Ye Hei:"???"

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"I didn't know what expression I should show for a moment."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"It's because of my hesitation that someone else robbed me of such a huge opportunity... It's so embarrassing, you quit the group. Right!"

Yao Lao:"Real.jpg"

Liu Peiqiang:"Although I also feel a little bit dumbfounded... But considering that the master is only ten years old, this is actually understandable."

Chen Xiaoyu:"!!! What's wrong with being young? Why can't you do big things when you are young...You are discriminating! I want to protest."

Liu Peiqiang:"Ahem, aren't you already eleven or twelve? This is not the same concept as ten years old."

Gudazi :"?? Aren't you coaxing a child?"

Su Han had a strange expression. He rubbed his eyebrows,"Team it them? Although this is indeed very logical."

"but."Su Han laughed bitterly. He didn't think that Musashi Kojiro and his group would consider how to sacrifice Pokémon to him.

Although they have always wanted to rob Pokémon, Musashi and Kojiro are genuine good people.

They have no understanding of Pokémon. Inferior to Xiaozhi's love!

The next moment, Su Han suddenly sensed an extra coordinate in his mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up,"The Pokémon world... is the same, although they also love Pokémon as much as Xiaozhi. baby! But they are not as pretentious as Xiaozhi. It’s always okay to pray!"

For Su Han, after obtaining the world coordinates, he has a lot of room for control.

The next moment, the bell rang, and the teacher officially announced the end of the class.

Without any hesitation, Su Han turned into a divine light in front of everyone, After leaving the classroom,

Professor Tianshen paused. Realizing that it was Su Han, he smiled dumbly, said nothing, and continued to sort out. After all, the young god did not leave after the class, even if he He left the scene in the middle without saying anything... Who knows if the young god suddenly thought of some inspiration, and then with a wave of his hand, he was going to create a new theory that shocked the world? What if he blocked it


, so that the new theory that shocked the world could not be born... Then he would be the sinner of the ancient eastern country, and even the entire world of gods.

Returning to his villa in an instant, Su Han entered the god world and sat on the throne of gods. ,"I was planning to have two other classes in the afternoon… However, let’s postpone it for now. It will be the same tomorrow!"

Closing his eyes, Su Han directed his spiritual thoughts directly to the coordinates under his new control.


Pokémon World, Joban City. In an ordinary small alley.

Look at me, Musashi Kojiro, Meow Meow, and I look at you, they all look like they have seen a god alive.

"You, after you finish reciting the sacrificial inscriptions recorded in that little devil’s book! Have you seen...that incredible great existence?"

Musashi spoke first. But he no longer had the usual boldness. His body was shaking, and his face was filled with shock and fear.

"I saw!"Ojiro nodded, his teeth chattering.

He stretched out his hand desperately to rub his sleeves, and murmured,"What an incredible existence is that... Is it a super-powered Pokémon that casts illusions on us? Or maybe it's a ghost-type Pokémon... eh?!"

Before he finished speaking, with a crisp sound, Kojiro tore off his sleeves. After a brief silence, the other two looked at Kojiro with strange expressions.

Meowth was the first to speak,"Although I know you very excited! After all, I'm very excited too... But you shouldn't be so excited, right? Let me explain in advance that we are very poor. If our clothes are damaged, we have no money to find an organization to get new ones."

"That’s it!"Musashi nodded in agreement.

Kojiro was silent for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand to tear off the sleeve he had torn off, and it was like tearing a piece of paper, and the sleeve fragment was divided into two.

The other two were dumbfounded. Damn it, what aroused you? Kojiro, who usually cherishes the things around him the most, has now begun to destroy his personal belongings?!

"my power! It has grown significantly...I don't know how much it has grown, but before, even if I tried my best, I wouldn't have been able to do this kind of thing."Kojiro took a deep breath and threw the broken sleeve aside.

With a serious look on his face, he took out the previous note again and continued to read it,"Little devil... What is recorded in this note is most likely... real! He might have really encountered a great opportunity beyond his imagination, but it's a pity...that boy is hesitant and not decisive! As a result, this opportunity was snatched away from us."

Miao Miao lowered his head and stared at his paws. He suddenly scratched the ground hard, with a clanging sound. Three paw prints clearly appeared on the ground!

"My God, such power! This unimaginable power……"There was excitement and fanaticism on Meow Meow's face,"I can definitely beat the cat boss to death now! With such incredible power... I will definitely be able to take back Mr Sakaki's beloved Meow Meow."

"madness!"Ojiro slapped Meow Meow.

He waved the book and said sternly,"We have all believed in a true god! And I have received his divine favor... return it to Boss Sakaki, Boss Sakaki! Boss Sakaki’s future is not as high as ours"

"Yes!"Miao Miao woke up suddenly, and then determination appeared on his face,"Then from now on, I am not going to be Boss Sakaki's pet anymore... I want to be that god's pet! If I could be caressed and touched gently by that god... Hehehe……"

"?"Kojiro stared at Meowth with a speechless expression. He hesitated for a moment and finally said,"Otherwise, you should think about being Boss Sakaki's pet."……"

After all, it is not difficult to be Mr. Sakaki's pet... But to be that god's pet...

I thought about the god I saw before, standing upright... Kojiro said that he had no words of comfort when facing Meow Meow. I can’t even say it…

Meow Meow:"?"

"……You despise Boss Sakaki so much," Musashi stared at Kojiro in shock. She realized something and said in horror,"Could it be that... you are planning to defeat the superior? Becoming the new boss of Team Rocket...ugh!"

Musashi's mouth was blocked by Kojiro's hands. Kojiro's expression was uglier than crying, and he hurriedly said,"My sister...Jiwan City is the base camp of our Rockets! Even Boss Banmu has been stationed here for a long time.……"

"If what you say is heard by other Team Rocket members...if you just make a small report to the top, then we will be hunted down by the entire Team Rocket."

Musashi hesitated for a long time, and finally let Kojiro know that she knew by nodding her head repeatedly. However, the first moment she let go, Musashi gave Kojiro a beating.

"So, what are our plans next?"Miao Miao stared at the book in Kojiro's hand as if staring at the treasure map of a huge treasure. His eyes were sparkling.

"Two options."Kojiro rubbed the bump on his head that Musashi had just beaten, and his cheeks were balled up because of the pain. Then

, Kojiro's expression became serious. He was also the young master of a super big family, and he had experienced very harsh conditions since he was a child. Aristocratic education... Although he resisted learning very much when he was a child, he finally understood a lot under the influence of his ears and eyes.

He paced repeatedly, organizing the language

"The first is to break away from Team Rocket! Then, around this book... we can form a creation church. Then, he kept in contact with those powerful trainers, those heads of wealthy families, those powerful people in the Elf Alliance...!"

"We can let them know the power of God by chanting sacrificial texts, and then draw them into the Church of Creation... In less than three years, we will be able to develop the Church of Creation into a behemoth covering all regions of the world."

Swallowing, Kojiro's voice was a little hoarse,"At that time, the size of the Creation Church even surpassed Team Rocket... And we are the leaders of this powerful force! The manipulator!"

"As a result, we will truly become the top people in the world."

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