Boss Sakaki fell silent for the second time. He gently stroked the cat boss, causing the cat boss to let out a comfortable whimper.

"I understand."Boss Sakaki opened the book again and looked at the content of the sacrificial ceremony that followed, his eyes flickering,"Sacrifice to the God...and gain the grace of the God! It may greatly improve the strength, or extend the lifespan... it may even revive the world's aura, returning the world to its original state, which is more suitable for making various creatures stronger."

In particular, Xiaozhi specifically cited a few examples above that he had seen in the chat group files and videos.

"……Other worlds? interesting! So funny."

Boss Sakaki suddenly closed the book and laughed,"Asuka, in the name of the leader of Team Rocket, I give you an order! Now, let’s collect the quasi-gods from Kanto, Johto, Fangyuan, Sinnoh and other regions that our Rockets have collected! Or maybe it's the three Goji families, all concentrated in Joban City."

"Well, let me add one more thing...quasi-god or Yu Sanjia, whether it is evolutionstate, or initial state, all need to be sent over"

"And, I need them at the back of my Tokiwa Gym! Build an altar... an altar large enough to accommodate all the quasi-gods and Yusanjia sent over! At that time, I will make sacrifices to the gods according to what is written in the book."

Feiniao's body froze, with a bit of panic on her face, and she bent down abruptly,"BOSS, according to the original plan... you should leave to test our final weapon. Moreover, we have recently been targeted by the Elf Alliance officials!"

"Even though the officials originally doubted us, they mobilized the power of Team Rocket on a large scale to gather so many high-end Pokémon... Perhaps, along with the Pokémon, there are also the Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto area... Until then! Even if it’s you."

Although Asuka didn't say it directly, her meaning was obvious.

Boss Sakaki stared at Asuka calmly until cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and then he said coldly,"Follow my order!"

"……yes." Feiniao felt bitter in her mouth, but she could only agree. However, on the way out, she glared at the Rocket trio fiercely. She had already seen that these three were Sangmen stars... or she had absolutely no idea Unexpectedly, Boss Sakaki, who has always been shrewd, seemed to be tricked by the trio this time...

After Boss Sakaki and the trio encouraged him for a few words, they sent the trio to supervise the establishment of the altar. And he Sitting there, he called out all his main Pokémon one by one.

"Old guys! Maybe next, it’s time for us to go all out and fight side by side.……"Boss Sakaki gently stroked the elf ball,"It's been a long time since I've fought a battle of this level... Now that I think about it, I'm still quite excited." The elf balls also shook slightly, as a way to express their gratitude to Sakaki. The boss's response.

Suddenly, a thought wave sounded silently,"God... what is it? I also recited that sacrificial poem! What a powerful existence it was... Moreover, I felt something similar to me in his body. Same nature, but much stronger than me"

"Could it be... is he my father? I am not actually an artificially created Pokémon. You have been deceiving me from the beginning, right?"

Chaomeng, wearing a thick armor and stomach, walked out of another lightless room. As the words were narrated, its emotions became more and more excited. The armor and stomach used to restrain its power had dense cracks. It seemed as if It looks like it will be broken in the next moment!

"Sure enough, using it to restrain you is too forced after all."Boss Sakaki stared deeply at Chaomeng, frowning slightly, and then thought of something again, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face,"No... you recited that sacrificial article? That thing is also useful for Pokémon... By the way, I almost forgot! Miaomiao made it clear before that he also received divine grace……"

"……answer me!"Chaomeng roared. The armor's stomach was broken! Its eyes were filled with azure brilliance, which was the power of telekinesis... The elf ball suddenly opened, and the main force of Boss Sakaki appeared one after another. Standing at the front It was a huge and energetic giant needle bee!

However, before the two sides actually collided. Chaomeng made a muffled sound in his mouth, and he sat down on the ground, seeming to understand something,"Believers Can't we hurt each other? Damn it! Why is this happening? Obviously he cheated on me……"

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."Boss Sakaki raised his eyebrows,"You are indeed created by us... and what I said before is that your strength is too strong, so you need to be restricted. This is also true!"

Boss Sakaki said very calmly,"You are a magical beast with super powers! If I lie to you, you will be able to react everything I say to you is the truth. At most, I only tell part of the truth and hide part of it."

"……"Chaomeng stopped talking. In fact, he knew in his heart that what Boss Sakaki said was correct.

"Okay, let’s get down to business," Boss Sakaki said with an incomprehensible expression,"That supreme god…maybe really is your father! Of course, this does not contradict the fact that you are man-made.……"

"If that one is the God of creation, the creator of the world! Then those of us who are born from the world... naturally have a father-son relationship with him... it's that simple!"

"……So that’s it?!"Chaomeng was confirmed, with excitement and excitement in his eyes, but also a bit confused.

"Mewtwo, are you interested in meeting that god? Boss Sakaki suddenly thought of something and said with a smile,"I can make the decision and let you go to the altar!" Become a living sacrifice...According to what is stated in the sacrifice book, you should be sublimated and ascend to heaven after the sacrifice."

"I want! I'm going to father."Mewtwo's eyes were astonishingly bright.

Boss Sakaki smiled and agreed. But in his heart, he also sighed... He was actually reluctant to throw Mewtwo onto the altar...

After all, this is the only finished product of the artificial mythical beast project!

No! When talking about strength, let’s talk about the meaning of success in this matter... In the eyes of Boss Sakaki, it is more precious than a hundred quasi-gods... It’s a pity that Chaomeng’s original strength is very exceptional. Now after reciting the ritual, It has reached an unbelievable point... If we really fight, even if the entire Rockets are piled up, we may not be able to defeat him...

Let's send him to the sky! In this way, on the one hand, we can also obtain the favor of God, and on the other hand, we can also get the favor of God. On the other hand, it also solved an internal problem that the Rockets could not solve once it broke out... No matter how reluctant he was, there was nothing he could do if his skills were inferior to others.

After comforting Mewtwo, Boss Sakaki picked up the notebook again, flipped through it gently, and pondered over it. The information revealed on the flag

"People who have a destiny...especially women who have a destiny! Generally, a protagonist-level figure of an era? Characterized by powerful talents, high status, and perfect appearance... huh?!"

Boss Sakaki's expression became subtle. The more he listened, the more he felt that this seemed to be referring to the champion of the Sinnoh region.……

"No, Nazi, the super power king Cattleya from the Hezhu region, and the ice king Kona from our Kanto region... these may all be the destined ones."

However, except for Nazi, he can use his identity as the boss of Team Rocket to communicate. For the others, if he wants to drag them to the altar, he can only have an honest fight and defeat them?! But

Sakaki can What gives him a headache is that he may not be able to defeat these women. Especially the female champion Sirona from the Sinnoh region.……

"Phew, let’s sacrifice the Pokémon first."Boss Sakaki sighed. If everything goes well, he may be able to greatly increase his overall strength because of this sacrifice!

Based on his current foundation, if his strength increases significantly... even if he is the champion of a region, How?

Time passed bit by bit, and in the evening, everything was ready to be completed. Poke balls one after another were transported to Joban City through the teleportation device, and a large amount of building materials were transported into the backyard of Joban Gym......

In the end, Boss Sakaki walked up to the main altar in front of the three cadres summoned...Nazi, Ma Zhishi, and Aju.

He placed one Pokémon after another on the altar, and then asked Chaomeng to stand Go up and control these Pokémon...

After preparing everything, Boss Sakaki began to chant loudly.

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