Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 99 Confronting The Emperor Of War! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

The Heroic Soul Monument is an incomparably tall monument.

It has a total of eight large reliefs of white marble on four sides and sixteen small reliefs.

On the big relief, there are currently no figures appearing.

That is, the Immortal Battle Spirit and Immortal Heroic Soul have not yet appeared.

If there are Immortal Heroic Souls and Immortal Battle Souls in the future, their images will appear on the relief.

The big relief shows the heroic figure of the immortal hero.

The small relief will record the image of the immortal war spirit.

After Ye Xiu saw the effect of the Immortal Heroic Soul, even he became excited.

"Immortal Heroic Soul, won't players be able to use it to survive in the future!"

The effect of Immortal Heroic Soul is invincible.

After the hero left his mark on it.

Even if he is killed and his lifespan is exhausted, he can be resurrected as an immortal heroic soul.

Although the immortal heroic soul will live and die with the heroic soul monument.

But this also gave a lot of heroes a chance to live again "September 17" chance!

As far as Ye Xiu knows.

Just for this opportunity, there will be countless heroes fighting for it!

Before the Galaxy server, there were other servers opened.

The players inside have already experienced repeated battles.

Some of the top players have almost run out of life due to too much fighting.

Lifespan is still difficult to improve.

If you accidentally die twice, you may fall completely.

Players at that level definitely don't want to die completely.

If you tell them that there is a stele of heroic souls, they can be resurrected in another way after death.

Then they will be very excited!

But Ye Xiu also needs to have the ability to protect the monument of heroic souls.

Otherwise, other players may want to take this thing away!

This is a double-edged sword!

But even if you don't use this to attract those top players.

It could also be used to protect some of Earth's super-geniuses.

In the previous life, a hundred flowers bloomed on the earth.

There are still many talented players.

Some of them are super geniuses.

But the dark earth has been targeting earth players.

Those with a little genius among them will be targeted and suppressed by the dark earth.

Many talented players were blocked and killed by the dark earth before they rose up, and their lifespan was exhausted.

Earth players once lamented.

If those super geniuses can grow up, how could the earth end up in such a miserable end.

Ye Xiu used the Heroic Soul Monument to protect those geniuses whose lifespan was running out.

It can also be used to drive them.

For my own life.

They can only be used by Ye Xiu!

This is a huge source of attraction.

Ye Xiu thinks of a lot of super talents to recruit!

"Heroic Soul Monument, it's really useful!"

Ye Xiu felt the power of epic buildings.

This kind of building is not impossible to upgrade, but it has a unique growth method.

The Babel Tower needs to be unlocked continuously.

The Heroic Soul Monument needs to create a heroic epic so that it will remain forever on the Heroic Soul Monument!

"Isn't it just right now that there is such an opportunity!"

Ye Xiu looked out of the city.

The Emperor of God led the army to kill at this moment.

"Reincarnated Shura, you took advantage of the fact that we and the defenders were both wounded and took advantage of Tai Luo Cheng. Your act of picking peaches is disgusting!"

"Today I want to let you know the consequences of provoking the dark earth!"

The God Emperor leads a large number of new human players.

He has a large number of powerful troops under his command.

Ye Xiu remembered that in the previous life, there were players on Earth who analyzed the ability of the God-Emperor.

The God-Emperor never displayed all of his abilities in public.

So how strong the God Emperor is, no one knows.

But the few shots he made rarely let people know how powerful he is.

One of the god emperor's abilities is that he can command certain arms without consuming command power.

For example, at this stage, the God Emperor is in command of the shooter units all over the mountains and plains.

It outnumbered Ye Xiu!

Ye Xiu can say that at this stage, there is no player with higher leadership than him.

After all, Ye Xiu has a 100-fold increase. He has brushed the death tomb twice, and the 100-fold increase has increased his command power by a full 6000 points.

At the same time, he also has master-level leadership skills and several top-level treasures and titles that increase leadership.

In order to have the leadership it has today.

The commanding force of the Emperor should not exceed Ye Xiu.

Even King Wushuang's leadership is not as good as Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu is a hidden archer class again, and the command of the archer unit is halved.

In this case, the God Emperor actually brought more archers than Ye Xiu.

This is totally unreasonable.

Then there is only one explanation.

The God Emperor is in command of the archer units at this moment, so he doesn't need to take command!

This is also consistent with the intelligence detected by the Earth players in the previous life.

In addition, the God Emperor's bonus is not normal.

All the arms under the Emperor's command have a pair of light wings.

People who don't know, thought he bought the wing light effect..

This is the favorite game special effect of middle-aged people.

Just to be cool and domineering!

In fact, this is because the God-Emperor changed his race to Celestial in a certain adventure.

All the troops under his direct command will have this pair of little light wings.

It will even be Daguangyi in the future.

Big wings special effects, no more running!

This light wing is not only good-looking.

It has a percentage bonus to the attributes of the arms.

Currently there is 35% full attribute blessing.

Tier 3 arms can have the combat power of Tier 4 arms.

The Emperor of God is indeed the most powerful enemy Ye Xiu is currently facing.

But Ye Xiu naturally wouldn't back down.

"Old man on the opposite side, this city has been renamed Miracle City now, not Tai Luo Cheng!"

Ye Xiu deliberately provoked the Emperor.

Although the Emperor of God is a handsome old man with a slightly sad face.

But in reality he was only in his early 30s.

At this age, he already holds a high position in the Human Federation.

This shows how powerful he is.

"Reincarnated Shura, such a low-level provocation is meaningless, you took something that doesn't belong to you, spit it all out today.

"Tai Luo Cheng is a city belonging to our Human Federation!"

The emperor is calm.

He was unmoved.

Ye Xiu shook his head: "It's boring, as you know, it's meaningless to play tricks on your lips, and you have to rely on hard power to speak in the end!"

The Emperor of God was not in a hurry to act: "I just hope that you make the right choice, so as not to be in B.2!"

"You are the most talented player I have ever seen, second only to me and the Demon Emperor. If you are willing to surrender to our Human Federation, then you can become the fifth emperor of the Human Federation in the future!"

The Emperor of God can be described as extremely confident.

Even a little arrogant.

Second only to him and the Demon Emperor.

Ye Xiu is still a step behind him psychologically.

Logically speaking, with Ye Xiu's current record.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one player.

But the Emperor is still confident, he will be stronger than Ye Xiu!

The price offered by the Emperor is also very high.

The Fifth Emperor in the Human Federation!

The status will still be above Hades Emperor and Sea Emperor!

If in the previous life, the God Emperor offered this price to other players, countless players would flock to it!

But Ye Xiu is anything but either.

"You're going to recruit me? Do you think I'll succumb to someone weaker than me?".

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