Spirit world.

Su Han's consciousness still hasn't left the world of Pokémon. He watched the whole process of Boss Sakaki's sexy moves.

"……As expected of him."Su Han was filled with emotion. This is why he chose to appoint Boss Sakaki as the head of the Pokémon world's believers.

Nonsense! If such a powerful person is not appointed, is it possible to appoint Xiaozhi, who is obviously flawed?!

Su Han strongly suspected that Xiaozhi might not be able to expand Su Han's followers to hundreds of thousands or even millions without being stimulated by external reasons. The oracle was given to Zhao Ling'er.

Somewhere in the divine world.

Zhao Ling'er, who was working hard to spread the essence of life and nourish the earth, was stunned for a moment, then surprise appeared on his face, he bowed his hands and said,"I obey God's order.""

Immediately, Zhao Linger stepped out according to the address on the oracle... and then... she saw densely packed sacred beasts and even divine beasts.

"???"Zhao Ling'er was stunned. what happened? Why are there suddenly so many...

Zhao Ling'er looked at the ancient Pokémon that looked like huge mountains one after another, and silently counted their numbers in his heart... and was silently stunned.

Nearly five thousand holy beasts...what is the concept? This is equivalent to more than half the original number of holy beasts in the God Realm.

And... with a crisp sound, Chaomeng suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Ling'er. The aura on it was so terrifying that it even suppressed Zhao Ling'er.

It said excitedly,"I want to see my Father God, please! Take me there"

"?"Zhao Ling'er's eyelids twitched wildly, and after hesitating for a moment, she asked cautiously,"May I ask who your father-god is?"

"Of course it is the supreme God!"Chaomeng's words are conclusive

"!!!"Zhao Ling'er was stunned. groove! How can you talk nonsense? How could a God as perfect as you give birth to a descendant like you?

Moreover, didn’t you just ascend from the lower world?

More importantly, the oracle given to her by God did not say that he had a child at all...

It was not until later that Chaomeng muttered a lot of words that Zhao Ling'er finally understood what this father-god really was. What does it mean. He covered his face, not knowing what expression to show...

A creature born from the world created by God... Can this be called Father God?!

According to this argument, she can also call the priest... Well, but considering the current relationship between the two... Zhao Ling'er still said forget it! It would be too embarrassing to call God the Father and go to God for night counseling.

After persuading him for a while, Zhao Ling'er gave up Chaomeng's idea of ​​meeting Su Han and decided to settle down first.

After all, the oracle asked her to guide these sacred beasts to live there. If she took Chaomeng to heaven, wouldn't it be a violation of the oracle? This is something Zhao Ling'er cannot accept.


Su Han saw the exchange between Chaomeng and Zhao Ling'er and was a little bit dumbfounded.

However, because Chaomeng came to the God Realm, Su Han used his omniscient authority and had a rough understanding of Chaomeng's current situation.

"In terms of pure strength, he is superior to higher gods... In other words, his energy scale has reached the level of gods! The only thing missing is the Great Law... His Great Law is transforming into a god-level superpower law! But it never really transformed successfully"

"Judging from the current situation," Su Han reasoned in his mind for a moment, his eyes brightened,"It can take as long as half a year or as little as one month for Chaomeng to successfully transform! Then become a Hong beast!"

This is the first Hong Beast in Su Han's divine world, and also the first existence comparable to a god...

Maybe his improvement in Su Han's strength will not be very obvious... After all, Su Han is too strong now....

But this matter is of extremely great significance to Su Han

"And, Gardevoir! Very cute indeed. Su Han fell into deep thought,"Speaking of which, in the world of Pokémon... it seems that humans can have children with elves... Uh! Dirty."

Patting his cheek, Su Han's expression returned to calm, and he threw his thoughts into the chat group of all realms.

Pokémon Master:"I suddenly thought of what you said before... If something Things may go bad, then he will eventually become as bad as I imagined! Or even worse.

Ye Hei:"Murphy's Law?" Wait, why do you suddenly feel this way... Could it be that."

Pokémon Master:"Yes, the super villain has already taken my notes and sacrificed them to the gods. And he received immeasurable gifts from God...even God recognized him as the leader of believers in the world.……"

Pokémon Master:"I'm so stupid, really... I only care about Pokémon itself! But I ignore God's love for believers in the world, but I ignore that I don't believe in God. There are many people in this world. If they are willing to believe in God, and after they gain the power of God! They will inevitably wreak havoc in the world...causing immeasurable catastrophe."

Pokémon Master:"This is all my fault! From today on, I will work hard to worship God. Pray, I will work hard to help God spread faith...I want to stop the spread of evil."

Ye Hei:"……"

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

The strongest man’s deputy:"??"

Yao Lao:"???"

Prince Zhu:"Ask me how I feel now... I'm just scared, very scared."

Chen Xiaoyu:"It's okay to be taken away by villains for sacrifice! But then again... can the opportunity for sacrifice be robbed? ( Shivering.jpg)" Gudazi

:"However, sacrifices are just sacrifices! It's just because God favors believers too much, so we think this is an opportunity... Since it is a sacrifice, why are we the only ones who can offer sacrifices? This It makes no sense at all."

Immortal Evil King:"Very good, go back and block the opportunity for sacrifice! Let them report to the official even for large-scale transportation of stones... (Confirmed.jpg)"

Wutian Buddha:"I It's different. I will vigorously promote the spread of sacrifices! Why can we, as believers of God, sacrifice, but ordinary people can't? This is not fair at all."

Ye Hei:"Ah... Actually, I personally think it! The key issue is not who is performing the sacrifice... Isn't the key issue lies in the difficulty of the sacrifice?"

Yao Lao:"What do you mean?!" Ye Hei:"Look, it is written in the sacrifice ceremony... in In the same world, the initial sacrifices to the gods were very casual! However, the conditions for sacrificing again were more stringent each time.……"

Ye Hei:"At the very least, the next sacrifice should be better and more than the last time! Or at the very least, it cannot be worse than the last time... Only in this way can we gain God's favor. If we sacrifice The difference is not that the gods will be angry or impose divine punishments... but that the gods will not react to this."

Ye Hei:"Evil King, you started directly sacrificing so many daughters of destiny... Even if you Sacrifice methods have spread, who can perform sacrifices anymore? Or can the gods cast their gaze upon them during sacrifices?"

Great Qin Zulong:"That's reasonable!"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Actually, I think God has relaxed the conditions for sacrifice, so we can offer more sacrifices...better……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Shut up! Isn't this still the grace of the god in the picture? It's not that I deliberately restricted you from making sacrifices, it's just that the sacrifice will not bring down the grace!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Have you considered, if The conditions are relaxed and everyone sacrifices! No matter what is sacrificed, God will appear... So how many times will God appear? Have you ever considered how tiring God will be like this! No, you have not considered it, you only care about you Myself!"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island said:"Stop scolding... I was wrong! I was dumbfounded by the scolding."

Su Han's expression became extremely subtle. Each sacrifice must not be weaker than the previous one. In fact, it was not decided by him...

After all, the sacrifice ceremony he passed on was directly modified from the official textbook.

Although he had thought about it before, if there were more sacrifices, it would seem better after the increase? But he did not dare to change the teaching materials.

In the final analysis, after revising the teaching materials throughout the ages, there are too many bloody pits... You can't be smart!

The most vivid example is that those few hypnosis believers believe in themselves... No matter how hard you work, there is no power of faith to input for you...

But at this moment, Su Han saw the exchanges in the chat group, and then he suddenly understood why. Such a restriction should be added to the textbook.

Taking him as an example, simply, if there is no restriction on one sacrifice being better than one...there must be a bunch of people offering sacrifices every day...and what kind of cattle or sheep are sacrificed every day...these things will be right after they are multiplied ten thousand times. He is of no use...

He still wants to show off his holiness every day! How troublesome this is... Doesn't this directly turn into a tool god?

In Su Han's education since childhood, transforming into a tool god has always been a taboo among taboos.

This time is better than the last time...more useful to him! It also made him feel much more relaxed

"So why is it the first time that you can sacrifice anything at will, and the textbook also stipulates that believers must be given divine grace that exceeds the value of the sacrifice... By the way," Su Han patted his cheek and smiled bitterly,"Yes. I'm stupid...the first time is actually an investment, and the person who sacrifices for the first time may not be very strong.……"

"This investment can make the chief priest become pious, and it can also make him grow up quickly, and then he can get better things to sacrifice to the gods, and then it will become a positive cycle."

"Sure enough, it is right not to change the teaching materials...the teaching materials have been tempered and improved for countless years! It's not perfect, but at least there aren't any big holes... I patted my head and took it for granted! You will only fall hard and fall into the same pit that your predecessors have fallen into."

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