hair and have an indescribable temperament. Their every move and gesture conveys prosperity.

"Enansir."The old man at the level of the main god turned his head and stared at a pretty blond girl who looked to be in her twenties, wearing urban beauty clothes, with a casual face.

He said solemnly,"I know that you admire that Mr. Su very much. But let’s not forget our responsibilities this time! Don't wait, show mercy."

After Ainansir was silent for a moment, he suddenly smiled brightly and movingly,"I can distinguish between personal likes and dislikes and the interests of the gods."

"Moreover, didn’t you make arrangements from the beginning? In the final analysis, I am just a consumable that consumes the opponent's strength. It’s not me who delivers the real fatal blow!"

The old man of the main god opened his mouth, his face was ugly, but he couldn't say anything.

This woman is undoubtedly the pinnacle existence among this group of gods, one of the two perfect existences of the gods...

To be honest, the old man of the main god In fact, I have never thought that it was a correct decision to send such a god who has a great affection for Mr. Su to implement that plan.

But there is no way, there are too few gods in this age group!

Even if they are Western gods The land is vast and the resources are abundant, and even the fingers can calculate it... And after excluding those who couldn't get out, there were only eight people left, and they were all dragged over.……

"Whatever! Just follow the steps."The old man, the main god, rubbed his eyebrows.

Yes, what Anansir said is right... The Western God System has made perfect plans in all aspects for this victory. It is precisely because the think tank inferred that Ainansir Because Er is unlikely to kill Su Han, she is more of a consumption...

For example, at the beginning, the weakest god will test Su Han's strength in the early stage. If the young god is really strong, his combat power may reach When the gods reach the perfect level... Enansir will step forward to be consumed as a strong man of the same level, instead of defeating and killing the opponent.

In the end, their trump card will be used this time... to decide the outcome in one fell swoop.

With this in mind Here, the old man of the main god looked at another blond god, Kells, with a pleased expression.

This was a man like a lion, with a tall stature, bulging muscles, and a wild smile on his face. He was the other person at the scene. A god of perfection, a fighting god, the undisputed strongest among the eight people present!

"……oh? Is this the national team from the East? Much better than I expected."Kyles sneered. He saw seven people walking on the other side of the street from Jinling Academy.

These seven people were all wearing military god uniforms. Five of them were young people and two were main gods. The Eastern Military God of Realm

"The genius of the East……"Another Lord God who looked like a middle-aged man spoke,"Kyles, do you have confidence!"

"They're just ants," Kelce's words were unruly.

He glanced at the reporter behind him who was editing the video and said coldly,"Are you ready? Go live! Today, I will crush that guy’s bones bit by bit in front of the whole world! Completely obliterate his divine realm... break the backbone of this country"

"Haha... I want all the gods in this world to know that even if it seems to be rising, the sick man of the East God is still the sick man of the East God after all!"

"I want to make Citi... great again!"

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