God Realm, Central Heavenly Palace.

Su Han was sitting on the divine throne. He waved his sleeves gently, and several brilliant lights rose up from beside him. Gradually, the light condensed into two things that resembled golden dragons of luck and a pale golden ball of light.

"The golden dragon that protects the body and national luck...does it also have destiny?"Su Han stared at these things with an inexplicable expression. After thinking for a moment, he merged them directly.

In the next moment, Su Han's temperament changed drastically.

Compared with before, he was as ethereal as a fairy. At this moment, Su Han revealed a kind of awe-inspiring domineering power. It was like an emperor who transcended all realms and controlled all spirits!

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and Su Han's face showed surprise and surprise. The role of the golden dragon to protect the national fortune, He had known it for a long time... so he was pleasantly surprised by the destiny.

Originally, he had already prepared that this thing was just useless, but it turned out that the amplification system never let him down.

Su Han took one step Stepping out, he stepped directly into the world of gods.

The next moment, his body exuded a faint luster, and his sense of existence was sharply weakened, to the point where it was gone in an instant, as if he was integrated with this world.

Finally, Su Han opened his eyes, and the aura on his body returned to normal, no longer as direct as before. But at the same time, he didn't quite look like a god from the world of gods...

If I had to say it, he looked more like someone from the ordinary world. He is an ordinary human being...although he is an ordinary person with extremely perfect appearance and terrifyingly powerful charm.……

"Destiny! Destiny."Su Han clenched his fists and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The specific function of the destiny blessing given by the system is to allow Su Han to choose a world, and then let Su Han selectively become the destiny person of this world..

What is a destined person? That is the protagonist of a world!

In the world included in this world view, it is almost impossible for him to encounter the danger of death... Even if he encounters very troublesome things, he can often escape from this. Obtaining huge benefits from troublesome things...

And the world Su Han chose is his main world.

The energy level of the main world is really too high. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Ye Hei chooses The world he was in, and even the perfect world that covered the sky with one hand in the ancient world, might be inferior to the main world in level.

Su Han thought, maybe there were only a group of quasi-immortal emperors he saw in the previous life, and even the immortal emperors were There are quite a few, and it is even possible that there are Shengxu worlds that are above the level of the Immortal Emperor. Can they be compared with the main world? But this is only possible.

After all, the main trouble of Shengxu is that the world view has not been completely revealed...

But , the world of gods also did not completely reveal the world view to Su Han...

The world of gods is a very magical world. Here, a god king comparable to the perfect immortal king of heaven and earth can be born in a few hundred years, and those with extremely talented people are not After a thousand years, you can become an ancestral god...

Perhaps the gods who have lived in this world for a long time think this is normal. Just like humans in the previous life, they would not wonder why they need to eat and drink... This is common sense!

But Su Different from Han, he was targeting the world in his previous life, the world inside the chat group, so he found it incredible...

People in the world of gods found Su Han's breakthrough speed incredible... Su Han also felt that in this world There is something wrong with the fact that people are progressing at the same speed!

It is not known whether they are the standard Immortal Emperor or the Ancestral God who has been trained for thousands of years... Even if these are all extremely talented people in the world of gods, it is still too much...

More importantly, Once you become a god, your lifespan will be endless...

Ancestral gods can be born in a thousand years! What if it takes ten thousand years? What about one hundred thousand years? Or even one era?

The more Su Han thought about it, the more he felt his heart pounding. The only thing he could be sure of was , the birth of the world of gods is extremely long... so long that it is even incomprehensible.

But even if he entered the library of Jinling University and tried his best to search, he could only find the earliest historical records of the ancient Eastern country five thousand years ago...

As for the history further ahead? No more. It’s not a question of less, but none at all! And searching online, no one seems to be exploring it...

Also considering, many pantheons in the West have attitudes towards history thousands of years ago. Consistent with the ancient Eastern countries……

"Damn it, even a demigod cannot live for only five thousand years... let alone a god! Theoretically, the world of gods should be able to find many antiques that are tens of thousands of years old, or even live longer."

But, no!

Su Han's eyes flickered. The old gods who are now the masters of the gods are all too young... Su Han rarely sees gods who reveal their age on the Internet. There are gods who are over a thousand years old......

Even if we exclude that the Divine Net was developed in modern times, it is very likely that the old gods are not used to it, so they do not use it... but the number is also not commensurate.

"can not imagine. Su Han murmured,"What happened in the world of gods five thousand years ago?" What are you experiencing now? What about those ancient gods? Where are they?"

"According to the situation on Newton's side... it seems that all the gods who have reached a certain age have gone to the crystal wall system ocean... Do they all go to the crystal wall system? If this is the case, it must be because there are some mandatory conditions! What is this condition?"

"Moreover, what happened above the Ancestral God? The higher-ups in the divine system must know it... After all, people are curious! In this situation where there is no information at all, the only possibility is that they deliberately blocked it."

"But why?"Su Han closed his eyes. After being silent for a long time, he suddenly laughed,"Why did I suddenly start thinking about this problem?"

This is not a question he should be thinking about at this stage!

Su Han believes that when he breaks through to the realm of the Lord God, or even the realm of the Ancestral God... he will definitely be able to find the real answers behind these strange questions.

Of course, in many cases, anyway It shows that the depth of the water in the world of gods is unfathomable...

It is destined that once Su Han inherits the destiny and enjoys the treatment of being the biological son of the world... His already terrifying speed of strength improvement may become even faster. , and even get a lot more opportunities……

"But having said that," Su Han rubbed his chin,"After joining the chat group, the speed at which my strength improved... I looked like a destined person... Tsk tsk! By the way, I can’t really turn out to be the destined person, right?"

"If you really do this...then I will add another weight this time! Has he become a person with dual destiny? Super nesting doll? Or maybe, when I was originally destined, another wave of destiny additions are actually useless... This wave of system rewards has become useless after all?"

He smiled dumbly. Su Han didn't think much about it. Just when he was about to enter the chat group, he suddenly noticed a terrifying aura erupting outside the door. He frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, Su Han moved into the room. The door opened, and then I saw the old principal

"Why are you here? Surprise appeared on Su Han's face, and he led the old principal in,"Is it because I had problems with the Heroic Spirit Path and the Root Path before?" I thought about it and revised it several times...it should be absolutely perfect."

"……You're worrying too much. That's not what I came to you for." The old principal touched his nose and smiled awkwardly,"Besides, after all, my major is not the Way of Heroic Spirits... You asked me to start verifying the realm of gods. Is the route of the Heroic Spirit Path correct? It's okay... Let me verify the Heroic Spirit Path of the God King level and find out the flaws in it?"

The old principal rolled his eyes and sighed,"If I have this ability, I might as well revise a new version of the book on the Way of Heroic Spirits."

As the saying goes, there are mountains across the road! Even if the old principal is the Lord God, if he wants to understand the Way of the Heroic Spirit, he will need to spend several years trying to figure it out... Then, he will start from scratch and learn bit by bit...

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