In the realm of gods.

Su Han's expression was extremely complicated at this moment. He was a little stunned and a little dumbfounded.

"How should I evaluate Xiaozhi?"Su Han sighed.

After joining the chat group, he didn't even recite the sacrificial words due to entanglement and hesitation... But when the sacrificial words and the sacrificial ceremony were handed over to Team Rocket through Xiaozhi's hands... it only took a day. It's time! Not only have the rituals been recited, but the organization has been completed and the formal sacrifice has begun.

The gap in action between the two sides has reached the point where Su Han's scalp is numb.

"I remembered that joke again. The villain has ideals, means, awareness, and struggle...but the protagonist has nothing. Their only goal is to defeat the villain."

Su Han rubbed his temples. But before he could continue to say anything, the next moment, a crisp sound suddenly sounded in Su Han's ears.

"Ding! A ritual has been detected in the Pokémon world.……"

"Ding! A ray of faith has been detected! Mini Dragon X12, Hackosaurus To Gardevoir... Mewtwo has been detected!"

"Ding! You have triggered a ten thousand times increase!"

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully obtaining ten thousand rays of power of faith!"

"Ding! Congratulations on your successful acquisition of seventeen quasi-divine ancient dragons, and congratulations on your successful acquisition of two divine beast-level divine dragons! Congratulations on your successful acquisition of 110 Holy Beasts Congratulations on your success in obtaining the two heads of the divine beast Fiery Bite Land Shark God... Congratulations on your successful acquisition of the divine beast Gardevoir!"

"Ding! Congratulations on your successful acquisition of Quasi-Hongju Mewtwo!"

Su Han fell into a brief silence. He even doubted whether his ears had heard it wrong. Immediately, he pulled out the system prompt column again and looked at it repeatedly.

Then, Su Han took a breath of cold air.

This time , he obtained a total of 4,200 holy beasts, 210 quasi-divine beasts, and 18 quasi-divine beasts. There was even a quasi-great beast.

Although Su Han had been mentally prepared before, this was still beyond compare. The huge harvest he expected

"But what the hell is this quasi-divine beast?"

Su Han's expression suddenly became weird,"Has half a foot stepped into the realm of a mythical beast? Or is it somewhere in the middle between a mythical beast and a mythical beast? Or is it still at the level of a sacred beast, but already possessing some of the characteristics of a sacred beast?"

A lot of thoughts were flowing through Su Han's mind. But no matter what, it is certain that quasi-divine beasts are stronger than ordinary divine beasts... Not to mention, he also obtained eighteen divine beasts this time.

"But why is Gardevoir a mythical beast? I remember that Gardevoir's race value is lower than Charizard! Charizards are both quasi-divine beasts...and Gardevoir should be too! Or is it simply...Is this Gardevoir special?"

Su Han's eyes flickered, and he finally looked at Chaomeng. He laughed,"But even Chaomeng was put on the altar... It was beyond my expectation! This guy Sakaki is really willing to give up."

Moreover, what surprised Su Han even more was that Chaomeng transformed into a quasi-Hong Beast!

As you can see from the name, he may not be a real Hong Beast, but he is definitely superior to the Desolate Beast... Change In other words, he is most likely the most powerful beast in the God Realm now.

"I remember that based on race values, Mewtwo can be considered a Pokémon, the top level one god in the world! If he is a quasi-Hong beast, then are the second-level gods and third-level gods the real divine beasts? After the sacrifice increases, can it transform into a wild beast?!"

"Or, if Sakaki captures Arceus...or in other words, white Kyurem or black Kyurem and sacrifices him...will I be able to truly obtain a Hong Beast, or even a higher-level existence?!"

The more Su Han thought about it, the more excited he became. Chaomeng's race value is 680, Black and White Kyurem's race value is 700, and as for Arceus... it's as high as 720. Moreover, for mythical beasts, For a special being, having one more race value may mean earth-shaking changes! It's far from a simple increase in proportion...

After all, like the creator god Arceus, he really created that world.

"The world of Pokémon certainly did not disappoint me! Su Han sighed with emotion, folded his hands around his shoulders, and lost in thought,"Then...what kind of reward should I give to that guy Sakaki?""

A lot of thoughts passed by, and soon, Su Han had an idea in his mind.


Pokémon world.

At this moment, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang are in Tokiwa City. And while they were wandering around the city, they met the two kings of Kanto, Ryuujito, and Kona of the Ice... The three of them even accompanied the two kings of Kanto and participated in the internal search of Joban City... And by chance, he successfully found out that Joban City is the headquarters of Team Rocket, and that the leader of Joban Gym is the boss of Team Rocket.……

"Boy, you're great! Especially the love for Pokémon is really to my liking."Du showed a bright smile to Xiaozhi.

Kona looked at Xiaozhi inexplicably, then glanced at Du, and rubbed his forehead in distress.

She couldn't figure out why Du was so enthusiastic about Xiaozhi, if If you have to talk about your love for Pokémon, there are countless trainers in this world who love Pokémon... I have never seen Watari's attitude so abnormal before.

"But then, please leave!"After a short pause, Du's expression became serious.

Get up,"We are here as prosecutors to stop Team Rocket Sakaki's conspiracy... Sakaki's strength is not inferior to mine. If we fight with him, I will definitely not be able to spare my hands to protect you... Uh?!" and Kona noticed something was wrong almost at the same time, their expressions changed drastically, and they suddenly turned their heads to look in the direction of Viridian Gym.

A sense of terror and oppression that is difficult to describe in words spreads in all directions with the Viridian Gym as the center.

A large number of trainers and Pokémon walking on the street were swept away by this terrifying sense of oppression, and were seriously injured. He fell directly to the ground.

Even people with strong minds like Du and Kona turned pale at this moment.

"Yulongdu, what exactly is this?!"Kona turned her head and stared at Watanabe in shock. But what surprised her was that although Xiaozhi and his team were also pale, they did not fall down. Even the Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulders... also remained intact. Sober.

This scene made Kona look at him differently... He admitted that Du's vision was pretty good. These guys were indeed different from ordinary trainers!

Du stared into the distance, his expression extremely ugly. He felt the energy in his body. The power to control the dragon was restless, and he felt the elf ball holding the dragon elf around his waist trembling. It was not a desire to fight, but fear... as if a creature at the bottom of the food chain was staring at the high one. The existence is ordinary...

But how is that possible?

That is his old friend! The quasi-god Kuailong.

Even if you don't consider that this Kuailong was specially cultivated by him, it has real championship-level power... Simply speaking, Kuailong Called a quasi-god, it is a powerful Pokémon second only to God... it can make him fearful! That is not even a question of ordinary mythical must be a first-level god. However, what he sensed with the power of dragon control , there are thousands of terrifying auras over there... thousands of legendary beasts? And there are also dozens of auras that stand out from the crowd...are these auras symbolizing first-level gods?

Are you kidding me ?! Are all the first-level gods and mythical beasts in the world gathered here...

Even so, the number is still not up to par. How can there be so many gods in this world?!

"Man, please."Du suddenly released Kuailong, then turned over and jumped on him. He galloped away into the distance.

Kona frowned tightly, and then summoned the stupid hippopotamus. Lying on its back! The stupid hippopotamus' eyes There was a faint luster in his eyes, and he used telekinesis. The whole beast rose into the air like a cannonball, and the hole shot into the distance.

Xiaogang, Xiaozhi and others looked at each other, and finally Xiaogang was the first to speak,"Let's take this down is……"

"Go over there!"Xiao Zhi clenched his fists, his face serious and remorseful,"This is all my fault... If it weren't for me, this kind of thing would never happen."

The leader of Viridian Gym is the big boss of Team Rocket... and the book he lost before was taken by the Rocket trio...

Even if he is not smart, he can do it with a little thinking. It can be concluded that there must be some extremely profound connection behind the two...

At this moment, Xiaozhi can't even imagine how many Pokémon have been poisoned...

However, the only thing Xiaozhi is sure of is that this is all because of him. So

, he must go, even if his own strength is not enough! Even if he risks his life... he must save the Pokémon... Even if he only saves one, this is also a comfort to him

"……There's really nothing I can do against you!"Xiao Gang let out a long sigh, and then gently patted the Poke Ball on his waist. The Big Rock Snake appeared instantly.

Immediately, Xiao Gang climbed onto the Big Rock Snake, and he extended his hand to Xiaozhi with a bright smile," Let’s do it together!"

"……good."Xiao Zhi bit his lower lip, his voice was a little choked, and he stepped forward and held Xiao Gang's hand.

"Humph, you two idiots! Have you forgotten me?"Xiaoxia jumped up and landed on the big rock snake.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised,"I am the super beautiful girl of Hualan Gym... How can such a critical moment to save the elves be missed? I?"

However, Xiaozhi didn't pay attention to Xiaoxia at all... At this moment, he was just urging the big rock snake to walk quickly...

After a brief silence, Xiaoxia became angry with shame. She even hit Xiaoxia hard on the back of the big rock snake. Zhi gave him a beating, making him howl like a ghost.

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