"Yes," the middle-aged Lord God nodded, paused for a moment, and used his spiritual thoughts to communicate with everyone present,"Global live broadcast, coupled with our obstruction... Even if this is the land of the East, we still have up to 60% of the Be sure to kill the young god. Moreover, in the face of global public opinion, he escaped unscathed afterwards."

The reason why he didn't speak directly, but used his spiritual thoughts, was because not far away were the strong men of the Military God Department. If he preached his determination to win, then it would be fair to say that, but when it comes to this kind of plan Be more cautious

"Don't be reckless!"The old man, the main god, also used his spiritual thoughts to transmit the voice. He stared at the door not far away, feeling a faint uneasiness."Don't forget, the old monster in Aurous Hill just gave us the voice transmission... Entering Aurous Hill. School, the battle begins"

"You are too cautious!"Kyles laughed wildly,"Could that man still kill us when we first entered Aurous Hill? Who does he think he is, the God King?"

Waving his palms, Kells burst out with immeasurable divine brilliance. The projection of the divine world was wrapped around him. The terrifying momentum even made the void tremble, causing waves, as if it could happen at any time. It's like breaking.

You know, this is the interior of Jinling City. The void has been solidified several times, and the tenacity is terrifying! He can do this when he explodes with momentum. You can imagine how incredible his strength has reached.

"This is destined to be a highlight on my resume!"Kyles licked his lips with excitement. He led many gods and broke into Jinling Academy.

Then, the eight gods and the three reporters carrying cameras for global live broadcast... saw There is a young god standing not far from the school gate.

He has a gentle smile on his face, and his whole person seems to be the manifestation of beauty in the world. Every move has an extraordinary charm. The three women among the Eight Heavenly Gods , I actually felt a little dizzy for a moment. The remaining five men, after a brief shock, recognized the identity of this person. Their faces were distorted, with envy, jealousy and even hatred.

"This guy! Is it him...yes, it's him?"

"He actually... came to the door? Are you ready to receive us?"

"Hum...Oriental Confucian philosophy! Sure enough, he is easy to bully"

"Appearance and charm...cannot decide anything at all! Only strength can decide everything"

"……Mr. Su, I really look forward to the scene that will crush your bones!"

"Reception? Did you make something wrong?"Su Han raised his eyebrows. He stared at the eight gods in front of him calmly and said leisurely,"Why repay kindness with kindness?"

"I'm here to send you on your way!"

The next moment, Su Han spread his arms and released his breath.

This was so terrifying. The infinite chaotic light centered on him and exploded in all directions, as if a chaotic world was opening up, and the vast avenue of heaven and earth was stepped on by him. At his feet... He is the only one in the world.

The entire world of Jinling Academy is trembling. Even dense cracks appeared on the edge of the world, as if this great place was created by the Lord God and many God Kings. The edge of the world may break at any time...

There is no doubt that this is a god king, and it is not an ordinary god king... something that can only be done by releasing his breath.……

"what happened?!"

"This feeling...how is this possible? How do I feel the breath of my Word?!"

"Who is releasing this terrifying power? Is this a powerful person with the level of a god king coming to challenge me at Jinling Academy?"

Brilliant brilliance suddenly erupted. Countless students and professors flew to the top of the major teaching buildings, and then looked in this direction. Then, their expressions changed drastically.

"That is... Su Shen? How could it be Su Shen?!"

"The one opposite...the blonde? Eight people? Damn it, it’s those inhumane beasts from the Ang-Sa pantheon in the West!"

"Today is the battle... Damn it! Wasn't it agreed that the Ancient Oriental Congress would send five young gods to assist God Su? Where are people?!"

"Help, help! Damn it, you know assist. Is now the time to consider this? Damn it! What the hell happened to Su Shen? Didn't he just break through to the gods some time ago? Why is there a power fluctuation at the level of a god king now?!"

"No, that's not the God King... His energy fluctuations are still at the level of gods! However, that kind of fluctuation of the avenue is higher than the gods... Could it be said that……"

"Oh my god! The realm of gods...the avenue of the god king level! Not even Einstein could do this, only Newton could do it……"

"Damn it, what foreign example can you give? You should say that even Confucius didn't do it back then, only Laozi did it!"

Everyone was so excited that they were shocked to the point of dizziness. Many students even subconsciously pinched their waists and felt an extreme pain, and then they cried and laughed.

"It’s true…oh my god! All of this is true... No wonder Su Shen is willing to fight with the opponent! Definitely win"

"God Su is mighty, the ancient country of the East is mighty!"


Not far from Su Han, the old principal stared blankly at this scene. His mouth opened wider and wider, and he was completely stunned.

More than ten rays of brilliant light rose up beside the old principal, condensing into Old Man Li, Zhang Qianwen and others... They either stared at this scene in shock or disbelief.

"groove! Damn...what the hell is going on?"Old man Li cursed. He was quite incoherent. It was obvious that his world view had completely collapsed."This guy...the God King's Way? Didn’t his mother just break through to the realm of gods? It's not even a month yet... How can he let those two-hundred-year-old people who break through to the realm of God Kings and dare to claim to be the world's top wizards live?"

"impossible! Even if he defeated me in the past two days... he was only practicing to the point where he was infinitely close to the realm of the God King."Zhang Qianwen's legs were also trembling, and his teeth were chattering,"Why did you break through to the God King now? Moreover, what is going on with the aura on his body?"

The deans of the God Kings fell into silence, and then completely exploded.


"What the hell? Defeat you two days ago?!"

"groove! How come I didn't know about this?"

"Zhang Qianwen, please quit the group... Damn it, you were hung up and whipped by a god, and you actually had the nerve to say it? I feel ashamed when I think of being the dean of Jinling Academy with you!"

"Wait... What if he had a path that was infinitely close to the God King before? So now even if he has reached the realm of the God King, you can explain it as his enlightenment halfway, which can also be explained as... a hammer!"

"Explain your mother! Is this still God? Even if one is in a state of enlightenment around the clock, it is impossible to sublime the Divine Way to the Divine King's Way in just one month.……"

The old principal was silent for a long time, and finally spoke,"But the most terrifying thing about that child is not that he has understood the way of the God King."

"Um?! Old Man Li frowned. He suppressed his excitement, but his words still had a trembling and strong smell of gunpowder,"Old man, are you suffering from Alzheimer's disease?" Less than twenty! You have realized the way of the King of Gods. Do you know what the concept is?"

"He might be able to break through to the God King before he is forty... no, maybe he can break through to the God King before he is thirty... Is this him? Wait, something is wrong!"Old man Li finally realized something was wrong,"The kind of chaos in him... Why do I feel like there is the aura of heaven. What's happening here?"

"Isn't this a coincidence? I feel the aura of the Five Elements Avenue... and its essence is also at the level of a god king! I'm still wondering, what kind of enlightenment does this child have?……"

"? ? ? I also felt the aura of my physical avenue... I thought it was an illusion!"

"? I seem to be the same... No, I'm completely confused? Why do you all feel it? This is unreasonable!"

Many god kings exploded again. They finally reflected, and their hearts were shaken to the point that they could not be described in words.

How could there be such a way... It was obviously just one, but it seemed to be all-encompassing, but it seemed that it was the mystery of all the ways. It's all included……

"Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Taoist god Laozi broke through the realm of the ancestral gods. On that day, he wrote the book Moral Neurology... and put forward an extremely famous theory in it."The old principal seemed to be talking to himself or murmuring in a dream,"Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things! All things are ten thousand ways"

"If we say that the Tao we understand...is part of all things! So what is the so-called one? That way? What is it again?"

Everyone at the scene was quiet. They had also heard this question before. This is one of the ten most famous questions in the world of gods. In ancient times, there were many powerful gods, and even the ancestor gods thought... This contains Lao Tzu's understanding of the crystal wall. Exploring the secrets of the system...

If you analyze him, you will be able to break through the ultimate secret of the crystal wall system!

Of course, some people think that this is what I said casually back then, but you took it seriously and there is no answer at all.

"Hundreds of years ago, the mind proved part of it!"Old man Li suddenly took up what the old principal said,"Wandao... is indeed the original source! It is a divine way that is difficult to describe in words, it is all-encompassing... It is the way of the source!"

"Of course, even though this is said, the mind is only using deduction and the mental method of the peak of idealism. It is natural to infer that there is such a source of Tao! In fact, he couldn't give any other solid evidence at all... Therefore, the world only recognized that he had solved half of the problem!"

Old Man Li's body was trembling. He stared blankly at the young man covered in chaotic light. He realized something and even suspected that he was dreaming at this moment. He murmured,"But now... it's proven."

"The Ten Questions of the Gods—the great question of the origin of Lao Tzu—have been officially proven."

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