Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 98 The Second Private City (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

As soon as the news that the soul was killed was sent back, the new human players were shocked.

It wasn't because Ye Xiu killed him in one shot.

It was because the dignified Arrow King wanted to reincarnate as Shura, but he didn't cause any losses to the other party.

This gap is really too big!

Obviously Arrow King's troops~ are already very strong.

But it was completely suppressed by the reincarnation-Sura.

Fucked instead of being a cunt,- this is too embarrassing!

"The most important thing is that the reincarnated Shura has already entered the city! Even if we finish off the defenders, we still have to fight the reincarnated Shura!"

"Before we attacked Tai Luo Cheng, we had already suffered heavy losses. How should we fight when the reincarnated Shura came in his prime?"

"Hey, there is less than one-fifth of my army left. If I am in full strength, I can still participate in the war, what will I do now!"

The scalps of the new human players were numb.

They paid too much for Tai Luo Cheng.

The new human players generally suffered heavy casualties.

If you can capture Tai Luo Cheng, you can get various rewards immediately.

There will also be a large number of new troops.

At that time, the morale will be greatly boosted, and the reincarnated Shura will come over, and the new human players will be like a rainbow, and it is really possible to beat the opponent back.

But now the reincarnated Shura came at the most terrible time.

The new human players generally suffer heavy casualties and feel very tired.

The main reason is that the reincarnated Shura has disrupted the battlefield.

The new human players are fighting with the defenders.

It is difficult to organize an organized army to stop the reincarnated Shura.

"Lord God Emperor, please act! If you don't act, we will be picked by the reincarnated Shura!"

"That's right, this time the matter is serious, please send troops, Lord God Emperor!"

New human players can only pray for other top players.

Because Tai Luo Cheng has a small port, leading to the endless ocean outside the Milky Way continent.

Those who attacked Tai Luo Cheng were mainly Hades and Sea Emperors.

The sea emperor's troops are all sea troops.

Neptune has occupied the port.

However, due to the limited types of his arms, his combat ability on land is limited.

Don't count on him anymore.

Except for Hades Emperor and Sea Emperor, God Emperor and Demon Emperor among the Four Emperors have not attacked yet.

The Demon Emperor is a maverick player.

He was at odds with the Emperor.

The relationship between the two is very bad.

The Demon Emperor hardly participates in the actions of the Human Federation.

The Human Federation will not favor the Demon Emperor's resources.

This time the Demon Emperor will definitely not participate in the battle.

Can only be shot by the emperor.

The God Emperor is still there, and the new human players are unwilling to give up.

"The king of heaven and the king of dragons will fight with me!"

The God Emperor was finally dispatched.

He was attacking a level 4 and fifth-tier building.

If it can be defeated, then he can gain a lot of benefits.

Ketai Luo Cheng is also very important here.

The God Emperor brought out the two most powerful of the Seven Kings.

They all headed towards Tai Luo Cheng!

Ye Xiu felt the change from the expressions of the new human players.

After Ye Xiu destroyed the King of Arrows before, the new human players were depressed and their morale plummeted.

But now Ye Xiu found that the new human players rushed towards Ye Xiu screaming.

This is exactly the same as before trying to stop Ye Xiu from entering the city.

Now the new human players are stalling for time.

Waiting for the emperor and the two kings to bring a large army to kill.

"If things go wrong, there must be a demon! I won't let you do what you want!"

Ye Xiu took the lead in cleaning up the players on the periphery of Tai Luo Cheng, just to prepare for his trump card.

Ye Xiu decisively launched the summoning of the heroic spirits.

During this period of time, he only collected a large number of souls.

Due to his improved efficiency in killing enemies, Ye Xiu has accumulated a full 21W of soul power in this wave.

Summon Heroic Spirits, and more numbers can be summoned!

Ye Xiu once again summoned an army of heroes!

This time, the fifth-order Heroic Spirit chosen by Ye Xiu.

Heroic spirits of this level are the most cost-effective.

Following his call, 21,000 fifth-order heroic spirits appeared beside him.

The number of heroic spirits almost filled the entire Tai Luo Cheng.

"Destroy all enemies in Tai Luo Cheng!"

Ye Xiu issued the order.

The army of heroic spirits immediately rushed to all directions.

There are too many of them, and they are all Tier 5 arms.

It has a comprehensive crushing of low-level arms.

With Ye Xiu's addition, they are like killing gods.

The remaining troops of the players are not as many as the army of heroic spirits.

Ye Xiu brought a large number of powerful legions again.

Ye Xiu will focus on taking care of the masters that the heroic army can't take down.

Thunder Griffons and Royal Gryphons are everywhere in the air to support.

In the future, soldiers will enter various commanding heights in the city and provide fire support to the whole city.

The new human players were killed and retreated steadily!

And Ye Xiu also entered the administrative hall and killed the heroes defending the city!

Ye Xiu's soul power is still rising.

Ye Xiu is also constantly summoning an army of heroic spirits.

Under the charge of the army, the new human players retreated steadily.

Killing the king has a psychological shadow on Ye Xiu.

King Arrow also died at the hands of Ye Xiu.

Killing Wang thought that it was even more impossible for him to assassinate Ye Xiu.

Last time I suffered a loss, this time Killing the King just held back.

In the end, Ye Xiu continued to search and was forced to escape from Tai Luo Cheng.

Underworld Emperor was alone, so he withdrew from Tai Luo Cheng in order to avoid the annihilation of his entire army.

Hades Emperor is not an ordinary new human player.

He can have the current position because of his super strength.

If it is blocked in Tai Luo City by Ye Xiu.

……ask for flowers…

He may be killed, and the most important thing is that his main force may be completely wiped out.

That is the lifeblood of the Underworld Emperor!

In order to protect himself, he also chose to retreat.

On the way that Shenhuang and others rushed over, Ye Xiu took Tai Luo Cheng down!

[Capture level 2 neutral cities and get 20W military merit!]

[Earth has obtained a level 2 neutral city, and can have internal test quotas in advance, and 200,000 Earth player quotas are being issued...】

Another 20W military achievement.

Most importantly, after taking Tai Luocheng, this tier 2 city will belong to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu immediately started repairing the city walls and guard towers.

Earth won another 200,000 beta players.

These are good news.

[The player reincarnated Shura successfully captures a neutral city, activates the land reclamation reward, and rewards a top hidden building. 】

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, and an epic hidden building will be rewarded: the Heroic Soul Monument!】

Better news followed.

This is a huge benefit to Ye Xiu.

Heroic Soul Monument: Epic-level building, within the influence range of the Heroic Soul Monument, the production of resources occupied by one's side + 100%, the output of arms + 200%, the upper limit of building level + 1, the durability of urban buildings increased by 150%, and the effect of invincibility is obtained, and the command power in the city main city + 10 times, heroic soul level +1, quality increased by one level, and all attributes within the influence range of the Yingwei stele increased by 100%.

Additional effects: recruitment of holy souls, immortal war spirits, heroic epics, and immortal heroic souls.

Recruiting Holy Souls: You can recruit Holy Souls of various levels according to the heroic epics created by the immortal battle spirits and heroic souls.

Immortal Battle Spirit: The soldiers of one's own who die within the city can be turned into immortal battle spirits to continue fighting to protect the city. After death, the immortal battle spirit will be resurrected after a period of time according to its rank and quality. The soul of war cannot leave the city for 200 kilometers (combat distance is related to the city level and the number of heroic epics). Number of immortal battle spirits: 0/50000. (The number of heroic epics increases, which can increase the upper limit of the number of immortal war spirits)

Immortal Heroic Soul: After the hero leaves a mark on the Heroic Soul Monument, if the lifespan is exhausted, he will become the heroic soul in the Heroic Soul Monument. The Heroic Soul Monument will not be destroyed, and the heroic soul will be immortal. Quantity related), will not continue to upgrade and grow. Number of heroic souls: 0/100. (The number of heroic epics increases, and the upper limit of the number of heroic souls can be increased)

Heroic Epic: If the Immortal Battle Spirit and the Heroic Soul participate in a battle with more than a thousand heroes, a heroic epic will be cast after winning, and recorded on the Heroic Soul Stele. The more heroic epics, the more heroic steles will be completed.

Remarks: The heroic soul monument is erected to commemorate the heroic soul, and the heroic soul will be immortal!.

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