Qin Dynasty time and space.

Gao Yao's body was shaken violently. At this moment, he inexplicably felt that he was connected to another world...

As long as he wanted to, he could go to that world.

No, it's not just him. If he wants to, he can also lead others through time... There is no limit!

Even if they were tied to him with ropes and hundreds of thousands or millions of people were tied up, he could still take them across the two realms with a single thought...

No... Gao Yao sensed something again, His expression changed again. It's not just about simply leading people. If he wants to, he can even forcefully open a permanent space channel between the two worlds... allowing the two worlds to conduct large-scale exchanges of people or items without him taking action. circulation……

"……"After a moment of silence, Gao Yao kowtowed again.

Because now he doesn't know how else to express his gratitude to God besides doing this.

Above the sky, the wind and clouds surged, and the bright and sacred brilliance slowly converged. In the end, the world returned to its original appearance.

After a brief silence, Gao Yao stood up again and looked down at the people below.

"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"Li Si suddenly spoke, his voice hoarse. He kowtowed to Zhao Gao.

Many civil servants who also came over to him were either shocked, shocked, angry, or staring at Li Si in disbelief.

What are you doing? ? Li Si! You are the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty! You are the first civil servant.

You betrayed Qin Shihuang, and it was nothing more than that you betrayed Qin Shihuang so cleanly... You recognized the emperor, and you were so decisive and direct?

Why don't you show your respect for the previous dynasty? Loyalty...at the very least, hesitate! At least let them think of it first and do such a thing first.

Some people beat their hands on the ground in frustration, and then shouted"long live the emperor" with a fanatical face...

But although they shouted I knew it was already too late. Being the first to shout those words was the most important thing. After all... that means the power of the dragon!

Since the history of the dynasty... this is the biggest! It's also The easiest merit for the new dynasty king to remember! Even if you are a waste, with this, you can still be in the new dynasty with good clothes and fine food, high officials and generous salaries...

Not to mention, Li Si can be the prime minister of the former dynasty, and his abilities are already there. Extremely terrifying... I'm afraid the new prime minister might not have been captured by him in advance.

"Li Si, I understand what you mean," Gao Yao stared at Li Si with an incomprehensible expression. He suddenly smiled and shook his head,"But I will not be the emperor! Maybe from today on...this world will no longer have an emperor."

"I am the leader of the Creation God Religion, and I am just the leader! People on this land will believe in gods in the future... They will usher in a better system in the future, and they will live a better life."

Li Si's expression was stiff.

No, are you serious or are you trying to evade? Did he flatter the horse's leg?!

Li Si didn't even dare to raise his head now and grimaced. Damn! You people in the future will all be so good at playing. Don't you even want to be the emperor? You still want to create a new system!

Come on, now that Ying Zheng has unified the seven countries and established a brand new system, it hasn't been long... You want another brand new system here?!

The next moment, Gao Yao raised his palms high and said softly,"Long live the people!""

As the words fell, the void in front of him continued to twist, and then suddenly penetrated. Modern time and space were revealed...

And on the opposite side, there was a conference room.

In that conference room, a large number of Yanhuang leaders were meeting, discussing what happened before all kinds of things


"What is this……"

"Enemy attack... No! That kind of clothes, and who is that?!"

Even though they have experienced a lot, they have already reached the point where they are not frightened. At this moment, many people's pupils suddenly shrank and they were frightened... But when they saw Gao Yao, they instantly recognized his identity.

After all, before, The god broadcast the sacrificial scene live in everyone's minds... They realized what had happened! Their hearts beat at an extremely terrifying speed.

Of course... this scene beyond the gods shocked modern people. At the same time These ancient civil servants and generals who also shocked the time and space of the Qin Dynasty...

They kowtowed again, their hearts beating very fast, and their faces flushed with excitement. They felt that this must be the magic given to Gao Yao by the supreme god before... …

Isn’t this more indicative of the god’s favor for the divine envoy?!

Gao Yao walked calmly to another world.

In the conference room.

After a brief silence, the old man sitting in front of him said with an inexplicable expression,"I am now Should I call you Mr. Gao Yao...or should I call you Mr. Zhao Gao?"

"Go for it! This name makes me feel a sense of belonging...Zhao Gao, haha, these two words only give me endless pain and sadness."

Gao Yao's words suddenly stopped. He shook his head, stared at everyone present with a serious expression, and bowed slightly,"You don't need to be so reserved or afraid of me!"

"You have also heard what the God of Creation that I believe in said... God has connected my power with the people of Yan and Huang in both worlds."

"The better the people of Yan and Huang develop and the more prosperous they become, the stronger my power will be."

"By the way, I will tell you a secret." Gao Yao smiled hoarsely. He was very calm."If I die, I will not harm the people of Yan and Huang in the two worlds.……"

"Therefore, it is I who seek help from the people of Yan and Huang... Therefore, as long as you stand on the standpoint of this country and the standpoint of Yan and Huang, then I will be your strongest spear and shield!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly calmed down.

All the people who had prepared for the worst before also breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, although Gao said that his death would not harm Yanhuang itself, but also No one is stupid enough to eradicate Gao Yao. This is the envoy of that god. Who knows if killing him will offend that god?

Besides, the opposite side is obviously the time and space of the Qin Dynasty... which opens up the two realms. The key was held in the hands of the man in front of them!

Did they kill him and then cut off the two worlds again? Lost the hope of the people of Yan and Huang to quickly climb to the top?!

Who dares to make this suggestion? It is estimated that the next moment , and wanted other people at the meeting to be beaten to death.

"Do you have any demands? I mean, in addition to letting Yanhuang develop……"The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and he said sincerely,"It is also our responsibility to make the people live a better life! You don't need to go out and say it again."

"You mean my status in another world? I don't want to be an emperor."After all, Gao Yao had been a great eunuch for so long in ancient times. Now he has been transformed into a human spirit, and he instantly understood what the old man meant.

He said seriously,"You can take root in another land... because The land of Qin over there has been our Yan since ancient times... No, that world also belongs to our Yanhuang!"

"If I have to say something, I have only one request!"Gao Yao said every word.

But everyone at the scene straightened their backs and looked serious, knowing that the other party's real demands were about to be expressed.

Of course, Gao Yao had already said that he wanted to bring all the other world to him. All merged into Yanhuang, just by this sentence... Whether Gao Yao wants wealth or power, everything is negotiable...

However, Gao Yao only said softly,"I hope to spread the belief of God in Yanhuang……"

"Don’t worry, I know the rules of Yanhuang! I will not let the Creation God Cult spread like a cancer in Yan Huang’s body... Faith is what I want! But being harmful to the people is what I absolutely don’t want to see!"

"You can send people and station them there... you can even make everyone in the Creation God Cult your people! I have no objection, I just simply want to spread the faith... I simply want my people of Yan and Huang to receive the glory of God."

Suddenly thinking of something, Gao Yao smiled shyly,"By the way, I almost forgot to say... If you pray sincerely like that god, that god will give you immeasurable grace. These divine blessings can make your body healthier, rejuvenate you, make your body stronger, and even make your missing parts grow... Let me tell you in advance, I originally said below It had been cut, but by divine grace it was restored"

"Moreover," Gao Yao paused for a moment and said meaningfully,"Every warrior on my side who believes in God is powerful enough to rival the ancient Xiang Yu! Moreover, they have not only believed in God for a long time... they can continue to become stronger in the future."

The old man's eyelids twitched a few times, and he subconsciously wanted to say, how is this possible... However, then he thought that even another world was created and given to Yanhuang...

Even if the god is right His own believers are bestowed with such divine grace... Although it is unbelievable, it is by no means impossible... After all, that god is too powerful and too great! After repeated consideration, the old man finally stood up and revealed He smiled brightly. He stepped forward, shook Zhao Gao's hand, shook it heavily, and said sincerely,"Yanhuang believes in freedom, you are welcome... and the God of Creation is welcome!"

After a brief silence, applause sounded sparsely. By the end, the applause became deafening... It could even be heard clearly outside the conference room with good sound insulation! Many older people at the scene had red eyes.

They know that from today on, Yanhuang has truly embarked on a straight and prosperous road!

No one can stop Yanhuang on this road anymore... not the West, not even the entire world combined!

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