The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"!!!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"I suddenly thought of a very serious matter."

Yao Lao:"?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"What I was thinking before was that since different worlds are now navigable...then, can I get technological support from another world! For example, if my side develops into the third industrial revolution - In the life stage, can I get support from Luo Ji’s higher-level technology? After all, everyone can come now……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Then you found that the conditions for traveling to another world were very harsh! So you gave up?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"No...I later realized that even the efficiency of world navigation is very low! But just like Liu Peiqiang's Bian can provide technology to Ah Xing's side.……"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"If Luo Ji wants to help me, he can also send me their higher-level technological and industrial equipment... and teaching books." The prince of the Zhu family:"!! Hiss."

Chen Xiaoyu :"Damn it, I thought about it... and found that there is no problem. This is completely feasible! The only trouble is that it is impossible for Luo Ji to give it to Luo Ji for free, but we can use resources to exchange it.. (eyes sparkling.jpg)"

Gudazi:"I only have one question... Mr. Luo Ji's technology is ultimately given by God! What Luo Ji has is the right to use it, not ownership... If Without the consent of the higher god, wantonly spreading these technologies in the chat group! Will it cause the upper god to be dissatisfied?"

Wall-Facing Man:"……"

Luo Ji, who was originally agitated and a little moved, saw these words. It was like being poured cold water from head to tail in an instant.

He thought about it carefully and found that this was indeed a bit sorry for God. I gave up instantly!

What benefits, what benefits from communication... this is nothing compared to the risk of dissatisfying God!

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"This kind of thing! Wouldn't it be better to ask directly?"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"@神. Under the crown of God, your devout believers send you greetings! May your light be eternal. , shine on us! Well, I want to pray for your divine enlightenment to tell me whether there are any taboos regarding the issue of technology sharing."

Su Han's expression suddenly became subtle, and he gently rubbed it with his fingers. on the desktop.

Taboo, what's the taboo about this? Putting aside the fact that Luo Ji wants to completely digest the results of the ten industrial revolutions, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years...

Simply speaking, he really digested it... Su Han also has Kamisia in his hand. The overall scientific and technological inheritance of civilization... This is at least three steps higher than the ten industrial revolutions. If it is completely digested, even the gods and kings can bang it...

On the other hand, the explosive growth of productivity will rapidly improve living standards... According to the concept of ancient times, in the early stages of rapid improvement in the quality of life, they will definitely fight hard. They are destined to have children...

This will bring about explosive growth in the population, which will bring more followers to Su Han in the next few decades...

What's more important is that, following the technological system passed down by Su Han, they themselves It is impossible to betray Su Han. So no matter how far they grow in the future, it will be Su Han's help! This kind of situation is destined that Su Han will only expect them to grow up at an extremely fast speed.……

"However, you cannot directly say yes! This will give believers the illusion that... I am too accommodating to them. Hmm...I probably know how to do it."

Remembering what he had learned in the psychology of believers, Su Han's eyes flickered a few times. He organized his words and spoke.

Shen:"I never thought that you didn't discover such a thing until today.."

Great Qin Zulong:"!!!"

Ye Hei:"……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Wait, Your Majesty... is that what you mean?"

God:"I once said: What I don't allow is nothing more than blasphemy and killing each other among believers!"

God:"I I also said: I hope that every believer can live a good life. Whether they do it because of my divine grace, or they use their own hands to create a better future, I am very happy."

God:" So, do you understand?"

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

The strongest man’s deputy:"……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"That's it! God is merciful."

Yes, why don't you understand?!

Will scientific exchange improve people's living standards? Obviously it will!

That being the case, that's what God wants to see.

They have been chatting and spanking in the group, and have not discussed such things that are really beneficial to improving the quality of life of believers... It is no wonder that God is very disappointed with this!

"Alas," Huang Rong let out a long sigh and smiled bitterly,"I thought in vain that I could barely be considered a saint! He attaches great importance to the interests of the people... surpassing all emperors in ancient times! However, my love for the people is still not as good as God’s"

"Yes, it is God after all... He is so kind and so great!"

Huang Rong clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly.

Yao Lao:"I will always believe in God.jpg"

The Crown Prince of the Zhu family:"You can always believe in the God of Creation! (Confirmed.jpg)"

Wall-Facing Man:"Since God said so! So starting from today, I will disclose the technology system that God has given me to all the members of the group. Anyone who wants to take the road of science and technology, send me the name of the technology you need, and I will have someone sort out their information! Then send it to you in a red envelope."

Wall-Facing Man:"Of course, I will popularize scientific and technological knowledge... But the industrial equipment that comes with this scientific and technological knowledge requires you to spend money, or spend resources to exchange it. I try to only include the cost price and labor expenses... Well, I will let the specialized financial personnel calculate the specific amount later! After the transfer is completed, I will send it to the members in the chat group... Don't worry, it will definitely be the cost plus labor! You can even calculate it yourself after it arrives. I don't mind!"

Luo Ji said it very sincerely. On the one hand, the members of the chat group were church members from other worlds. He was not prepared to make money in the first place. In fact, if he were not afraid of being too lavish, he would have developed a mentality of taking it for granted.... He can give it away for free. God has given me immeasurable technology, which has led to an explosion of productivity on earth in the Trisolaran world. All kinds of artificial intelligence equipment have been mass-produced for low-end production. All of this And the unemployed people all have official subsidized property! Let them study during this period so that they can engage in more advanced industries...

As for whether there will be a lack of high-end industries? This is absolutely impossible to lack! In other words, even if there is a lack of , a search in the Book of Heaven will lead to several revolutionary products, create a new industry again, and attract a large number of people.

In essence, in this era of great development, even if there is artificial intelligence to solve Ninety-nine percent of the problem has been solved... the population on the earth is still far from enough...

Luo Ji is even thinking about whether to form an alliance with other people who are willing to take the road of science and technology in the future... and work with them Develop part of the technology. The merger is the real and complete road to science and technology...

Just like the industrial transfer of Citigroup in the early 21st century, globalization can form a complete industrial system... Of course , Citigroup was lazy at the time and just wanted to live a good life... He really didn't have enough people here, so he had to use this method...

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