"it's over."With a gentle breath, Boss Sakaki got up from the ground. He turned around and stared at Yulongdu and Kona with burning eyes.

Immediately, he stared at Kona closely and said calmly,"There is no way to break through iron shoes. Finding a place...getting it takes no effort at all"

"Du, please leave. Boss Sakaki looked calm,"But Miss Kona is staying for now!" I hope she can understand the teachings of my creation church and understand the nobility and greatness of God. Finally, she and her elves will become living sacrifices in the next sacrifice... ascend to heaven and achieve immortality!"

"……You guy."Yu Longdu's eyelids twitched several times. The confusion and decadence in his heart were swept away, and his whole person became high-spirited to fight.

He stared closely into Boss Sakaki's eyes and said word by word,"Sakaki, don't even think about it.! As long as I live in this world, I will never allow you to cause trouble in Kanto."

Yulongdu's palms passed across his waist one by one. Brilliant brilliance burst out one after another, and the powerful champion-level aura spread out. He released all his main power! Kona frowned slightly

, and He also released his own Pokémon.

Although Kona only bears the name of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, the kings of the Kanto region are special. Even in the eyes of many people from outside regions, most of the kings of Kanto are comparable to the champions of other regions. The strength.

For example, currently, there is a high voice for Watari to become the champion of the Johto region. There is no doubt that Kona's strength is not inferior to Watari. Even considering that the ice element restrains the dragon element, Kona and Watari fight, and in the end More likely to fail

"Why are you so troubled?"Boss Sakaki sighed quietly. As if receiving some order, the giant needle bee trembled its wings and turned into a bolt of lightning.

"Oops, quick……"Du couldn't even say the word"dragon" at the end. Kuailong, who had just gotten up from the ground, suffered a heavy blow and fell unconscious.

The bright and brilliant electric light continued to flow, and in just one breath, all of Du and Kona's Pokémon lost their combat effectiveness.

"You guy...how can you be so strong. It's like a monster!"Du's face was extremely ugly. But even though he had lost many Pokémon, even though he was just an ordinary person now... he still had no idea of ​​​​escape!

Du took a deep breath and walked forward slowly. , blocking in front of Kona. The king of Kanto never abandons his companions!

"Do you really want to be taught a lesson by me? Are you sure I won't kill you?"Boss Sakaki moved his wrist and walked step by step in the direction of Du.

Suddenly, a young man in blue clothes rushed out with a swipe, and opened his hands to block Du.

"……Xiaozhi, are you crazy?"Watari's pupils shrank. Faced with a monster like Sakaki, it might be difficult for the Four Kanto Kings to gather together.

He relied on his old friendship with Sakaki, and he was indeed prepared for death. That's why... You're a ten-year-old kid, why are you doing this? Even if you're going to die, it's not your turn!

But before Watari could drag Xiaozhi away, he saw Sakaki's footsteps really stop. His expression He stared at Xiaozhi complicatedly, and after a long time, he suddenly laughed,"Is that you?"

"it's me!"Xiao Zhi was trembling because of fear, but he still stood firmly in front of Du and Kona, and said word by word,"Your appearance is my mistake... So, it's up to me to end it. You made a mistake!"

"I will not allow you to commit those crimes... If you must commit them, then just step over my body."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looked at each other and rushed forward.

After a brief silence, Kona suddenly raised the corners of his mouth,"Really! The longer he lived, the more he fell over... and was actually saved by a trainer who had just started!"

After stretching his body, Ke Na walked forward calmly and said softly,"I'll stay! Du, and the little guy here... Huh, I have to say, I really made a mistake this time! Du, your vision is beyond imagination."

Du's lips twitched,"But!"

"No way? Are you only allowed to be a hero? I'm not allowed to do it?"Kona interrupted Du, and she said leisurely,"I am also the king of Kanto! I can also sacrifice something like that...and in the final analysis, if it is really the same kind of sacrifice as before, maybe it may not be a bad thing.……"

"No, no, no, I suddenly changed my mind! Sakaki looked confused. He pointed at Xiaozhi and laughed,"For the sake of this guy, I will let you go temporarily this time."" cross:"???"


The two kings were stunned. Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also looked at each other in confusion, wondering if they had heard wrong...

What does it mean to change one's mind for Xiaozhi's sake?! Could it be that the guy in front of me, who looked like a super villain at first glance, had some inexplicable connection with Xiaozhi?!

"There is nothing worth hiding," Sakaki said calmly,"Did you see the supreme god just now? It is because of this boy that I know the existence of God! That’s why I received such immeasurable divine grace. Sakaki seemed to be mocking, but also looked at Xiaozhi with his head lowered and his fists clenched in amusement,"According to the examples of other worlds cited in that book... Well, you should be the most orthodox in our world." Son of God! God's envoy... If it weren't for your stupidity, how could I have won the favor of God?"

"So I thank you! I owe you a huge favor."Boss Sakaki stretched out a finger,"So, Kona, I won't arrest you for now...it will be the same next time!"

"However, I hope that next time, Du, when you come to defeat me, I don’t care how many champions and kings you bring with you...but you must have Sirona, the champion of the Sinnoh region, and Cattleya from the Unova region, And Kona!"

"If not, I will directly attack the Elf Alliance headquarters in Johto and Kanto!"

"You guy," Du's face turned ferocious,"What do you think our champion and king are?……"

Boss Sakaki didn't even wait for Watari to finish speaking. He waved his hand gently, and a storm that was difficult to describe in words swept out. He swept Xiaozhi, Du and others in front of him and rushed out of the Viridian Gym.

After a brief silence, the three major cadres took the lead and knelt down on one knee facing Boss Sakaki with pious and fanatical expressions.

"BOSS, congratulations on receiving God’s favor! Congratulations to you and your partners for your great growth! From today on... Kanto, no, the entire elf world, will completely become the world of our Team Rocket."

"Boss, although you don't take Du in your eyes...but that guy is very powerful. Considering that he may cause huge trouble to our Rockets in the future... I suggest that you issue an order... With the current strength of Team Rocket, it will be easy to solve the problem of Pokémon losing their combat effectiveness."

"That young son of God! It may take away the favor of the Supreme God from you, so I suggest……"

"shut up!"Sakaki suddenly spoke. He stared at Aju and Ma Zhishi who said the next two paragraphs, with coldness and chill in his eyes."If you want to kill Du, I will do it myself! That guy is a hero... Even if he dies, he can only die in my hands."

Ma Zhishi's body trembled, and he knelt down on the ground, his voice trembling,"……Your subordinates have never figured out your thoughts! Please forgive me for making such bad suggestions."

"As for the Son of God," Sakaki said noncommittally after a brief silence,"why do you think he was able to leave?"

Ah Ju realized something and was shocked. What? That's right. As their leader, how could Boss Sakaki not be aware of the danger that the young son of God might bring... So, is all this intentional?

Even , is it possible that what Sakaki said at the end to stimulate the boy was also intentional?!

"For one thing, believers cannot hurt each other! Not to mention that guy's status is so special... so I won't kill him," Boss Sakaki's eyes flickered,"Even if he is in danger, I will save him if possible."

"Secondly," Boss Sakaki put his hands behind his back and said coldly,"I saw the scene just now! Du should have clearly realized the power and sublimity of God."

"He is a smart man, so he will understand that even if he gathers all the champion kings from all regions together... it will still be difficult to defeat me.

Sakaki's expression became incomprehensible,"So, he will let the young god son play his role!" Let the belief in God spread within the Elf Alliance... Only with the help of God's gift can they possibly defeat me.……"

"……The subordinates were puzzled."Ah Ju was even more confused. Doesn't this make the opponent more difficult to deal with?

"Stupid," Boss Sakaki sneered,"Team Rocket will become the Creation Church in the future! We will formally and comprehensively come to the fore... Our lifelong goal will be to help God spread faith! Only in this way can we gain more kindness from God"

"In this case, the spread of belief in God within the Elf Alliance... isn't this more in line with our wishes? No one can refuse the power of that god... As time goes by, the Elf Alliance will only become the second Creation Church!"

"As long as we defeat it, then! We can then devour them naturally... and truly dedicate this world to God." Fanaticism appeared on Sakaki's face.

The three cadres were shocked. The three Team Rockets on the side, as well as the few awake Team Rocket members, also stared at Boss Sakaki with horrified expressions.

Especially Kojiro, he was shocked At the same time, I also smiled bitterly in my heart... Sure enough, it is most correct to let Boss Sakaki spread the belief in God...

The gap between the Rockets trio and Boss Sakaki in all aspects has reached an incredible level... It is no exaggeration to say that they are completely incomparable...

What is even more terrifying is that Sakaki was a conspiracy from the beginning to the end.

He is not afraid that the content of today's chat will be leaked at all!

What if the Elf Alliance knows about it? Is it possible that there will be another conspiracy? Completely block the belief in God? And then be easily crushed by him?!

The so-called conspiracy is that even if you know everything and are unwilling...but under the pressure of reality, you can only take one step at a time Yes, go ahead according to the other party's plan...

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