Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 100 Shackles Of Reincarnation! (Sixth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu's words are very direct.

It is clear that the God Emperor is weaker than him!

This is something that no player dares to pat his chest on.

But Ye Xiu also spoke from the bottom of his heart.

He also had the confidence to say that.

"Hahaha, this kid actually said that God is weaker than him! I'm dying of laughter! Where did he get his confidence and courage?"

"It seems that this kid has lost his head because of the consecutive victories. Does he really think that he is invincible?"

"Lord God Emperor offered such a good offer, but he refused stubbornly. He is really asking for his own death!"

"This kid deserves to die, Lord God Emperor, don't be polite to him, let's take Tai Luo Cheng down!"

The new human players cursed wildly.

They were enraged by Ye Xiu's words.

God Emperor originally wanted to recruit Ye Xiu, which made many players have thoughts.

Now Ye Xiu flatly refuses.

It is even said that the god-like emperor in their eyes is not as powerful as Ye Xiu himself.

These words are simply slapping the new human players in the face.

The new human players are naturally very angry.

They wanted to tear Ye Xiu into pieces.

But even so, the new human players did not act rashly.

They are waiting for the Emperor's order. 27 "Lord God Emperor, let's do it!"

Even Hades couldn't help but speak.

He was forced out of Tai Luo Cheng by Ye Xiu, which can be described as a severe humiliation.

Looking at Ye Xiu now, he also really wants to get back on the field.

Facing Ye Xiu alone before, Underworld Emperor was not sure.

But now there is the God Emperor, and there are a large number of new human players.

The Underworld Emperor is not afraid at all!

"Reincarnated Shura, you asked for this."

"Your fate is destined to be extremely miserable!"

The emperor's momentum soared.

He stopped talking to Ye Xiu in a gentle manner.

But suddenly, like a god descending into the world.

He looked down on mortals like a god's mansion.

Ants like Ye Xiu can be easily crushed!

With the change of God Emperor's attitude.

The army of the Human Federation also launched a fierce offensive.

The long-range units under their command have started to bombard indiscriminately!

A large number of attacks fell.

Since Miracle City had already been breached, its walls and sentry towers were completely destroyed.

There is no need to count on the city defense of Miracle City.

Fortunately, after rewarding the Heroic Soul Monument, the city walls and sentry towers are invincible.

Ye Xiu hastened to repair it, at least the enemy would not be able to charge in directly.

"It's started! The Human Federation is going for real this time! Even the legendary God Emperor has been dispatched!"

"The God Emperor is the strongest among the new human players. With the Underworld Emperor and Sea Emperor, this lineup is really luxurious!"

"The reincarnated Shura is doomed now! He provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked! The Emperor Guang Shen can fight against him!"

"Not only the Three Sovereigns, even the Seven Kings are almost here. The Heavenly King and the Dragon King are all top powerhouses!"

"Besides, there are more than a thousand new human players. These are the elite among the elite, and there is only one person in the reincarnated Shura!"

In order to gain prestige and increase the prestige of the Human Federation.

The new human players broadcast live the battle of the Human Federation attacking Miracle City.

The grand scene made countless players excited.

This is a battle of more than a thousand people.

It took a lot of time for the Human Federation to assemble an army.

This is almost the limit of the troops that the Human Federation can use!

With so many players, the army brought in is close to 10W.

Although most of them are Tier 1 and Tier 2 arms.

But also quite amazing.

Ye Xiu's heroic army is only in his early 20s.

The Emperor of God is sure to kill Ye Xiu in this state!

When new human players attack.

The army all over the mountains and plains came to kill.

The scene was extremely shocking.

Most players thought Ye Xiu was dead.

With one enemy?

It is still the case that the Three Sovereigns and Seven Kings are all present.

It's almost impossible!

However, Ye Xiu remained calm in the face of the earth-shattering scene.

He had seen this scene many times in his previous life.

The number of enemies did not exceed his expectations.

"The army of heroic spirits is at the front, fighting back fiercely!"

Ye Xiu took the lead with an army of heroic spirits.

These armies are the best cannon fodder.

This battle is destined to be a war of attrition.

The Emperor of God was not in a hurry to dispatch the most elite combat power of the Three Sovereigns and Seven Kings.

The army of new humans fought against the army of heroic spirits.

Both sides are playing at any cost.

The output is full as soon as it comes.

There are constant losses of arms.

The army of heroic spirits has an advantage in rank and attribute bonuses.

Heroic spirits can single out more than 5 Tier 1 and Tier 2 units.

The new human players advance extremely slowly.

Because Ye Xiu's shooters are doing their best.

"His archery skills should be god-level archery skills. It's really scary! Such a long range, I can't compare myself!"

The God Emperor sits in the rear.

After seeing the performance of Ye Xiu's marksman unit, he immediately made a judgment.

Ye Xiu left the shooters at the end of Miracle City.

Makes enemies' ranged attacks unable to reach them.

But phantom shooter and other arms can attack the enemy wantonly.

Cannon fodder has an army of heroic spirits anyway.

Ye Xiu is not willing to consume the marksman unit.

In this case, the archer unit can still provide fire support for the heroic army.

This is the advantage in range.

Even the God-Emperor couldn't give archers this range.

Ye Xiu's performance made the Emperor pay more attention to it.

"The Arrow King's shooting range is far inferior to his. Before that, the Arrow King was suppressed by his range and then shot to death..."

Underworld Emperor said slowly.

Hades had to admit it.

Before that, he was not sure about fighting the reincarnated 900 Shura.

Only by acknowledging the strength of the enemy will he appear to be not such a waste.

"It's a pity that such a person cannot be used by me. The Demon Emperor is still a member of my Human Federation."

"The reincarnated Shura is an Earth player, destined to be our enemy, so we can only kill him here!"

"Use the shackles of reincarnation, so that he can't escape!"

The Emperor's order was issued.

Naturally someone will execute it.

I saw that the blood earl was ordered to equip the shackles of reincarnation, and then he ignored the distance of thousands of meters, and used the shackles of reincarnation on Ye Xiu!

[You have been shackled by the player Blood Earl, you cannot escape the current battlefield, you cannot be resurrected in other locations, the resurrection point is locked in a nearby city

Ye Xiu received a system prompt.

He was stunned for a moment: "It turns out that the human federation got the shackles of reincarnation a long time ago. This is to drive me to extinction!"

The Human Federation in the previous life used the shackles of reincarnation to besiege and kill many geniuses among the players on Earth.

The Gemini sisters with epic talents were besieged by the Seven Kings with the shackles of reincarnation and died completely.

The future commander who possessed three legendary talents, Shuai Xing from the sky, was besieged and killed in a public city on the earth by the Hades and the Twelve Supremes.

These are living examples.

After being locked by the shackles of reincarnation, there is no way to escape the battlefield.

Will also be locked at a fixed respawn point.

This is blocking the resurrection point to kill!.

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