Yao Lao:"But... even if Miss Bi doesn't build a religious sect! She is still the Pope."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"……If you don't speak, no one will treat you as mute."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"? ? ? What's this? Isn’t that the name of the leader? This is nothing important, right? The Pope, the Pope, the Pope... you can do whatever you want, I don't care."

The most powerful man's deputy:"Actually, I want to ask...is this reasonable? Reciting rituals to the gods will indeed greatly improve you for the first time... but directly sublimating into a god is still too much.……"

Ye Hei:"However, this is really reasonable. I can tell at a glance that you don't have the patience to watch the video she uploaded... The Pope himself is close to the maximum level in that world, and is he going through the test of that Rakshasa God?"

Ye Hei :"God gave her divine grace, allowing her to perfectly devour the power of that god! Instead of God directly making her a god... have you figured out the cause and effect?"

But before Ye Hei could continue, Say something, and a clear tone suddenly sounded

"Group members! Group activity! The group existence time has successfully reached the standard! The group automatically upgrades. A new feature has been opened: world travel! Group member invitation!"

Su Han was stunned for a moment, and a touch of interest suddenly appeared on his face,"These two functions... are kind of interesting!"

Su Han has confirmed with high probability that these universes in the chat group are actually included in the crystal wall ocean...

However, this does not mean that it is a simple matter to travel freely between different worlds...

Don't Seeing Su Han directly cross the world to show his holiness after obtaining the coordinates... It's easier than eating and drinking water! But this is determined by the particularity of gods.

In fact, in the non-god world, those who have developed beyond their own multiverse, explore- The civilizations exploring the crystal wall system of the ocean... the last time they are aiming at the God King Dian-Feng!

There are also some civilizations with different development directions that only start to explore the crystal wall system when they reach the point of benchmarking against the main god.

In the final analysis, the crystal wall system The wall system is really too dangerous! It’s okay for the gods to obtain the coordinates through the prayers of believers and just cross over... If you want to wander in the crystal wall system universe and find new planes, even if you are as powerful as a god, you’d better spend a huge amount of money. If you have enough money to buy a crystal wall boat...

Those below the level of gods will most likely drown if you wander around in the crystal wall system... Those in the realm of gods may also get lost... Only those who reach the realm of god king level or above can be relatively stable. In the crystal wall ocean, you can walk without the help of external objects.

However, swimming by yourself and riding a boat are the same thing? Regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, the key is that it is tiring! And you need to always be vigilant to prevent being attacked by the crystal wall. It was an attack by the alien beast god.

Even the main god, no one with such a strong head would not use the crystal wall boat to plunge directly into it.

From this, we can see the importance of the crystal wall boat! The invention of this creation is of great significance to the god's detective- The Crystal Wall System has played a revolutionary role... and the so-called Crystal Wall System Shenzhou is actually the ultimate evolution of the Crystal Wall Boat. It is the strongest and most terrifying Crystal Wall Boat...

But now, the system This function is actually similar to the Crystal Wall Ship to a certain extent... No, if the safety level is high, the carrying capacity is large, and the restrictions are small, this function can be compared to the Crystal Wall Shenzhou...

Su Han looked incomprehensible. After a while, the chat group became quiet. Many group members wiped their eyes subconsciously. After they were sure that they had seen correctly, they exploded.

Ye Hei:"!!!"

Great Qin Zulong:"World travel... is the world travel that few people understand? Traveling in different worlds!"

Liu Peiqiang:"I am so touched that a new function is finally open! And there are two of them... and they look very awesome.."

Chen Xiaoyu:"I just took a look at the introduction of the new features... and found that to go to another world! You must get an invitation from someone in the other world, and sending an invitation requires group points in the chat group."

Chen Xiaoyu : Xiaoyu:"And even if you arrive in that world, you can only stay for one day! If you exceed one day, you will be forcibly deported. Unless you buy another invitation letter to renew... Thinking about it this way, this thing is not as useful as imagined.. (Sigh.jpg)"

Gudazi:"Not bad! If you do this, you will run into trouble...or you want to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible and obtain sacrifices. You can directly ask group members for help......But having said that, what are group points? (Curious.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"The group points are based on the number of comments you make every day. The more comments you make, the more you can get...about a hundred comments that are not meaningless. Can you get a few points? And the person who speaks the most in a day can get the title of Dragon King. The title of Dragon King seems to automatically add a hundred points a day?"

Angers:"Dragon King? What Dragon King! (Sharp Eyes.jpg)"

The descendant of the Ax Gang:"……"

Ange:"Sorry! I read it wrong. I'm too sensitive to the word"Dragon King"... It's okay, it's okay, just withdraw."

Yuan Dagu:"!??"

Wall-facer:"Are you...suffering from Dragon King Stress Disorder?!"

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Think about Principal Ange's early experience, and you can understand. After all, everything he once owned was destroyed by the dragon! This Who can withstand this?"

Ye Hei:"Shit! It costs 100 points to invite someone to your own world? As for inviting someone from your own world to join the chat group, it costs 1,000 points?" The

Strongest Man's deputy:"Excuse me. , say goodbye."

Marco was still thinking about whether he could let his father join the chat group at first. He has always felt that this chat group was probably created by God, and the people who join the chat group are the people God loves most in the world!

It is no exaggeration to say that if you put it in mythology, it would be a divine messenger, a divine son, a divine goddess...

However, one thousand points is really too much! This is equivalent to speaking a hundred thousand words... and it must be stipulated that it cannot be said casually... it must be valuable?

Who can withstand this? Spending 24 hours a day in the group will take a month or more, right? He also wants to preach to God in the real world! How come there is so much leisure? Besides, what does it matter whether you join the group or not, and whether you become an envoy of God?

Marco comforted himself internally. By reciting the sacrificial injunctions with righteous thoughts, you can obtain God's grace, which is essentially the same.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Originally, I thought about going to Ye Hei's world to steal his followers! But... one hundred points, well, when I think about it, I know that Ye Hei can't spend so much on me."

Ye Hei:"? ??What the hell? Stealing believers? You are still a human being!"

Ye Hei was furious.

Ye Hei:"I'll leave it at that. As long as I keep my eyes open, you will never even think about stepping into my world in this life."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Don't be so excited... think about it carefully. Your world has become so big! Even if you spend your whole life, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to spread your faith to every corner of the world, right?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"And maybe, your speed of spread is not as fast as that of the major life ancients in your world. Star creatures give birth to children very quickly!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said:"So in theory, when I go to your world, the two of us can work together to better spread the faith of God to the world... and there is no relationship between us at all. There is no contradiction!"

Ye Hei:"It sounds like there is... a ridiculous truth! I won't train missionaries in our world myself, and then let them go to the eight wastelands of the universe to spread the faith! Will you What's the difference between pulling him over and luring a wolf into the house?"

The corners of Ye Hei's mouth twitched crazily. Doesn't he look like a fool?

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult used these words to fool him. Did he have some misunderstanding about him?!

Moon Worshiping Leader:"Ahem... Actually, it doesn't count as luring a wolf into the house. Now I have given up on this idea. After all, even if I deceive you into agreeing to let me go... I can't get many believers in one day."

Ye Hei:"???I have never seen anyone as shameless as you."

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