Ye Hei:"The boss is awesome! The boss is grand."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"I'm going to sort it out now...Thank you! Well, in fact, Mr. Luo Ji has no problem giving me a premium here, two or three times the profit. Space, I still allow it……"

Huang Rong smacked her lips. She had also been studying economics recently, so she knew very well that if no one saw the hope of making money in an industry, even if it was supported by the official will in the early stage... once the official let go in the later stage, the industry itself would still be the same. It will fall down naturally.

Making money is the biggest source of motivation.

Wallfacer:"I probably understand what you mean! But you ignore that the economic base determines the upper-level buildings... The superior buildings here have reached a level that you can't even imagine. So, what do I say? That’s it! I’ve even reached the final stage that the great people of Yan and Huang originally envisioned.……"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Damn it, isn't that a communist... Okay, this is awesome."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"God, you are the eternal god!"

Great Qin Zulong:"Since the transaction has been made...It would be better to create an alliance of Creation Gods!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Mr. Zulong, I probably understand what you are thinking. After all, in your consciousness, it is unified into a whole and becomes stronger....It has almost penetrated into your bones! However, I really do not recommend the creation of this alliance."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It's a very simple reason, the alliance is created! Who will be the leader? The only one who can make everyone The only one people admire is God, but is it possible for God to do such a thing? We can't agree on this aspect, and anything else will just increase the contradiction."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Yes, it's just an individual! The forces behind it are The forces behind them are mixed together, and the senses are completely different!"

Liu Peiqiang:"You don't have to build an alliance, but you can cooperate.……@Wall-faced man@axegangheir@陈小玉. @I want to be Zhao Gao. I have discussed the affairs of your world with the leaders of the Yanhuang region. We can not unite with each other with the Creation God Religion! But we can serve as messengers from the regions behind us and establish a cross-dimensional Yanhuang alliance circle."

Ye Hei:"!!!"

Ye Hei:"What the hell, multiverse Yanhuang Kingdom? This concept that only exists in fantasy novels can actually be realized?"

Yao Lao:"Although I don't know what you are talking about, at this time it's okay to say it's awesome. Now."

Wall-Facing Man:"There is no problem at all on my side! I don't even need to tell the leaders... After all, I can be considered one of the leaders now."

Chen Xiaoyu:"I envy Mr. Luo Ji... I just No, I'm too young, so I can only tell them everything! Then they slowly discussed and came to a conclusion."

Prince Zhu family:"Don't worry, with your identity and the people standing behind you , God! Once you grow up... you will definitely become the top person in your world."

The heir of the Ax Gang:"My side... is very backward! I can't compare with you at all. There is also a huge gap in strength....I, of course I am very willing! But I am afraid of holding you back."

I want to be Zhao Gao:"Why panic? Although you are the most backward! But it depends on the comparison... For example, mine This world is also very backward compared to Luo Ji's world! They are almost building a light speed engine spaceship... I guess just sending a sub-light speed spacecraft over here can wipe out the entire world here.……"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"In the eyes of Luo Ji's world, there is no difference between me and you."

Wall-facer:"Although it's a bit hurtful to say...but it's true that I should be the one in the chat group now who takes the technology route. The world is the strongest! Even Liu Peiqiang’s world... in my eyes is not much different from other worlds... (face covering.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"???"

Ye Hei:"Liu Peiqiang said he was very embarrassed! He didn't do anything or say anything, but he was dragged out and whipped for no apparent reason. (Manual funny.jpg)" The heir of the Ax Gang:"Okay! Thank you for not Give up. I will work hard!"

Axing clenched his fists, with a little excitement on his face.

Su Han looked at the chat group with a strange expression, talking about the multiverse Yanhuang... It seems that the Eastern country in the world of gods he is in... can also be regarded as Yanhuang, right?!

Su Han smiled dumbly and threw away the messy thoughts.

He was just thinking about it for fun, so could he still speak out?

Even if we don’t mention the mystery he has always maintained in the chat group... To put it simply, his size as a god is thousands of times greater than the combined size of the multiverse alliances! Not to mention, compared to the ancient Eastern countries...

Pokémon Master:"!!!"

Pokémon Master:"It's over, it's over... Something big happened here."


I want to be Zhao Gao:"Who...didn't you make up your mind not to speak in the chat group? What's wrong? Now you regret it! In fact, if you believe in God now, God will definitely forgive you. After all, Lord God It's so generous and... loving for believers."

Pokémon Master:"That's not the problem! The key... Well, it's all my fault. Maybe from the beginning... I shouldn't be able to help but be curious, from time to time Enter this chat group, look at the information in the group folder...and then write down those things……"

Wallfacer:"!?? I'm a little confused by what you said."

Ye Hei:"What happened? Just tell me! What's wrong with you? You want to learn from the Riddler and be reasonable. Riddlers generally You will get beaten! Especially now that different worlds can travel through each other. (Serious face.jpg)"

Su Han also showed a little interest on his face. He was keenly aware that the changes in the Pokémon world that he had been expecting had happened.

Pokémon Master:"Okay... now that the matter is over, I keep hiding it. It's meaningless! Before, although I resented what you said about sacrificing Pokémon, and I made harsh words... But I still I am very curious and come in from time to time to take a look. Of course, because I have said harsh words before, I am not embarrassed to speak. (Awkward.jpg)"

Pokémon Master:"I have seen the magic shown by God in different worlds. Terrifying divine power! I also felt the shock from the bottom of my heart... I have been hesitating these days, should I believe in God? After all, I can see that you have all been fooling me before... God has never said, You must perform sacrifices before you can believe in him."

Angers:"So... isn't this great? What happened?"

Pokémon Master:"In the process of struggling... I put the sacrificial words of the god I wrote it in my notebook...and then it was snatched away by Team Rocket, who has been haunting me in this world and wanted to steal my Pikachu!"

Pokémon Master:"It's over, then. A group of evil people... They, they are Team Rocket! The most notorious dark force in the entire Kanto region... If they were them, they would definitely plunder Pokémon by any means and then sacrifice them to the gods."

Pokémon Master:" I am a sinner, I am a big sinner! It was me who harmed those Pokémon. Woo woo woo……"

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