"That’s great, meow."A trace of longing appeared in Miaomiao's eyes.

Musashi was obviously a little moved, but after pondering for a moment, she suddenly asked,"So, the second option?"

"Ha, you are not moved? This is the best choice we can make now!"Kojiro was shocked, but he didn't ask any riddles.

After thinking about it, Kojiro said seriously,"The second one is to go to Boss Sakaki honestly and tell him everything! Let the boss change Team Rocket into the Church of Creation. Facing the astonished looks of the two, Kojiro shrugged,"Actually, this is pretty good... after all, if we can create a huge force with our bare hands!" Spread the faith. You will encounter many dangerous things on the way……"

"After all, the water in this matter is too deep. I have no doubt that when we become big, there will be kings and even champion-level figures chasing us in the future... In the final analysis, people will die when they are killed."

"However, telling Boss Sakaki is different.……"Kojiro said confidently,"Boss Sakaki is the real giant of darkness! A figure who can rival the champion.……"

"With this merit, we can reach the sky in one step and become popular in front of the boss... It is no exaggeration to say that this merit can last us a lifetime... The boss will treat us favorably for a lifetime! In the future, we can just eat and wait to die."

Musashi Miaomiao was silent, and there was a little struggle on their faces.

If they take the first path, as long as they survive, they will definitely be able to become indomitable men in the future. But if they take the second path, they can also complete their goals. Life goal planning...becoming a Rockets giant in the future

"I think... why not choose the second option?"Musashi spoke cautiously.

After a brief silence, Miao Miao also raised his hand,"I also think... this is probably possible, a little better. It doesn't matter whether I become a big shot or not...but I can't bear the price of losing you, nya."

Ojiro silently clenched his notebook, took a few deep breaths, calmed down his mood, and sighed,"Now that you have decided……"

In fact, Kojiro is more inclined to one. However, he also admitted that what Meowth said made sense...

When he thought about the possibility of Musashi and Meowth dying in the future, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken... After getting along for a long time, he had long regarded the two as his own family.

"It just so happens that Boss Sakaki is in Joban City now."

After making the decision, the three of them immediately went to the Viridian Gym to meet Boss Sakaki.

"Your recent performance is not up to standard."Boss Sakaki sat on the chair, caressing the cat boss lying on his lap.

He glanced at the three of them, his voice was calm without any fluctuation,"I am very disappointed in you!"

However, what Boss Sakaki didn't expect was that the three of them did not lie on the ground in fear and beg for mercy, or argue... On the contrary, they stood straight with seriousness and pride on their faces.……

""Boss Sakaki," Kojiro took the lead and raised a book high,"We have found the most profound mystery about this world... No, this is not just a matter of mystery, this is a symbol of ascending to the throne. The possibility of being on top of the world! This symbolizes the possibility of our Rockets becoming the largest force in the world."

"Please allow us to present the most precious treasure in the world to you!"

Boss Sakaki looked strange. What are these three doing? The most precious treasure in the world? What is that... is it the legendary Creation Slate in the Sinnoh region?! That's not right either... although he has only heard of it. The name of the Creation Slate. But from the name, it can be seen that the thing should be in the shape of a stone... There is no way it can be a book!

Moreover, these three guys have never been to the Sinnoh region from beginning to end. Where have they been? Pulled out the Creation Slate?!

Although he was complaining in his heart, Boss Sakaki still turned to gesture to his secretary Asuka. Soon, the secretary brought the book to Boss Sakaki. As he kept flipping through it, Boss Sakaki’s brows became more and more serious. He frowned more and more, and finally slapped it on the table, saying in a low voice,"I originally thought... you were just wasting the organization's funds! But now it seems that you are still working part-time as a deceiver?! Boss Sakaki laughed angrily,"

Even if you are... well, elite operators of Team Rocket!" It is also a great sin to deceive me like this."

"We know this is unbelievable, Meow," Meow walked forward without fear, and he looked seriously into Boss Sakaki's eyes,"But, this is undoubtedly true! Boss, you understand us...our loyalty to you is evident."

"Yes, boss, you just have to read it once! You can feel the grace of the God of Creation. Musashi continued,"Just try it out... Even if we want to deceive you, we can't deceive you with something so incredible that can be easily identified.""

Boss Sakaki pondered for a moment, and finally nodded. He values ​​​​the Rockets trio very much... After all, Musashi's mother was once his most capable subordinate, and the family behind Kojiro is also the Rockets. In other words, he is one of the staunchest allies...

Picking up the book, Boss Sakaki softly recited the Thousand-Character Mantra. Asuka's eyelids jumped wildly, and he stared at the Team Rocket trio opposite him rather unkindly. BOSS actually believed what these three idiots said... I really don't understand BOSS's thoughts!

Asuka has dealt with a lot of things about the Rockets trio, so he naturally understands that these three people can be said to be those who fail more than they succeed. Model...

Thinking of what Boss Sakaki said, he wanted to take advantage of his absence to let the three of them temporarily serve as the leaders of the Viridian Gym... to hone their qualifications and improve their remuneration in the future......

Then comparing the trio to deceiving Boss Sakaki, she became even more aggrieved. These three people were simply white-eyed wolves!

Finally, when the last word was uttered, Boss Sakaki was shocked. He seemed to be staring at a helpless figure at this moment. An existence that can be described in words...

Suddenly woke up, Boss Sakaki realized that his forehead was covered in cold sweat,"The God of Creation... the Lord of Creation! How can this be? This is simply unreasonable."

This dark giant, a terrifying powerhouse who could rival the champion, was quite incoherent at the moment,"Isn't the God of Creation Arceus? How could it be that humanoid existence...and even the God of Creation! It can't be that strong"

"That has simply broken away from the level of a mythical beast, and has even broken away from the level that we can imagine and understand... It is unreasonable! This is not……"

Boss Sakaki suddenly sensed something. He lowered his head and stared at his palm. As he gradually exerted his strength, the light green brilliance condensed and took shape.

The power of Changpan! This is the special ability possessed by Boss Sakaki. He can communicate with Pokémon, heal Pokémon's injuries... and even be able to break Pokémon's limits to a certain extent! Let Pokémon with low racial values ​​be able to challenge quasi-gods.

This is the ability that only those who are favored by Viridian Forest have!

And at this moment, Boss Sakaki suddenly realized that his power of Viridian had become stronger...and it wasn't just a little bit stronger, it was a lot stronger.……

"Let us introduce you to our great Lord."Kojiro bowed slightly, and at this moment, his whole body revealed a refined demeanor, like a noble young man attending a banquet.

He spoke piously and every word,"He is the Lord of Creation, he is the Lord of Creation. As long as we recite the sacrificial method, he will spread divine grace to us! Make us stronger and give us spiritual comfort and peace. Are you interested in joining us in worshiping the Most High God?"

After a long, long time, Boss Sakaki finally spoke, his voice seemed a little dry,"Have you ever heard that this world was actually created by a certain Pokémon? And I am very responsible to tell you that there is evidence."

Kojiro Musashi and Miaomiao looked at each other, and Kojiro suddenly smiled. He said frankly,"We really don't know this... but we still believe that that god is the only supreme existence! He is the real creator of the world"

"You should have seen it before, right? That god just breathed...and endless worlds were born!"

"As for the Pokmon and the evidence that you said created the world," Kojiro paused for a moment and said with an incomprehensible expression,"If that Pokmon really created this world... then this Pokmon that was born before the world... again Where did it come from?"

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